
Mota3 weeks ago2024-04-06 03:54:22 UTC 7 comments
One of these days I was doing my yearly pilgrimage to the Hazard Course when, for no particular reason, I decided to examine the more overlooked corners of those maps. So I took the HEV suit, went into the next room, and noclipped up to the pipes along the ceiling.
That's when I found this lil' guy:
🐀 #1 - a rat patrols the ledge above the second hologram (t0a0)🐀 #1 - a rat patrols the ledge above the second hologram (t0a0)
I had never seen this rat before. I had never heard any mention of this rat before. Has it always been there?

After this earth-shattering discovery, I realized that, though I knew the Hazard Course was the only place in the game rats could be found, I did not know how many. So I decided it was time to take a rat census.
🐀 #2 - on the pipes before the jumping section (t0a0)🐀 #2 - on the pipes before the jumping section (t0a0)
🐀 #4 - ditto🐀 #4 - ditto
🐀 #3 - target range floor (t0a0b2)🐀 #3 - target range floor (t0a0b2)
🐀 #5 - ditto🐀 #5 - ditto
#3, #4 and #5 eventually gather around the pipe and stay there forever#3, #4 and #5 eventually gather around the pipe and stay there forever
I looked on every nook and cranny I could think of, but didn't find any more, so for now, this should be the definitive answer: there are 5 rats in all of Half-Life.

Why did I do all of this? ...I don't know! I just think it's amazing how it's possible to keep learning new things about this game, even after you think you've seen everything. Now, what I want to know is: did YOU know about 🐀 #1?