
bryce_boi19 years ago2004-08-05 04:29:51 UTC 1 comment
HELLLLLO!... :D im just putting the finnishing touchs into malevolence so its a matter of finding some place to upload the files for my beta testers to get at it... :)
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-16 18:50:36 UTC 0 comments
ok so i've just posted the demo map for the new version of malevolence. :) hope you like it... the final version will be much better but this gives some idea of what you should expect from it. oh and my sister has already produced me a ton of ambient music and im heading to her studio tommorrow so ill check it all out and bring some of it back and possable if its good enough add the new section for it to my web site :)
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-15 03:16:33 UTC 0 comments
NEW HL MUSIC! YEY, my sister just setup her studio so i now have a half-life music composer working exclusivley for me. shes already put me toggether some samples and they are just awsome, (fresh and very atmospheric) so once i get all the finall versions im going to add them to my web site. so people can download them and use them in there own mods, im so going to add my version of spirit with andrew hamiltons WON mp3 support. :)
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-14 04:49:18 UTC 0 comments
hey. again.... ok im now suffering from a hang over.... :S and its all beckhams fuilt, anyway im not really upto much at the momment still trying to get malevolence finnshed but hey it will be released in good time.

anyways i have a date tonight and i mean "HOTDATE" so wish me luck :P
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-13 14:50:49 UTC 0 comments
i dont normally watch football (soccer to the rest of the world) but i always watch the major games when england are playing.. and i cant believe we just lost to the french that totally sucks ass, i hate this country. :( im going to go and get more drunk now....
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-06-06 09:15:26 UTC 0 comments
im just getting sick of some peoples attitudes around here, everyone are just fucking bigots, its not right just saying everyone is wierd just becouse they are differant its just fucking small mindedness. and im basicly getting sick of it and am starting to wonder why i even bother.
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-30 05:59:03 UTC 1 comment
YEY!. my new web site is up, i've added a new news announcment style homepage a shoutbox on the homepage and some other things like a useful links box and quick links. strangley enough it makes the site feel like theres more content than there actally is... anyway drop by and leave me a shout!.

Bye For Now. Matt x
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-27 09:33:19 UTC 0 comments
been having some really major problems with HL malevolence so the project is on hold for a while wilst i carm down from all the stress its coursed me.. lol.. but in the mean time i've been working on a new version of my web site. :)
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-15 08:07:19 UTC 0 comments
ok so now for a real journal entry... i've just started work on the finnal map in single player campagin. im still waiting for the new version of spirit becouse i need some of those new features. so cant really complete my project untill thats realeased.
bryce_boi20 years ago2004-05-14 15:20:32 UTC 0 comments
Hmmm, this is my opening entry in my TWHL journal... well durrrrr. i dont even have a clue what to wright.

maybe people wana know what im upto.

well today i woke up and went to work... :confused: got in late, i dont think my supporvisor was too impressed. but who cares hes a dick anyway.

so for lunch i had a spicy vegatable pasty and a latta from starbucks, although i normally prefer costa i was talking with jenny (my bitch... lol) and so ended up in starbucks.

when i got home my roomie was no were to be found so i sat down and watched some Tv... nothing on as usual :( whats the point in paying for Tv if all they show is repeats of 6 year old episodes of friends and so on. although i did find out that the new BBUK is due to start soon so thats somthing to look forward to. asuming they have some cuties in this year... :) anyway now its 00:15 and i've been sat at the computer all evening. and its a friday too :( but getting a little hungry so i think im going to go cook...

bye for now.