Journal #1967

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 12:50:06 UTC
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
The following is my updated profile at SnarkPit:
I am a thirty-something pediatrician in California. My busy life consists of seeing a lot of patients, playing games, exercising, and spending time with my wife.

I have been a gamer since high school (I graduated from which in 1991). Some of my old favorites include the original Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Doom II, Jedi Knights, Deus Ex, No One Lives Forever 2, Medal of Honor series, and Unreal II.

You may have noticed that all of them are FP shooters. I only tried to play a non-shooter once (Riven), and I was deeply disappointed. I will never venture out of the FPS genre again.

More recently, I have enjoyed beating Far Cry and Half-Life 2. I don't play multiplayer much, so you probably won't find me at the SnarkPit server.

Most of you would be shocked that I have never played the original Half-Life. When it was released in 1998, I was in medical school. I barely had enough time to eat and sleep, much less play games.

I started mapping in September of 2004, with the original Half-Life engine. I have made a few Source maps since, but my mapping career came to a halt recently because my work is taking up most of my time. I am hoping to resume mapping one day.

Besides being a mapper and gamer, I am also a cinephile, a jazz connoussier, a bodybuilder, a runner, a writer, and an avid reader (mostly fiction).


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