Journal #3452

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 14:21:36 UTC
So scratch the thought of me attending the lan tournament. My dad refused to sign the parental consent waiver because of an earlier decision I made to not attend church. So times are really really rough and it seems that my family will only be good to me if I am a part of their religion. Good thing church and state are seperate. So my dad basically told me I don't have a right to my religion. I have to go to church because that is the rules and I can do different when im 18. well im 17 and when march comes around that will be the time. I just feel like my family here is shunning me because I choose not to go to church.

So yea after my horrible phone conversation with my dad I was terribly mad. I punched my door only to bring my grandma yelling at me and trying to make me feel better by telling me I don't have friends. And as soon as I mentioned that ordeal about me choosing to go to church or not thats when she turned on me and walked away from.

So much for the love grandma. All love in this family is based on religion and i absolutely disagree with it. But apparently im bad for disagreeing.
Yes i've gone out of control but their ignorance pisses me off so much that the only thing I can say is the wrong thing. Nothign I do is right for them.

So yea i just emailed my mom telling her how pissed off I am and that I want to go stay with her for my last year of highschool.
Hopefully she responds back.
I need to get away from these people. :tired:


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