Not much to say really...School is alright and my mapping couldn't be better...
EditWhere to begin...
To start with I'll cut this short first of all but I need a good / professional website designer who can design and possibly code me a portfolio website on
Some of you may have seen it and therefore you know it's not the best site in the world...I was hoping a certain man could do it for free but he couldn't so I later offered to pay him but he is ignoring me...Or at least I believe he is since 4 emails in a row and none replied...
I've looked up local designers in my area but they really do suck...
So I'm left to finding someone online...I may pay depending on how good the person is...If it comes out professional then I will definitely pay because I want a really nice (perhaps flash) website.
If you're interested please reply, send a PM or add me on MSN @ - Thanks.