I just watched Michael Moore's "Sicko", and I'm kinda pissed off.
If in the next 5 - 8 years the U.S. doesn't get nationalized health care or a national free college education system, I'm really thinking about moving to the UK.
I mean, we're 60 years behind Great Britain, France, and Canada, and I just don't see how hard it is to get on their level.
I knew we were this far behind, but just seeing this reminder made me think about how bad it was.
Somehow I knew I was born in the wrong country. Too many fucktards here, and it's starting to annoy the fuck out of me.
This is a good development for me, though, because it's just another reason for me to move to the UK. I wanted to do it, anyhow.
I would prefer UK aswell, but Austria is much closer and it's 100x better, than this shithole.
You're just coming to the UK so you can be part of the CrazyWeek system.
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone :3
Free education might be a push, though, as I still don't know if any countries do it other than France (no way in hell am I moving to France).
Any westernized country with some sense looks better than the U.S., right now, anyways.
Somehow when I get around to going to the UK, I don't think CrazyWeek will even exist anymore. And if it does, someone is gonna need a life
Almost all european countries have free education.
In Spain, public education is better than the private one, the private education is made for religious snobs.
The public university is way better than the private. People on the private are there because they haven't got enough mark to go to the public one.
Don't know how is it on USA, but that's how it works here.
Like, I know public schools is just school for basically kids that everyone pays for through taxes, but I want a country that pays for ALL of your education, like at university level.
Of course I won't take advantage of that unless I want to get a PhD in whatever there, as I am only going after I complete college.
I just don't want to be in a country full of morons.
Then there're other kind of studies called FP, that aren't university, I don't know how you call them. It costs 100 ? each year.
high school is certainly not free though... school fees n shit. at least at my school.
2. Some US states do pay for your education (California public Colleges are free and Florida pays your way if you get decent grades... or so i've heard) and/or give you very low interest loans (federal and state) for school.
If you're poor in many states, you get grants (not loans) for Full Education costs + Room & Board.
3. The Netherlands sounds like a cool place to go; you just have to learn Dutch and ask Pepper if he has a spare room to rent. = )
edit x26
What amazes us is that the States is willing to spend over a trillion dollars to blow up a 3rd world country.
Just think what that money could have been used for - you could have rebuilt your entire health care system into a publically funded system, you could pick your own doctor, you could walk into any hospital emergency room and not just the one that belongs to your insurance company, there's not paper work to fill out - you hand them your health card and when your visit or hospital stay it over you just walk out and don't have to worry about anything.
Just think aboout it - it's a more effecient service, you would end up pumping millions of dollars into the US economy, you would actually become a more healthy nation instead of a cost saving / liability item on some insurance companies income statement. The healthcare industry in Canada is a huge injection of cash in the economy here - thousands are employed in it. In Toronto, where I live, we have a huge hospital- SunnyBrook- (one of serveral) - it's the largest in Canada and they have serval specialty areas - Cancer, heart, emergency helicopter trauma unit, etc.
Think about it this way:
You NEED health care, PROPER health care. You DESERVE proper health care. You and your family is ENTITLED proper healthcare.
Health Insurance Companies EARN their profits by NOT PROVIDING it and want to take away the above from you - if they could charge you and never pay anything - they would be absolutely happy.
We don't understand how your doctor's can morally say to someone - I have the cure, I can fix you up and make you better - but unfortunately - you don't have insurance. I'm sorry.
18,000 people a year die in the States because of no health care, you have the highest infant mortality rates in the western world because of no health care and one of the highest obesity rates in the world.
Tell your politicians to fix the problem - YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT, OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE and BY THE PEOPLE - not the people for the profit of the insurance company.
that's my 2 cents - lol
p.s. you can also do it more cost effectively than us because you are a smaller country with a larger population base - our country is huge and some health centers (i.e. a village or location that provides halthcare) can be 8 hours away by car - I'm not kidding in some places you can drive for 6 hours straight and not see a sinlge car - no one lives there eitherso there's no help - it's complete wilderness which is another reason the government funnded program works - no insurance company would fund a hospital or clinc that has a population base of 280 or less like some of out villages do - but they do have free medical clinics.
I don't think there is a country on this planet not full of morons