Journal #5820

Posted 15 years ago2009-05-26 11:15:23 UTC
So, my 8800GTS has died on me.. 2 years now since that day we met.

Fortunately the shop i bought it from gives a 3 year warranty, so they gave me a videocard with the same price as the 8800 was new.

I present to you this:
User posted image
User posted image
Yes its actually alive!


Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 12:04:16 UTC Comment #35169
Excellent. Now you can play those ever so awesome flight sims with more POWER!
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 12:05:59 UTC Comment #35171
Wow! That's good service.

It's refreshing when companies actually back up their warranty claims.

Did you have to send back the broken 8800 to prove that it's broken? How did it die?

My old 9800 Pro started having cooling fan problem, but I think it's out of warranty. It's been more than four years since I bought it.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 12:12:16 UTC Comment #35162
The service always has been good at mycom, i buy a lot of stuff there. They have won serval consumer awards, and with reason.

I came there with the card and said i think something was wrong with it, the guy handling(whom turned out to be a old colleague!) put it in a computer, installed testing software and let it run. 75 memory errors and the test wasnt even finishd.

conclusion: broken.

So i said, send it to the factory and see what they can do with it? He said no, we dont do that, you get a replacement card with the same value as the original was when bought. So he checked the store supply, and showed me this one, he said it was the best one money could get right now, the Nvidia one would have to get ordered. They kept the card and a copy of all the paperwork.

This kind of service is a reason i buy my stuff there, best thing is, i thought i had a 2 year warranty, turned out to be 3!

Satch, i think you can get a pretty nice replacement card for the 9800 nowadays for not so much. Although it is a very good model, shame to see those go..
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 12:55:49 UTC Comment #35175
Man, with that top-of-the-line card, I bet you can play ANY GAME at full, all eye candy turned on at maximum frame rate! It looks kinda thick on the side, is it one of those dual GPU cards? Anyway, I'm jealous, I want one of those....
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 13:23:51 UTC Comment #35163
Yup, probably. Just tried Age of Chivalry, with all the eye candy on(im in a clan) and it never went below 50FPS. havent tested it out in the more bugged maps that suck up most peoples framerate.

It indeed has 2 GPU cores, crossfire is onboard, 2 fans. and 4 exits. It has 2 cable's running up to the power supply. With 2 GB on video memory, loading textures takes about no time.. Im happy!

@ habboi, indeed! FSX here i come! Although note that this is my fathers computer in the photograph, i have a much more kickass joystick called the X-52.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 16:34:33 UTC Comment #35168
What a beast. Does it fly as well? :P
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 16:38:34 UTC Comment #35164
I believe it tried, the computers is a tad bit lighter to move now!
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 16:57:14 UTC Comment #35173
My 8800 died a while ago too :(
Replaced it with a GTX 275
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 16:59:19 UTC Comment #35165
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 18:01:59 UTC Comment #35170
I don't like the sound of all this. Surely the 8800 series has a good life span :S Guess I'll find out.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-26 19:04:30 UTC Comment #35176
Nice. Warranties actually come in handy sometimes.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-27 01:19:13 UTC Comment #35174
no you got ati NO NO NO = (

take it back now and get a sweet nvidia card like pb... = )
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-27 15:57:48 UTC Comment #35166
Nah i wont CT, ATI gets a go this time in my rig, although i usually do use Nvidia.
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-28 05:57:11 UTC Comment #35172
Woah What shop did you buy that from? That's a deal and a half. I love age of chivalry. Footmen all the way :)
Commented 15 years ago2009-05-28 13:39:00 UTC Comment #35167 Pretty good service!

AoC... What can i say, everyone in my clan thinks they should roll back to the previous version. Even the beta testers think so. I dont get as much fun out of it as i used to. i was pretty good as a man at arms with another mate, we could fend of the enemy team for as long as we wished. Nowadays, im more into archery, reporting activity and softening up the targets so the knights and footman can finish them off.

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