I had the most craziest dream ever last night!
I dreamed that Valve announced a sequel to L4D, of course this would be stupid since L4D has only been out for about 6 months... But with the announcement they posted gameplay clips too, and it looked terrible! You could set zombies on fire pretty much using the igniter tool from Garry's Mod but with a gun model. But it didn't stop there!
It got even more strange and completly random when the whole dream was set somewhere in southern America, the accents were INCREDIBLY annoying and you could basically see the inbred irradiating off all of it.
I woke up in a sweat and screaming! Eventually I calmed myself down and realised it was all just a dream, Valve wouldn't take the path of EA and make some adjustments then slap a "2" on it for what appears to be the need for money.
Imagine that! A bunch of redneck's running around setting zombies on fire with bullets, it doesn't start a meere flame, BUT CAUSES THE ZOMBIE TO BURST INTO A WILD BLAZE. And whilst all of this is going on, they're all wearing ridiculous clothes which wouldn't fit with a L4D theme.
Well, thank God it was all just a dream.
... Wait a minute.