Journal #5868

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-12 06:33:37 UTC
Last proper day of School. I have the weekend to study, two exams Monday, and I'm free. (The other two classes from this semester had a sumitive project and two-booklet exam in class, respectively.)
Can't wait until I can spend all day every day mapping.


Commented 15 years ago2009-06-12 07:37:37 UTC Comment #60334
You're one lucky guy. I have 10 hours of my day devoted to my job (It pays well and i like it, but that's 10 hours i can't map) I'm stuck with about 6 hours free time after work, and most of that has been devoted to organizing and cleaning since i'm still not 100% moved in yet.

Slow Progress is Slooowwww.

Anywho. Good luck on your exams!
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-12 07:49:29 UTC Comment #60335
I have 4 exams over the next two weeks and then...
one month off. Then it all starts again! Yay!
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-12 13:04:07 UTC Comment #60336
I had my german and DCG exams today. I did better than I thought I would in german, but worse than I thought I would in DCG. And I'm supposed to be King of DCG! Quite frankly it's embarassing.

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