Journal #5924

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-01 13:51:05 UTC
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
This is your 4000th login


And i just had a thought.
To upload a bunch of my unfinished maps with weapons and enemies and no storyline, but when you get to the end of one, you teleport to another..
Take all my unfinished / experiment maps, and make a stupid little mod out of them.

Of course i'll polish them a bit and add SOME detail and lighting elements, and i'll make the stop point just.. wierd.

Idk could make for an interesting mod? No?
Tetsu0's Castle

What do you think?
User posted image
This was the first compile.
I still need to fix the draw distanc..
Then add in all the rooms.
I'm having trouble finding my graveyard maps... i might have purged them.
Tell you what.

Send me a graveyard map and i'll throw it in there. Credit goes to author.

The mario picture - world teleport will be your avatar.

So give me a 128x128 vers of that too.


Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 15:40:08 UTC Comment #48840
Here's an idea: make an art gallery. Every painting represents one of your maps. When you move close to a painting you are teleported to that map. This has probably been done before, but whatever.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 15:49:56 UTC Comment #48832
I Like it.
Almost like the Mario Castle
I'll call it: Tetsu0's Castle.
Make it a direct Rip-off, why the hell not.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 15:54:46 UTC Comment #48838
Sounds pretty much like the concept of Quake. That worked.

Perhaps put those maps together - as some sort of episode - which are somewhat similar. But that depends on how many maps you have, if it even makes sense to split them in separate episodes/chapters.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 16:03:34 UTC Comment #48839
In fact, make them have to jump through the picture. Just make sure there is a big sign or something up front telling them to jump through it...
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 17:27:25 UTC Comment #48833
Yeah. Sounds like a plan to me..
Now to raid my old hard drive and start skyboxing!
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 19:05:05 UTC Comment #48841
Super Tetsu0 64-bit?
Collect all the TWHL logos in each stage to save princess [insert Tetsu0's girlfriend's name here]
Sounds like an original idea to me! ;)
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 19:34:39 UTC Comment #48834
That'd Be princess courtney, and she aint no princess.
Idk i might just do that. lmao
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 21:40:26 UTC Comment #48828
Neat idea, I know I have a lot of 'graveyard' maps (Source though, unfortunately) that should be put to rest somewhere. :P
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 21:55:59 UTC Comment #48842
Lol. how long did it take you to toss that castle together?
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 22:23:49 UTC Comment #48835
took me 35 minutes. Including mapping, compile, screenshot, and creating the website page.
And strider, i don't see why we can't do this for source.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 22:40:41 UTC Comment #48829
Well, I could... but chances are it'd just be another doomed TWHL Source project.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-01 23:21:53 UTC Comment #48836
maybe we can throw the whole failed project into the next project lmao.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-02 02:59:42 UTC Comment #48830
Haha, and then give up on that, and do the same. An endless cycle of failed projects.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-02 19:18:25 UTC Comment #48843
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-02 19:21:11 UTC Comment #48831
Dear Tetsu0,
Please come to the
Castle. I've baked
a cake for you.
Yours truly--
Princess Toadstool
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-02 21:04:31 UTC Comment #48844
PS: If you dump Courtney, There'll be more than just cake... Mario's out for the week.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-02 21:15:56 UTC Comment #48837
Mmmmmmm peaches....
In retrospect. That's disgusting.
Anyway - Inside
Fixed Outside

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