I don't know how many of you here are Xbox360 or PS3 owners, but I am sure some of you are. Now, I am sure all of you know that both console camps have their share of the good'ol fanboys. Among those loyal fanboys, there is a select group of rabid Sony and Microsoft followers that just have no life at all and make it a mission of their worthless lives to engage in a constant battle of venom spewing against the other console owners. Just take a stroll through GameTrailers.com's forum boards and you will see what I mean.
To make matters worst, among the elite of the most hate filled fanboys, has risen a super fanboy with a cult leader status, and he has made his home at YouTube. Some of you might know him, he goes by the name "ELPRESADOR", and the name of his YouTube organization is "The Trey Brother Hood". This guy is unbelievable, if you are one of the lucky people who have not seen this clown talk, well you have to see him to believe it. To make a long story short, this ELPRESADOR goofball is the ultimate PS3 hyper fanboy that goes out of his way to preach Xbox360 hate on his YouTube channel.
Here's a link to one of his 60 anti-Xbox360 videos:
I'm a "PS3 guy" much more than a "360 guy", but Killzone 2 is awful. It's generic genericness with a side of extra generic.
Fanboys make me laugh.
Edit: It's sarcastic, damn. I have no sound at work, that's my excuse. >_>
Laughed my ass off.
I play a few games on it, I guess. Like Uncharted, and RE5.
Old school rules!
Downl... ahem acquiring it.
And that hertzog game... never really played it because the AI was impossible and my brother hated it.
As for it's AI, I wont go as far as saying it was impossible, after all I did finished the single player campaign all the way through several times, but I will say the game was not easy to beat, the difficulty settings were kind of high, the game's AI is very aggressive. But that's not an issue with the two player mode, since the two player split screen mode is what it's really all about with this game.
It's sort of like with the N64's Golden Eye game, sure it had a great single player campaign made, but what really made Golden Eye stand out was it's four player split screen mode, and that was just way too fun. Well, the same deal with Herzog Zwei, it's all about the multi-player mode.
Setting up teams, and paintball mode.. weapons..
wonderful fun.