Journal #6298

Posted 14 years ago2009-12-27 10:52:28 UTC
So, didn't get any games or consoles, ect, but I did get some useful stuff, and some cash. My parents said they'd contribute about $250 or so to the computer when I start buying stuff, and my bro has been helping find parts for me.

On a more mapping-related note, I've been doing mostly source, and aside from having to redo some sections of cliff walls 2-5 times, it's been pretty good.
I will probably still finish Colony 42, or at least release the source if I can't go back to Goldsource after this, but it's on hold until Urby sends me the scientist lines I gave him. I realize he's a busy man, though, so I'll just stick to source for a while.


Commented 14 years ago2009-12-27 16:01:18 UTC Comment #60527
Source is the source of all evil, the Pandora's box of video game engines. Go back to GoldSrc or begone.
Commented 14 years ago2009-12-27 20:08:14 UTC Comment #60528
No, you're thinking of the Crytech engine.

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