Journal #6612

Posted 14 years ago2010-06-23 18:53:44 UTC
JeffMOD was in an earthquake.
So, while I was practicing using the GECK, (Fallout 3's level editor) Everything started shaking. Now, occasionally I do this involuntarily, but it wasn't just a twitch in my leg or something similar, it was... everything. The monitor, the desk, you name it. After it stopped, I saved, turned off the computer just to be safe, and went out to ask my mom if she felt it. Well, she didn't but my father did. I mentioned how it may have been an earthquake- after all, they're always happening, they just usually aren't at a magnitude that we can feel. A while later, my dad came in and told me that my grandmother (who lives next door in an attached house/apartment) received a phone call from someone in the town asking if she had felt it. The news tonight confirmed it again.
It wasn't as severe here as the article describes, but it is pretty cool to have experienced it.


Commented 14 years ago2010-06-23 19:16:44 UTC Comment #60624
"my grandmother (...) revived a phone call from in the town asking if she had felt it."

Huh? I think you something there.

I've never ever experienced an earthquake of any magnitude. Not even when it was in the news that one had hit so far away but it was so terrible that it was felt here too. I keep wondering where the hell am I when those things happen.

You should have been playing Jenga :P
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-24 05:06:05 UTC Comment #60621
Thats what you get for living too close to the tectonic plates :>
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-24 05:18:43 UTC Comment #60622
Hah, I feel lucky with disasters like this(ok, besides floods... :P). We have an earthquake epicenter located somewhere in the eastern-center part of my country. It's near the Carpathian mountains.
This epicenter produces small(perhaps max 4 on the Richter scale) earthquakes frequently- I never feel them because I'm on the other side of the mountains, north-west. But that's only about 30-40% of the country that is safe from these earthquakes...
Scientists say that this epicenter produces BIG earthquakes at an interval of 30-40 years. Like the one from 1977 that destroyed a lot of Bucharest...
2010-1977=33 years. Imminent...
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-24 08:54:42 UTC Comment #60623
Stu: Fixed. :P Damn Firefox spell check didn't get the right word.
Skals: I live nowhere near a tectonic plate - I live in Ontario, away from the edges of the continent.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-24 22:50:58 UTC Comment #60625
I don't trust spell checkers. Only I am good enough at proofreading what I just typed. I think it also didn't notice you missed the word "someone" too :P

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