Journal #6841

Posted 13 years ago2010-10-23 02:08:03 UTC
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
To those of you who haven't been so lucky to be blessed with fallout: new vegas yet, here's my first impressions review (I've been playing for 6 hours total but still that's only a scratch into the game.)

I'll try not to make it long... Basically over all, fallout new vegas is the same old fallout 3 game but with many little improvements to all aspects of it. The one improvement I find the best is the Hardcore mode, It doesn't really live up to the name since I'm finding it easy even when playing the game on hard, but it adds a much more realistic feel to the game. Basically with this mode on, you are forced to eat food, drink, and sleep or you die. Which is actually good, since you are actually using all the food and water you can find, unlike in fallout 3 where it was just a waste of bag space. Repairing has also been improved to allow you to recycle old ammo and create new ammo, and there is a new skill called survivalism which allows you to create food and increases its benefits.
The monsters ai is also so much smarter now, the wild animals actually team up in packs and try to stalk you, if they get low on hp they run off to nearby friends and call them to attack you too.
So far I am loving the game, If you enjoyed fallout 3 this is a must get, because it is not only better but it also has a completely new story and environment.

Oh and also, There is this new dodgy perk you can choose at the beginning, you should get it :> (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it).

As for myself, I'm going on a holiday for a week now, cya guys!


Commented 13 years ago2010-10-23 09:24:16 UTC Comment #55180
lol sweet
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-23 20:13:27 UTC Comment #55179
God it's good. Hardcore mode was a great addition.

I fraps'd a quick video of one of my favourite additions :)

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