Journal #7036

Posted 14 years ago2011-02-12 08:00:06 UTC
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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Nissin Chinese Noodles, The new bane of my existence...
These "ramen" style meals offer a triple threat:

1. They are delicious(especially if you add some real chicken, green tabasco, and soy sauce)
2. They are dirt cheap, about $1 per package, plus even less if they're on sale.
3. Each serving proviedes roughly 1 million carbs.

If i keep buying/consuming these noodles, i'll be fatter than Jabba the Hutt by month's end.
I guess it doesn't really matter, since every type of food i like is high in carbs, but these are so cheap and good, it makes it really hard to not eat about 20 boxes a day...



Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 08:50:02 UTC Comment #55760
Bring me noodles and the Wookie. Ho ho ho.

Hides in shame
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 09:27:14 UTC Comment #55764
If will ever move to America, accommodating to American eating style would be the hardest to me. I am used to more natural foods, and meals made at home.
No wonder America is fat.
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 09:27:38 UTC Comment #55761
ChOw! xD I like noodles like this, but I prefer the Russian ones. The most delicious things to be made in only 3 minutes by simply applying some water to :P.
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 10:23:52 UTC Comment #55765
Not all Americans are fat. I think this is a really nasty stereotype that gets propagated unfairly. If you live in the South East then, yes, there are alot of people who are overweight. This is a generational thing where people used to HAVE to eat more calories because they WORKED and needed it. With farming becoming less popular in the states people get "fat" because they are eating the same but not working the same. And this also get transferred from generation to generation. Fat parents, fat children.

They are stereotypes for the whole

I am sure this does not apply to the whole of Romania....just as the fat thing does not apply to ALL of America.

And I wouldn't pay 1.00 a piece for some noodles that are the same as the ones that I can get 10 for 1.00. Noodles are noodles, you noodle. lol

(and I am just playing...don't be mad)
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 10:42:20 UTC Comment #55763
no wai! you're missing the premium vegetable and the flavor enhancer packages! Trust me, they are way more edible than the original ramen...


i haven't tried the original ramen in YEARS tho... maybe i'll pick up some to re-live the magic!
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 11:00:51 UTC Comment #55766
Oh, Ramen has the flavor enhancer packets too, lol. I don't ever use those anyways. I usually just find something else to flavor it with.

I have had strep-throat for the last week so I have been eating chicken soup!
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 11:34:53 UTC Comment #55762
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 15:31:40 UTC Comment #55767
I know a guy so big that whenever he needs a MRI he has to get it at the zoo, because he doesn't fit in the human-sized machines in hospitals. >_>

Still it took him more than a few boxes of ramen. It cost him several decades of everything he could whenever he could. Plus other vices like smoking. Everyone that knows him is surprised he's still alive.
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-12 17:43:18 UTC Comment #55759
Strider just made my day with that post.

Nissin Chow Mein is something God himself sent down from the heavens.
Also, Ramen. Oh god, plain-Jane Ramen. Shoot me, inject me with poison, if I ever have to resort to that budget garbage again.

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