Journal #7048

Posted 13 years ago2011-02-16 12:42:34 UTC
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
There was a crazy preacher guy on my train today. I think he was one of those crazy black Christians that want to exterminate white people? He was randomly shouting at every white person in the train, and then he started shouting at me, I have no idea what he was talking about, the only bit that I understood was "sex toys"? He was coming closer and closer to me and shouting at me randomly, but the train stopped at a station, and some like 70 year old man tried to get off, but the preacher was blocking the way (he was facing towards me and the older man was behind him asking him to let him pass). The man behind the preacher was constantly touching him and asking him to let him pass, and then the preacher just randomly shouted "THE MAN BEHIND ME SHOULD STOP TOUCHING ME" or something like that, and then he just flipped out, turned around, and pushed / threw the older man onto the floor, shouted, and angrily walked out of the train. D: The older man was okay but I didn't really want to say anything to the preacher, cause he had so much golden christian bling all across him, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a gun in there as well.


Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 12:51:47 UTC Comment #55226
what the crap
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 13:02:43 UTC Comment #55217
People like that ought to be thrown into a cell, or a mental hostpital.
Luckely not all christians are like that, yet.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 14:23:06 UTC Comment #55224
I'd have called the police. If there's anything they can do, is deal with these people. And lock them in a cell for a few days until they calm down.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 14:30:14 UTC Comment #55216
I tend to have more bus-crazies than train-crazies, but I've had similar experiences. Don't feel bad for not getting involved - you could have been hurt.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 14:36:42 UTC Comment #55218
I lived next to a mental hospital. You'd think the crazies would stay clear from the area, but oh no. I've seen every kind of crazy there is.
People who talk to you as if they had known you for decades, people who randomly bursts into song, people who run around on the bus and swing around the poles as if they were Tarzan, crazy people with sticks, crazy people with knifes, you name it. No crazy people with guns so far tho. Lucky me.
And when they shut the place down it was as if they let everyone out, because for a while there were crazy people running around all over the block.
It's a bit calmer now tho, 2 years later.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 15:04:46 UTC Comment #55220
Madcow lives in crazy town, hence the name madcow.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 15:07:55 UTC Comment #55227
People who talk to you as if they had known you for decades, people who randomly bursts into song, people who run around on the bus and swing around the poles as if they were Tarzan, crazy people with sticks
Sounds like me.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 15:39:23 UTC Comment #55221
christ that's nuts glad no one was hurt!
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 15:48:52 UTC Comment #55223
This guy reminds me of a character in GTA4. It's the one always talking near your 2nd appartment( the one where you move after the first one being burned).

Also, I had a scarry encounter with a mental ill women once. She wasn't really scarry, but it was late and I was alone in a train station waiting for the train when she came at me and starting to be sad( I expected her to cry). She called me names and was desperately trying to make me remember her, and she wanted to kiss me. I was at the point of freaking out when she told me that, and when she approached me I had to push her off, in the same time feeling the smell of a 1 year old sandwich coming from her breath.

I don't know man, I felt compassion(she must have lost her son or something) but disgust in the same time.

I also visited a hospital with crazy people several times. It's like prison, with cigarettes and coffee being the main activity of those people, only it's worse. Strange smells and sad faces watching you.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 20:27:47 UTC Comment #55214
This guy reminds me of a character in GTA4. It's the one always talking near your 2nd appartment( the one where you move after the first one being burned).
I shot that guy several times. >_<

In all seriousness though, mental health issues are deeply troubling and very sad to hear about.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 23:15:02 UTC Comment #55225
It's not that they let everyone out when they shut down, it's that all those that were let out long ago and usually come back to visit still come back to visit (but find the place closed and stay outside instead of going in).
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-17 13:17:27 UTC Comment #55222
This would never happen on a train in texas...
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-18 01:40:59 UTC Comment #55219
In the U.S. at least, public transportation pretty much attracts two kinds of people: those too unfortunate to have a car looking to get from place to place quickly, and those who are mentally incapable of driving themselves anywhere or behaving like regular people.

It wouldn't really be a stereotype to categorize 50% of bus riders as smelly, awkward, obnoxious, or generally weird people. I guess they're mostly old too, so that's something.

On my trip to Germany and France, everybody on the trains was really average, probably because there it's a normal mode of transportation. Here, you definitely get your fare share of people you don't want to end up sitting next to.

Basically, public transportation sucks. When I go somewhere, I don't want to have to wonder what kind of drugs are running through the bloodstream of the guy sitting next to me.
Commented 13 years ago2011-06-20 00:47:35 UTC Comment #55215
Wow, forget taking the bus to school, i'll continue to drive in the traffic.

I would have reacted when the man pushed the older man.

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