Journal #7083

Posted 13 years ago2011-03-05 06:33:44 UTC
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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Air Duster saved my life! (well, endust electronics did..)

Was having severe overheating problems with my gfx card. It would idle at 60-65C, and run +100C on some games at max settings(i think i saw it go up to 130 once).

Because of this, i underclocked my nvidia 9800 to the lowest settings, and that worked for a while, but eventually, the temps went back up to amazing heights.

I was about to stop gaming(even CSS would run temps of 95C) just because i didn't want to blow up my machine, until i read an article about airdusting your laptop fans. (blowing the intake and exhaust side while the fan is running)

I tried it, and IMMEDIATELY, my gpu temps dropped to 35C resting temperature, and 60C Load temperature, MAX on any game. (i can play SCII on max everything now, and gpu temps never exceed 60C)

I was able to set my gpu clock speeds back to stock, and again, temps never run above 60C whilst gaming when my card USED TO HAVE RESTING TEMP of +60C!

So. Happy.



Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 13:18:34 UTC Comment #55772
I don't know why people throw money on this shit when you could easily use your vacuum.
I've always used the vacuum to dust my computer(it's even better if you have a vacuum which works in reverse).
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 16:46:11 UTC Comment #55777
You can't compare the air pressure out of a pressurized can with that of a vacuum cleaner.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 16:48:46 UTC Comment #55768
Vacuums are pretty dangerous around electonics. You don't want to suck something off your board.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 17:46:53 UTC Comment #55773
Air cans are a waste of resources.
I admit the vacuum can be dangerous Luke, but I've been using this method for years without something bad happening.
And DiscoStu, you can't compare the economy of money and time of using a vacuum in reverse(if it has that feature) with that of a pressurized can.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 17:54:47 UTC Comment #55778
I've never encountered a vacuum with reverse feature.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 18:07:29 UTC Comment #55774
Oh and if you happen to have a yard, you'd probably own a leaves blower. That's the fastest way you can clean the dust :).
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 21:24:37 UTC Comment #55770
Or you could spend ten bucks on an air can that lasts ages and is useful for other stuff too. Sure as hell I'm not going to dust my computer with a fucking leaf blower.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-05 22:28:14 UTC Comment #55776
I clean the insides of my computer with a vacuum cleaner every year or so. It's fairly effective.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-06 00:30:48 UTC Comment #55771
I wouldn't have a problem with vacuum, except id have to take my whole laptop apart to physically get to the fans ant heatsink... NO THANKS, I'll spend $5 on airduster and be done with the whole job in under 10 seconds...


Commented 13 years ago2011-03-06 00:47:33 UTC Comment #55769
if a vacuum can overcome the solder joints of an electronics board. it's a REALLY bad part and it probably wasn't working properly anyway.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-06 07:57:35 UTC Comment #55775
Oh, I didn't know you had a laptop. In that case, yes, don't use a vacuum.

Tetsu0, when vacuuming the computer it's absolutely obvious that you shouldn't stick the vacuum to the PCBs. If you don't do that, there's no danger. Also, you can use the brush adaptor.

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