Journal #7788

Posted 12 years ago2012-05-11 09:36:30 UTC
While we're on a dream journal binge...I'd like to stop mine. I wouldn't go as far as to say they're nightmares, but they're not pleasant either, and they keep waking me up. Been having them for about a business week now. They all have to do with things falling out of my control, going too fast, people moving on while I'm left behind. Most of them end up having to do with my friends.

I think it's anxiety from the fact that we'll be graduating soon, and most of them will go to university while I'm doing an extra semester next year. Things are going to get mighty quiet in my social life, and honestly, I think even with the friends who are staying to do what I'm doing, I'll be pretty lonely.
I don't want them to leave me behind, and it's making me lose sleep. :(


Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 10:02:03 UTC Comment #60929
Cheer up, this will probably only be temporary. And you can use the time to work on hobbies and stuff, it's not all bad.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 11:09:26 UTC Comment #60928
When I went to college, I only kept in touch with 2, maybe 3 people from high school, none of them were among my "best friends."

Then once I finished college, I'd lost touch with them completely, made new friends. Since then of course, I have now lost touch with them too, save one who until recently I worked with, and have made more new friends at work.

The thing is, going from education to working life, you will lose touch with most people you have met, it's all just part of growing up. When you get into a serious relation ship you have even less time for friends.

The only person I have really maintained contact with over the years is Archie, who I met online!

This could just be me of course. The way I see it, life is all about moving forward, and leaving certain people behind is an unfortunate part of that. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Just enjoy it while it lasts.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-11 11:23:06 UTC Comment #60930
Interesting. I'm finishing high school soon too, and exams await me. I'm a bit scared of course, and it's curious that I haven't had nightmares yet.
I am crushed, though, by the thoughts and nostalgia that are being brought up to me when I look at younger colleagues and friends.
They look like birds in the sky to me, they don't feel the burden of life. My way of calming me down is to think that they too will pass through these years, as others have, and I was too a child once... it's just my turn now. So cheer up! :)

Urby, it's interesting that I met one of my best friends online too, here on TWHL :).
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-12 03:47:26 UTC Comment #60931
Is it me?


Don't panic, Jeff. You're not left behind. But I know how you feel. I wish I could say more to make you feel better, but I can't think of anything right now.

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