Journal #7820

Posted 12 years ago2012-06-01 08:42:40 UTC
EDIT 2: So the power went off yesterday, just tried it again and its working now. Hammer is worse than a spoiled child I tell you!

EDIT: The entire Source SDK, forgot to mention that. Also tried verifying ingegrity and it all checked out.

ORIGINAL POST: This probably isn't for a journal, but fuck it, I'm tired and I just wanna map something.

Hammer is no longer working for me, it gets stuck at the 'Hammer' on-screen logo. Is it broken or is it just me?


Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 08:47:36 UTC Comment #53675
Which SDK?
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 12:22:20 UTC Comment #53676

If this is for goldsource, try making a new install of hammer 3.x to a seperate directory or even a usb drive, as it should run fine portable, and see if it opens that way.

If this is for source, the only thing i know to try is to verify the integrity of the tool cache, and also from the sdk maneu, try reseting game configurations.

sorry for your trouble hope you get it sorted quicksmart! :(
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-01 14:25:06 UTC Comment #53677
Remove all registry values from yo registry and try again.


As in Registry values for Hammer, dont touch anything else, lol.

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