Another Brain Surgery?

Posted 5 years ago2019-03-20 09:42:03 UTC
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
So my wife may need to have another scary brain surgery. Honestly I’m rather freaked about things. This is what she had written on Facebook because it best describes what’s going on.
Hi Friends.
I’d like to tell you all where I’ve been and why.
(May be a bit long, so the short version:
I’m having a cranial angiogram tomorrow at Tampa General to see what this neurological anomaly is (vascular brain stuff))
This is why I haven’t been out and about much.
Cute animal pics, love, light, etc are all welcome. This is gonna be hard ☹️

Long version:
Last year I started having some odd neurological occurrences. So we got with a neurologist and he ordered the MRI and MRA done.
We got the results in November, that there was some stuff going on vascularly in the same area that I had the AVM removed from back in 2010.
They could not definitively say what it is, hence just calling it the “anomaly”.
I was instructed to go back to Tampa General where I had the 2010 surgeries and talk to them. My surgeon from 2010 has moved to Colorado, so I was assigned to a new dr (a process that took from November to February to get an appt. specialists 🙄)
Anyway, met my new dr, who’s very nice and whom I trust.
So all this time we’ve been just sort of waiting for this test to figure out what’s even going on. (6 months)
We finally got the call on Friday of last week to schedule this procedure for Wednesday.

The angio itself should only take about an hour to an hour and a half, then about a 4 hour recovery, then I should be able to come back home.
Ben/my mom/Dave will have my phone etc.

There’s more, but it’s more about my feelings concerning all this and grief stuff
(My dads passed 3 years ago Thursday)
So I’ve tried to keep this as straightforward as possible.

We chose to not really talk about this or tell anyone until now because, well, what’s to tell?
There’s a thing in my brain, we don’t know what that thing is, come worry with us! Yeah no.. that just seemed, idk. Not productive.

I love you all, and I will have Ben update anyone who wishes tomorrow.



Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 10:36:08 UTC Comment #101918
I hope everything goes as well and as smoothly as it possibly can!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 12:22:28 UTC Comment #101919
Here's hoping it goes as well as last time and everything gets sorted!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 12:25:22 UTC Comment #101920
I can't imagine what's going through your head. It's a pretty common procedure nowadays, so I'm sure it will go smoothly. It will all go fine, I'm sure
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 13:11:24 UTC Comment #101922
Oh dear. I hope everything goes in the best order and ends well. But I'm sure it'll go fine. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 14:07:55 UTC Comment #101923
Yeesh, sorry to hear that, man. Hoping for nothing but the best outcome for you both. x
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 14:29:17 UTC Comment #101924
Oh no! Hope everything works out for the best, guys.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 17:13:36 UTC Comment #101925
My best thoughts go to you and your wife. Hopefully everything will go smoothly!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 17:15:27 UTC Comment #101926
You guys are great, she’s happy to see all your wishes. Just to let you know, she still has a folder full of all the original emails from the first one. She appreciates you guys that much.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-21 17:10:25 UTC Comment #101927
Hope the operation is going successful, sending much <3 to you guys! ! !
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-22 16:15:34 UTC Comment #101928
She thanks you all for the well-wishes. However, they found nothing but a little swelling. Kinda anticlimactic but I guess in this situation, it’s a good thing. She’s recovering now just fine and will be back to things in about a week.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-22 23:52:58 UTC Comment #101929
Good to hear that there's no issues!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-23 00:13:27 UTC Comment #101930
Excellent news!
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-23 03:21:23 UTC Comment #101931
I am glad that everything worked out well. I wish I had read this sooner. From your original post, it never sounded like something too serious. Doctors usually come up with more creative terms for dangerous things. "Anomaly" is typically reserved for something that's rather innocuous.

Post-surgical sites frequently look "anomalous" on imaging studies. The anatomy is distorted enough to confound the radiologist.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-28 16:00:44 UTC Comment #101935
Sorry I didn't see this sooner. So glad to hear it sounds like good news - you're both immensely strong to go through more of this. Lots of love, mate.

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