
dandyli0n`19 years ago2005-02-17 06:07:11 UTC 0 comments
25 days have passed since member-izing...

Logins (per day): 164 (6.56) (I visit about 6 times a day!? Never noticed it :P )
Forum posts: 73 (2.92) (I post about 2 ti..OK, I'll stop that)
Shouts: 3 (0.12) (There's finally a day where the decimals only go to the hundredths)
Maps: 1 (0.04) (Yeah, not a lot because I don't make maps fast, unless they're fy_killbox :P )
MV comments: 21 (0.84) (Really, that many?)
Journal entries: 9 (0.36) (Yeah, the only thing I write about is STATS STATS STATS :D )

(ctrl+s'es for no reason)
Habboi19 years ago2005-02-17 03:41:05 UTC 0 comments
I got a new site:

Nothing special but i like it as i now have my own little space :)
raiseyourfist19 years ago2005-02-16 21:37:49 UTC 0 comments
Tried a little source (HL2:DM) mapping... I'm going to wait 'till more tutorials and good entity guides etc. come out as to minimize the relearning curve. As for HLDM and TS mapping... computer still isn't set up... give me 'till Sunday, it should be good by then.
dimach66619 years ago2005-02-16 19:45:04 UTC 0 comments
Yo check my map out... its cool cuz its like a club... this map didnt take me a lot of time to build cuz its small... I played with my firneds on it and they really liked it soo check it out :D
LittleTortilla19 years ago2005-02-16 19:32:11 UTC 0 comments
Changed my website to a very basic setup, I was sick of the cheap ass geocities templates lol. Put screens up for b2!!! check em out!!
LittleTortilla19 years ago2005-02-16 18:49:49 UTC 0 comments
Currently Im working on beta 2 of canyon oasis and so far it looks far far better. I changed a majority of the textures since it was very bland and repetative before. Im gonna work on the soundscapes and skybox next I think and after that it will just need some detail added. b2 shouldn't be to far away but I will probably hold off for a bit since im progressing pretty fast on it. I just hope when im all done I will see it on some damn servers! LOL
Luke19 years ago2005-02-16 15:01:01 UTC 1 comment
Hello ieatmonkeychow! This is your 1000th login. Teh Master!
tha_crazy19 years ago2005-02-16 13:57:47 UTC 0 comments
well, i certainly have been in some panic when i had been hacked & lost all of my internet.
thankgod i had it up and running again in a few hours.
but i have some more serious problems right now.
i`m helping making maps for opposing force 2 (mod)
& i lost all of my maps now.
but i have the comming 4 days off, so i can re-make them all
Neo-TheOne19 years ago2005-02-16 12:16:34 UTC 0 comments Site nearly ready!!! Matrix Online clan, Machnima Group, New Releases, Games and Films!!!
Habboi19 years ago2005-02-16 06:23:36 UTC 0 comments
Yes, Sven co-op 2 will be very special because of the ability to play co-op with your friends!

BUT... we have a long wait, and i can't wait to play 'they hunger' with friends updated onto source :)

I'm curious as to how they will set up HL2 gameplay with lots of people because:

Some parts of the game have buildings that collapse when you go through a door and stops you from going back the way you came but what if there are players behind you and they get trapped on the other side???

will they completely edit those bits out ?

I hope not, it would be better if they made alternative ways to go in case that happens :)
Saribous19 years ago2005-02-16 06:08:42 UTC 0 comments
YES! SVEN CO-OP 2!!!!!!!1 :D :D :D :D :D :D

can't wait :)
raiseyourfist19 years ago2005-02-15 19:07:45 UTC 0 comments
Working on a website... computer still not set up for mapping... other than that... nothing of interest.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2005-02-15 13:48:05 UTC 1 comment
Hello Seventh-Monkey! This is your 4500th login.
Habboi19 years ago2005-02-15 06:59:47 UTC 0 comments

Just some bad pictures of a map i'm working on but these pictures don't show the full glory of it :)

Perhaps once i finish it, I will post more pictures, it should be released hopefully on Friday and the name is dm_lakeside!

It is rather big and may lag on low quality computers but i always say 'If you can't afford a good computer to play HL2, then you should'nt play it at all!'

More info Next Time!

Oh and 'The One Neo' sorry about leaving you on msn but it was late, i had to go and the task you asked me to do is far beyond my league! I map more architecture then entity way :(