Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2011-11-05 00:11:32 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #300487
User posted image
User posted image
These two are absolutely stunning! I'm impressed, The_(c)Striker. Beautiful composition, colours and focus. What exactly are you shooting these with?
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-17 12:12:29 UTC
in Desktops of October Post #300034
It's a probe. Source.
Posted 12 years ago2011-10-17 08:53:51 UTC
in Desktops of October Post #300024
I reinstalled windows.
User posted image
Posted 12 years ago2011-09-26 11:56:54 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #299438
Neat freaks are lame.
User posted image
The big black area on the left is my second monitor.
Posted 12 years ago2011-07-20 08:00:55 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #296855
And the point I believe Urby was making was that Fallout 3 & NV have 100+ hours of content, not 100+ hours of repetition.
Weeell... now you're getting the realm of what counts as actual content, and this is a dicey area to say the least. I'm not denying the fact that Fallout (or similar games) can give you more unique playtime than CoD SP or similar action titles. However, what kind of content are we talking about? Most free-roaming RPGs' playtime is substantiated by lots of travel time and lots of "grind", as it were (either in the form of "Kill X number of Y" or just plain needing to level up). In other words, lots of padding.
Whereas games like CoD or the Half-Life games are much more streamlined: no scene is like the previous. Sure, the combat may be similar throughout the game, but you're (almost) never stuck in the same place doing exactly the same thing for any length of time.
Posted 12 years ago2011-07-20 07:53:10 UTC
in In Search of the Lifia Post #296854
Maybe it's just me, but anyone else just think ´labia´ when they see ´lifia´?
Posted 12 years ago2011-07-19 11:56:58 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #296802
Now playing: Starcraft 2.

Hit me up on EU if you want. I can beat you in 1v1. Or not. I dunno.
Name: ZombieL
Chr Code: 834
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-07 20:03:23 UTC
in TWHL 2011 Post #295381
Wow, from the screenshots this looks awesome. The textures are fresh!

Would love to try this out on the server, hit me up next time people are playing.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-07 19:57:59 UTC
in E3 2011 Post #295380
Ugh, this trend of re-releasing HD versions of games is ridiculous... Halo: CE remake for the X360, God of War remake for the PS3, not to mention the fuckton of remakes/reboots from Nintendo (and probably a ton more I haven't heard about)... am I the only one who'd be happier with some new IPs?

Oh well, as a PC gamer not a whole lot of interest in E3. I'm excited about Skyrim and will probably buy Battlefield 3.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-05 09:58:10 UTC
in Desktops of June Post #295257
Both my virtual desktop and my actual desk are way too messy to post. Cleaning sucks, both virtually and IRL.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-04 22:05:12 UTC
in Yes, another virus. Post #295236
I don't use torrents or download anything, it got injected into my computer by some kind of website script (prolly an ad, which puts stuff on your hard drive without you even clicking it... I had that happen before) Flipping technology always used for evil instead of good.
Not likely, unless you use like... Internet Explorer 5.5 on Windows ME. Seriously, it doesn't happen. Tracking cookies are about the most harmful thing that can be installed through a web browser without your explicit knowledge. Start using a proper browser (anything not made by Microsoft, really) and you'll be fine in that regard.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-04 22:02:37 UTC
in Retro TWHL Post #295235
People have been saying "TWHL is dying" since before the release of Half-Life 2, back in 04 (seriously, they have). If it was dying, it would be dead by now.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-03 11:13:36 UTC
in Retro TWHL Post #295174
What an enjoyable thread. The memories! I joined TWHL when I'd newly turned 14... there is some seriously stupid shit said by me in the archives.

I also fondly remember some drama, especially religious threads, many involving this guy. I was quite the little instigator back in the day, stirring shit up with shite like this thread. Yeah, pretty stupid. But we actually had some civil threads too, like this one by Huntey or this one by Soup Miner (or maybe it's The World Crafter.. was that your old nickname? I forget.)
Let's not ever do that again.

And this just might've been one of our obscure inside IRC jokes, but anyone remember SUPERIOR JAM? I remember it being superior, and quite expensive.

Oh, and speaking of m0p, remember that time he and jaardsi hacked TWHL? I can't find any threads about it (probably deleted), but drama was had by many. To my memory, they found some loophole and got access to the server TWHL was hosted on's root. And promptly deleted a lot of shit that had nothing to do with TWHL, stuff I believe was Atom dads'. Nasty.
That was the time Andy left.

Ah, I'm rambling... we're getting too old for this site.
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-03 10:54:39 UTC
in Portal 2 Mapping Competition Post #295173
Just left a [long and rambling] review of your map in the Vault. Great work!

I'm super excited to see the maps that come out of this Compo. I'm convinced there are tonnes and tonnes of great mappers ready to bring some innovation to the puzzles in the game. Can't wait!
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-03 10:07:18 UTC
in Yes, another virus. Post #295171
Don't know what spam detection has to do with viruses, or how "exes get into your RAM".

I've heard good (and bad) things about AVG. Personally, I haven't used an antivirus program in years. Not only that, but I also make a habit out of opening mysterious exe files that I find on dubious sites or in even more dubious torrents. I wouldn't know how to get a virus even if I wanted one.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-13 12:38:32 UTC
in Site url? Post #285332
Strange that it would be indexed by Google, though. I mean, what site links to TWHL using its IP address?
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-11 17:45:42 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #285279
I am love Tipper. Twister is ftw.

np: Cut Copy - Going Nowhere (SebastiAn Remix)
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-01 17:03:08 UTC
in AntiMalware Doctor Post #284838
If you intend to format and reinstall, boot a live OS, grab the files you want to keep and copy them to some other partition, drive or USB stick. There's a bunch of live Linux distros. Knoppix and Damn Small Linux (DSL) are two, there are plenty others.

As for anti-virus and firewall stuff: meh. I've been running without either for years, never have any problems with viruses or malware.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-14 18:51:47 UTC
in Forum Consistency Experiment Post #284256
Hey, Don Rosa.

I love Don Rosa.

That Scrooge Inception story was awesome, btw.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-14 18:46:07 UTC
in Spot the Fracture Post #284255
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-13 07:16:46 UTC
in Forum Consistency Experiment Post #284181
I can't believe Godwin's law hasn't kicked in yet. I bet it's because you're all a bunch of Nazis and TWHL is just like 1930's Germany.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-07 09:00:09 UTC
in Funny internets Post #283978
While we're on the topic of Uganda...

Eat da poo poo! and the remix.

Fuck, I can't mention awesome remixes without thinking of Freezepop. Original video here, but it's not quite as good, just mildly amusing.

And honestly. Spartan remixes. There are a thousand good ones but I must say the trololo sparta remix is quite catchy.

God, I'm gonna stop now before this post gets out of hand...

Also, the Well picture made me chuckle. Loudly.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-07 08:30:16 UTC
in Hello here Burner Post #283977
User posted image
You can't have one!
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-06 07:53:30 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #283945
I've never really heard any of the Beatles songs before, but they're all really good.
Tomorrow never knows ftw. Early electronic elements <3
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-03 16:34:36 UTC
in Car shooting games Post #283839
Blur was sort of lame, in my opinion. I found both Mario Kart and especially Crash Team Racing were a whole lot more fun.
Posted 13 years ago2010-08-03 12:31:03 UTC
in Car shooting games Post #283831
Blur sort of fits the description.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-31 12:01:27 UTC
in Desktops of August! Post #283657
I really like my new one! User posted image
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-16 06:28:59 UTC
in Virus/Diagnostic Help Post #283093
A system restore to a previous state. If that isn't available... Reinstall windows. Honestly, that will probably be quicker than any anti-virus half-assed job or any other bogus PC cleaners. You'll even keep the files from the old installation as long as you have enough disk space, Windows 7 doesn't require a format before installing.

There are perfectly fine versions of Windows 7 available online, either via purchase or via... not purchasing. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-15 04:43:34 UTC
in Show Your City Pride Post #283062
Long Beach, California
Santa Barbara, CA
You two should totally hook up :D
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-15 04:35:11 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #283061
Too bad you decided to abandon GoldSrc, but I'd still love to get updates on the mod. At least I don't mind you continuing to post here.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-14 04:20:31 UTC
in Show Your City Pride Post #283049
Nothing wrong with that name. Maybe he thinks he sucks.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-13 12:08:48 UTC
in Show Your City Pride Post #283001
It received city rights in 1315. How's that, old enough?
"[Stockholm was] founded circa 1250". Olawd! ^_^

Edit: If someone from Paris or London or Rome or any other ancient city shows up we're gonna get served. :F
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-13 08:26:19 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #282996
Although taking pics of your knife along with some vodka is incredibly high on the Internet Tough Guy scale, I'm captivated by the amazing lighting in the original photo. Very nice. Plus, the pocket watch earns you some Gentleman of Stature points (a direct counter to Internet Tough Guy-syndrome, as we all know).

Also, Stolichnaya has a special place in my heart.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-13 08:21:49 UTC
in Show Your City Pride Post #282995
Though, if you asked any other Australian, they'd probably just tell you I live here.
Huh? I thought you lived inside the hole.

As for me, Stockholm.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-12 15:54:58 UTC
in Best Video Ever Made! Post #282953
Don't know about best video ever made but that was a cool video, bro.

They sure know their AfterEffects.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-12 05:30:18 UTC
in Mod Idea - Feedback needed Post #282943
He's talking about his mod idea in this thread.

The video seems pretty abstract -- just a bunch of snatched concept imagery? Doesn't really say much at all about the game itself. Hell, if you didn't even create the concept art in question it says absolutely nothing.

I will say that the idea is interesting. I'd definitely try it out, if it were a released mod. The idea is quite interesting and could prove pretty fun if done right, regarding the MMO elements. Whether or not I'd keep playing depends on the quality of the content. Is there enough to do, in terms of gameplay content? Are there enough players to make it interesting?

If you think this project is doable, I'd definitely say go for it. But it is ambitious -- don't take on a project you can't finish.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-10 19:08:22 UTC
in TWHL Weight & Height Post #282913
BMI was developed to track malnourishment in the developing world -- don't take its merits too seriously :)

I'm 190cm, 78kg or in imperial measurement 6'3", 170lb.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-10 11:56:00 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #282895
Splinter Cell: Conviction was such a crap game.

I really like your wallpaper, Soup Miner... sauce?
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-09 16:33:03 UTC
in Firefox 4 Beta Post #282878
Oh, nice. I'd never heard of it, thanks for enlightening me. Well, that brings some positive news to the browser market.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-09 05:06:23 UTC
in MMORPG for CS Post #282853
If you pull this off, I would be eternally impressed.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-09 05:02:18 UTC
in Anti-Vaccine Idiots Post #282852
Ugh, anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists. Why are there so many conspiracy theorists and alternative-science peddlers active in the US? We've got Young-Earth Creationists, homeopathy, tea party followers (to some extent), Obama birthers, 9/11 truthers, etc. etc.

Free speech is good and all that, and hearing alternatives to the public dogma is good, but only if they're based on intelligent arguments and proof instead of silliness.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-09 04:49:33 UTC
in Firefox 4 Beta Post #282851
^ QFT. Whining about innovative-ness in browsers is pretty futile. Competition, and healthy inspiration, is nothing but good for the users -- it drives developers to improve their products, and the general browser experience grows better and better across all browsers.
A trend that has been growing amongst browser developers has been to increasingly adopt web standards, something I'm very happy about as a web developer. Even browsers that were reluctant to do so before are even implementing future features, such as parts of HTML5 and CSS3. Reminds me of the browser wars of the 90's, except this time browser developers actually follow standards instead of just making up features (I'm looking at you,
). Huzzah!

Regarding Google, I remain suspicious of their market strategy. They're working hard to expand their increasing dominion over a lot of matters regarding the web and technology in general, and I'm not sure it's something I like, considering Google's policies (or should I say, non-existing policies) about personal data harvesting and storing. Google is still a corporation, and as such are always most interested in making money.

One issue that is of particular concern to me is the development of the embedded video standard. Browser vendors have yet to agree on a standard video codec to use (or allow) regarding video embedding - Mozilla is pushing for the free and open-source Theora (ogg) codec, while other browsers are looking at implementations h.264. The problem is that h.264 is a patented standard, meaning you have to dish out a lot of cash to implement a h.264-based codec in your browser - this means, if h.264 comes a dominant web practice, that new browsers will have an incredibly hard time making it on the browser market. Only the big companies, able to afford patents, will be able to put out useable web browsers -- that would be very sad. You can read up on this issue on this guy's blog (there is an article on somewhere, but I can't seem to dig it up.)
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-08 16:21:42 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #282831
It's not like Uma Thurman is a sign of good quality.

Not a movie, but I've been watching The Wire recently -- and god DAMN what a show. Hands down, best TV show ever, no contest. I was hooked from season 1 and pretty much watched all five seasons in a few weeks.
The dialogue, the complexity of the plot, the political themes, the acting, the camera work... it's all amazing. Nothing on TV even comes close. I strongly recommend it for anyone who likes semi-cerebral shows with amazing acting. Also, shiiiieeeeeeet.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-08 16:13:19 UTC
in Firefox 4 Beta Post #282830
As long as it's not IE6 or 7, I'm happy.

Actually, fuck IE8 too. God damn.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-06 17:03:55 UTC
in Source behaves odd when windowed 720p Post #282758
Try voodoo.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-06 17:01:28 UTC
in Video codecs Post #282757
AVI is not a codec, it's a container format that can contain video or audio coded with pretty much any codec. Matroska Video, MKV, is another (open-source) container format.

DivX and Xvid are both groups of video codecs, the latter being open-source and generally just more cosy (no one likes corporations). DivX and Xvid codecs are usually quite customisable, but are generally considered superior in terms of size and quality ratio, compared to the industry giants:
Window's WMV and Apple's QuickTime, both proprietary video compression formats.

H.264 is not a codec, but a video compression standard. DivX and Xvid both support H.264 (well... some versions of DivX and Xvid.)

There's a lot of confusion out there about this stuff (not surprising considering the confusing filenames of many video files), I hope this post clears things up. Try Wikipedia for further reading :)

ashepard, sounds like a corrupt file, if you ask me. Probably lost, I'm afraid.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-06 16:48:31 UTC
in NASA on Steam? Post #282755
THE Moonbase Alpha? That show is pretty rad. :D

Good to know NASAs research money is being well spent. Nah, I jest, I like it, and I hope to see more NASA apps on Steam.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-04 06:04:10 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #282664
User posted image
You have no chance to survive make your time.
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-04 05:56:10 UTC
in Turnstile Weapons v3 Post #282663
Lookin' sweet. My favourites are the Acorn Launcher and the Shatter Cannon, I feel they're the most original of the bunch. Quite Halo-ish as others have mentioned, but that is in no way a bad thing. Will be awesome to see animations and sounds for them, too :D
Posted 13 years ago2010-07-04 05:49:15 UTC
in func_tracktrain problem Post #282662
Wut? Last time I looked on a map, west was left :D