Forum posts

Posted 1 day ago2025-02-17 19:08:00 UTC
in In memory of Viktor Antonov (1972-2025). Post #349536
Viktor Antonov, a brilliant art director, passed away the other day. The entire Half-life community is grateful to him, eternally grateful for all his hard work in the gaming industry.

Rest in peace. You will live in our games and hearts forever...
Combiner 1P Combiner 1PEvolve. Control. Combine.
Posted 6 days ago2025-02-12 18:54:24 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349535
the most important features things needed to be implement that are in half life unified but missing still in featureful:
a option to select a Sentence Replacement file per-monster (just like how we already have this but for sound Replacement)
also a global sentence and global model replacement (global effect the whole map on entites used in the map that use this like in half life unified
so its would be used for blue shift maps to refer player not as gordon by barneys and scientists and also for opposing force)
and also a json system (or in normal text file or in some way configureable with no source code touching)
to have json system so its like in half life unified that have cfg folder with json config files
as you can read here how it works also:
that let you make it to select what a global sentences file also a global model replacement (any model in the map not just a single replace per entity as done in map editor same for sentences global replace them in the map)
and to set in the config file what hud color and Crosshair color and suit light (flashlight or nvg of opfor to use)
as in the console you already can set ingame but have this in a template ready for maps to be auto used in them is more friendly than having to go to console in game and change it for different map sets if you play opposing force or blue shift in featureful)
and in the cfg folder in half life unified there is a maps folder of json files every map in the game have a json file named the same name as the file bsp name with a line that tell it what game config to use
for example from half life unified:
this is the BlueShiftConfig json file in cfg folder:
"Includes": [
"SectionGroups": [
"Sections": {
"Sentences": {
"FileNames": ["sound/bs_sentences.json"]
"GlobalModelReplacement": {
"FileNames": ["cfg/BlueShiftModelReplacement.json"]
"GlobalSentenceReplacement": {
"FileNames": ["cfg/BlueShiftSentenceReplacement.json"]
"HudColor": "95 95 255",
"CrosshairColor": "255 160 0",
"SuitLightType": "flashlight"

with the json files BlueShiftModelReplacement and BlueShiftSentenceReplacement placed in the cfg folder as well
this is a must have feature so if you play blue shift maps you have every bsp file use the config of using these Global for maps Replacements
so in every blue shift map the Sentence's for barneys and scientists are replaced to use the blue shift refers to the player as a guard and not as gordon
and the model replacement (via the json file in the config) replaces ANY model with a custom model (not per single entitiy selected in map edtior)
so for example if a mod had a different human grunt model it would be used instead in any of the maps a global model replace
will use for the monster_human_grunt the new custom model global model replacement and not a per entity
and also global model replacement json as the way in blue shift maps you replace the v_ view models for weapons with barney hands instead
just like how it is in half life unified every blue shift map use a json file named the same as the bsp files and have line to tell it to use the json config for blue shift

in short a system of a config file per any bsp file to use the global models replace (let to also change what v_ models are used in the maps also
and global sentences replace and hud color and hud color and Crosshair Color
and suit light type flashlight or opfor nvg you want to use so all of this is global replace and used in any of the maps that use the created config
this is must have for if you play opfor or blue shift for example in featureful

and also a other feature that should be quite easy to implement :
have a text or json file to let any player control the relationships (any of them that exsits already) table if want to customize change them
and also a way to create new relationships without any source code coding touching
like how in half life unified have this already in a json file in the cfg folder the file default_entity_classes example from it:
"human_passive": {
"Relationships": {
"player": "ally",
"human_passive": "ally",
"human_military": "hate",
"human_blackops": "hate",
"alien_military": "hate",
"alien_monster": "hate",
"alien_prey": "dislike",
"alien_predator": "dislike",
"player_ally": "ally",
"human_military_ally": "dislike",
"race_x": "hate"
"human_military": {
"Relationships": {
"player": "hate",
"human_passive": "dislike",
"human_blackops": "hate",
"alien_military": "hate",
"alien_passive": "dislike",
"alien_monster": "dislike",
"alien_prey": "dislike",
"alien_predator": "dislike",
"player_ally": "hate",
"human_military_ally": "hate",
"human_military_allyfull": "hate",
"race_x": "hate"

in half life unified if you would modify this file and add a table of:
"human_passivehostile": {
"Relationships": {
"player": "fear",
"human_passive": "fear",
"human_military": "ally",
"alien_military": "hate",
"alien_monster": "hate",
"alien_prey": "dislike",
"alien_predator": "dislike",
"player_ally": "fear",
"human_military_ally": "fear",
"race_x": "hate"
and set in in the entity monster in the map editor in classification override it works

also on the babygarg to garg template i created turns out you have to not use the normal unmodifed garg model
you have to copy garg model decompile it and also decompile copy of babygarg
than copy the sequences lines of babygarg qc and put them instead of these of garg model qc and compile the garg model (give to the model a new not used name also) than use this model in the entity template instead
without doing this i noticed babygarg as garg wont be able to do the kickcar animation he is coded to do as melee attack to the player
since ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 is wroted in the model qc into kickcar animation and without it being wroted (if you would just use normal garg model as replacement)
he wont be able to do leg kick attack

when set barney to use Python 357 in a map with model that provided with the 357 weapon hold on his hand as submodel 3 it does not work and he holds pistol but shoot as 357 bullet and doing the 357 fire sound
so this means he need a code change to have the phyton 357 in holster and also when in hand new two submodels for gun

when using monster_rosenberg i noticed it uses the normal scientist model with always slick head
from scientist .cpp in source code the game should look and use scientist_rosenberg.mdl model file in models folder
but its instead uses the normal scientist.mdl and it always select head 4 (silick) as the head
and not using scientist_rosenberg.mdl so this forces the mapper to always must to use a custom model on this on the monster_rosenberg entity
for using the model it should use scientist_rosenberg.mdl (its just like scientist model but with only 1 head of rosenberg and have all half life 1 and also blue shift new animations)

i copied the opposing force and blue shift maps and other stuff needed for them to work
and with the modified sentences file that edited to have barniel kate rosenberg and also the scripted stuff for opfor and blue shift
and for some Reason drill sergeant sentences not working
the sound folder of him is copied provided to the game and the sentences were copied from opposing force but it does not work
and developer 1 not complain about anything missing even
thats really strange this has happened before with kate sentences not working and after retry it than did worked
but not working for drill sergeant after retry and even placing his sentences block lines in a different place
edit: after making copy of sentences.txt i removed almost everything and kept drill sergeant block
and his sentences now working
i googled the sentences.txt limit and by this page in twhl :
so this is really was due to sentences limitation
it say :
The following limitations apply in the base engine and/or SDK:
Max. 1536 or 2048 sentences since the Half-Life 25th anniversary update (this is the engine limit. The default sentences.txt file has a comment saying the limit is 1023, but it's not true)
Max. 200 sentence groups
Max. 15 ASCII characters for sentence name
Max. 32 words in a sentence
Max. 511 characters in each sentence line

so this means there is a limit as my sentences.txt is 2666 lines
a other reason why a custom audio playback is needed like the one used in half life unified
maybe you can ask Solokiller to use the custom sound playback from half life unified
as the most easy solution
it will fix the bug of mp3 music stops to play if you cross a level change while it still plays
and also some audio things will be unlimited and the sentences wont be unlimited but will be very high to likely to even reach the limit
you can see how they were changed changed in half life unified
some things became unlimited and sentences limit became 65535 A Completely Significant much more higher than the current vanilla limit 2048

keep up with the great work
its already the most customizable mod ever even now before all the must have stuff will be added
Posted 6 days ago2025-02-12 17:31:44 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349534
Posted 6 days ago2025-02-12 13:17:30 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349533
Is there example of working trigger_playerclip for HL1 anywhere?
Such entity would be useful indeed, but it's probably not trivial to implement.

If you want to constantly change the frame or framerate of the entity via the locus ratio of another entity, you can use the trigger_changevalue in combination with trigger_timer with min time and max time set to 0.1. Set Treat source value as to Locus Ratio for trigger_changevalue and set Source value to the name of the entity to take the ratio from.

I thought I made momentary_rot_button to report its rotation as calc ratio, but turned out I did it only for momentary_door. Nice observation.
As for momentary_rot_button linking, I didn't use it in practice and I'm not sure what bugs you're talking about. I think it will be better if you explain it in more details, e.g. on discord.
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-10 08:58:03 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349532
Feature request:
  • trigger_playerclip (monsterclip but for players)
  • trigger_motion and motion_manager controlling the following properties of a target entity:
    • controllers 0 to 4, using locus ratio
    • sequence's frame (0-255) for models, using locus ratio
    • framerate, ditto
    • topcolor, bottomcolor and/or colormap, ditto
    • scale (i think already implemented?)
  • Ability for momentary_rot_button to hold a locus ratio value as its position, and settable with USE_SET and the locus system
    • rework entity pairing (active button rotating others with same target) to use the above instead of directly setting the angles in vanilla (buggy)
That would explain it, yeah, that should be enough for me to figure it out. Thank you so much!
in half life unified if you create a npc that is normally hostile to the player for example a alien grunt or headcrab or zombie or human grunt or a female assassin and than override its Classification to be friendly to the player as player_ally they can follow you by use the use key
but if once they had for the first time had combat a hostile npc
than after this they will not follow you anymore they will just look at you and wont follow
and trying after this to use use key to unuse them and press use again so they should be follow dont work either
please fix this as this prevent's on what mappers on mapping stuff you could do with them to use them for many things
as after they combat a hostile npc for the first time than they will not follow you any longer make it a waste of feature that cant really be used as its broken
Looks like there's a cvar in TFC that doesn't exist in the SDK. If you have new models enabled it uses the top and color values defined by the server, otherwise it uses the old colors.

The old colors are defined here:

Those are top colors, the bottom colors are those -10.
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-08 21:58:41 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349528
on cleansuit scientist yes it wont matter totally to not just use on the normal scientist to use custom model of the cleansuit scientist
as he is just pure clone that use a different model and with the official changed behavior gearbox created them that they cannot heal
it would require to decompile the cleansuit scientist model to add to it the needle and you could also add all the half life 1 and opfor blue shift animations to him alongside with the cleansuit ones to have alot of sequences to use but half life unified already have the cleansuit scientist model with all of this so you could just copy use the model from there instead to edit the model to add it

on the alien grunt i remember before years i thought what would happen if i would copy the model decompile it and remove all of the animations of hornet shooting and also to remove the submodel of hivehand so it will use the hand without hive hand and it worked and they became melee only
but since it was in vanilla half life this replaced it for any alien grunt
so i did this again in featureful by use on the alien grunt a custom model that is without the hornet animations and without submodel of hivehand
so it will use the hand without hivehand submodel
and giving it a other new name for the model example : agrunt_meleeonly
and it works exactly like if it was coded to not be able to use hornets or if can but only if coding a new option that make it melee only instead
you could do this on alien slave for example too remove all the animations of the ranged attacks and have the model with a new name different than what the game using and select it as custom model and it will work as melee only for the alien slave entity
its better to have it official supported by coding instead
but still up to than this workaround can be used and it works exactly the same without coding but use a model replacement

also up to when the babygarg is fixed in its code to use the flameon flamerun and flameoff sounds from babygarg sound folder and not the normal garg ones
you can up to than use the soundscript file in sound folder with this code it will be a global fix (always on any babygarg entity in the game with no need to use any some entity properties on it) with this code:
"BabyGarg.BeamAttackOn": {
"waves": ["babygarg/gar_flameon1.wav"]
"BabyGarg.BeamAttackRun": {
"waves": ["babygarg/gar_flamerun1.wav"]
"BabyGarg.BeamAttackOff": {
"waves": ["babygarg/gar_flameoff1.wav"]

also another Interesting idea i tryed was to make the babygarg to be "become" a normal garg without coding in sort of way
a big garg that like the baby garg can be hurt in any way and have a normal death with no explosion and play death sounds
by make a entity template since first using only model and sound replacement dont let you to do other customization stuff such as select collision box and other options needed to mimic the normal garg as much as possible
so i used instead entity template after reading how to use it with this code to mimic the big garg as much as possible
with the exceptions of what you cannot change without source code coding change like the stomp projectile being faster speed than the normal garg's one
check this code and try it out in game on monster_babygarg on Entity template to try this out:
"babygarg_togarg": {
"own_visual": {
"model": "models/garg.mdl"
"soundscripts": {
"BabyGarg.Stomp": {
"pitch": 50
"classify": "Gargantua",
"health": 800,
"collision_box": "monster_garganuta",
"blood": "yellow",
"sound_replacement": {
"babygarg/gar_alert1.wav" : "garg/gar_alert1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_alert2.wav" : "garg/gar_alert2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_alert3.wav": "garg/gar_alert3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_attack1.wav" : "garg/gar_attack1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_attack2.wav" : "garg/gar_attack2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_attack3.wav" : "garg/gar_attack3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_breathe1.wav" : "garg/gar_breathe1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_breathe2.wav" : "garg/gar_breathe2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_breathe3.wav" : "garg/gar_breathe3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_die1.wav" : "garg/gar_die1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_die2.wav" : "garg/gar_die2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_flameoff1.wav": "garg/gar_flameoff1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_flameon1.wav" : "garg/gar_flameon1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_flamerun1.wav" : "garg/gar_flamerun1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle1.wav" : "garg/gar_idle1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle2.wav" : "garg/gar_idle2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle3.wav" : "garg/gar_idle3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle4.wav" : "garg/gar_idle4.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_idle5.wav" : "garg/gar_idle5.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_pain1.wav" : "garg/gar_pain1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_pain2.wav" : "garg/gar_pain2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_pain3.wav" : "garg/gar_pain3.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_step1.wav" : "garg/gar_step1.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_step2.wav" : "garg/gar_step2.wav" ,
"babygarg/gar_stomp1.wav" : "garg/gar_stomp1.wav"
"visuals": {
"BabyGarg.Eye": {
"model": "sprites/gargeye1.spr",
"color": [255, 255 , 255],
"rendermode": "Glow",
"renderfx": "Constant Glow",
"alpha": 200,
"scale": 1.0
"BabyGarg.Stomp": {
"color": [255, 0 , 0],
"rendermode": "additive",
"alpha": 255,
"scale": 1.0

a cool idea that shows how so much customization like what featureful let you do to
site was very useful for checking there is no parse error in the json syntax so a the entity template code will work in the game
When I look at the Soldier's new model, those 250 and 240 don't seem to match up to the in-game view.
In-game viewIn-game view
HLAM with 250/240 appliedHLAM with 250/240 applied
The Medic seems to line up better with the 255 250 that the console puts out
In-game new Medic model's throatIn-game new Medic model's throat
Texture modified to use 255/250Texture modified to use 255/250
Texture modified to use 250/240Texture modified to use 250/240
The 250/240 seems like it's more burgundy than the other one and doesn't line up with the in-game view (at least, to me). Could it be that the new models use the colours in-game and the old models use the ones specified in the StudioModelRenderer.cpp? Is there also a way to figure out the top/bottom colour for the other 3 teams based on the StudioModelRenderer.cpp?
No, it looks like it remaps the colors all the time.
That would make sense, thank you. Would the new models use the values listed in the console then?
You're using the wrong color values.

For old models the renderer overrides the color values:

Team 2 is the red team color with a top color of 250 and a bottom color of 240.
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 22:03:49 UTC
in Broken lighting in J.A.C.K editor! Post #349523
You can read the How to fix those leaks guide. The map editor should be able to load a line that ends up going through the leak. The info_player_start is merely the first entity that "saw" the leak, so to speak. You'll find more details in the guide.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 17:40:57 UTC
in Broken lighting in J.A.C.K editor! Post #349522
I found a leak warning in the Compile Process window, However the entity is...


Need some help..
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 17:34:30 UTC
in Broken lighting in J.A.C.K editor! Post #349521
Oh, I'll get right to fixing the leak.
Update; I haven't seen a leak anywhere, the map is sealed completely.
Also, Whenever I click the 'Run Map key' I just get 4 options.
with 2 check boxes.

Opt 1
Opt 2
Opt 3
Opt 4
i have them all set to normal.
Checkbox 1
Dont Run Game
Checkbox 2
Save Visible objects only
both are ticked off.
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 06:14:50 UTC
in Broken lighting in J.A.C.K editor! Post #349520
Did you try to compile the map with lighting enabled? If you did, then there might be a leak.

Also, I noticed the yellow particles around the two scientists; they're clipping through the blocks.
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 02:33:15 UTC
in Broken lighting in J.A.C.K editor! Post #349519
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 02:32:03 UTC
in Broken lighting in J.A.C.K editor! Post #349518
Whenever I load into a map, it's just too bright. I tried removing all the lights, but it was still TOO BRIGHT! I need some help on this.
User posted image
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 01:41:29 UTC
in Error message keeps on bugging me! Post #349517
Thank you for the info. I'll get straight to fixing it.
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-07 00:01:05 UTC
in Error message keeps on bugging me! Post #349516
This happens in one of two cases:
1. Your texture scales have a huge ratio (e.g. X scale is 4 when Y scale is 0.1). Texture scale should have an aspect ratio of 1:1, avoid extremes like 10:1
2. The texture projection axis is perpendicular to the face

In other words, a texture gets suuuuuper stretched, like spaghetti. This causes issues with lightmapping.
The first one happens when you use Fit on an entire brush which is very thin (e.g. a door which is very thin, like 4 units) - several sides will become extremely stretched. When you use it, please only select the faces that actually need fitting, usually it's just one or two faces.

For the second one, you need to change the texture projection, tick either World or Face in the Texture Application tool. You can also read Error: Texture axis perpendicular to face for a more visual illustration of this problem.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-06 23:14:07 UTC
in Error message keeps on bugging me! Post #349515
I've been trying to compile a map but i'm always being met with this error message
Bad Surface Extents at 24690/0 position (992,80,20)
I'm using the Jackhammer Editor, which is similar to the Hammer Editor.
A post about colours and you don't post any screenshots?
You're right, my bad. The screenshots below should showcase the issue better.
How are you testing this?
Do you have a list of the colormap values for each TFC team, putting that in HLAM and comparing?
I'm using HLAM's "topcolor" and "bottomcolor" sliders to match the values given by the console by the user command (e.g. for the Red team Soldier it's top 250, bottom 28)
User posted image
I then input these values into HLAM, but end up with a brown-red Soldier:
Half-Life Asset ManagerHalf-Life Asset Manager
Instead of the red pink-purple Soldier shown in game:
In-game viewIn-game view
How are you testing this?
Do you have a list of the colormap values for each TFC team, putting that in HLAM and comparing?
A post about colours and you don't post any screenshots?
Hello, I hope this is the right forum to ask on, but I'm trying to get the team coloured textures for the Team Fortress Classic mercenaries. I know these are done through the topcolor/bottomcolor, but the issue is that Half-Life Asset Manager's changes in the colour don't match up with the game's colours.

Does anyone know how to fix this or if there are some steps I'm missing? I even tried importing the textures decompiled from the model to make sure, but the values the game shows ends up with a completely different set of colours. I set up the game directory too, but that didn't change anything. This happens with both the old and the new models.
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-02-04 08:17:14 UTC
in wtf happened to my gordon Post #349510
If we are talking about the classic VHE for GoldSource, then this happens there. Nothing critical. Just a cool bug.
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-02-02 14:00:34 UTC
in wtf happened to my gordon Post #349509
"Look what happened to my Gordon."
Meerjel01 Meerjel01I want to be a Meerjel
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-02-01 15:11:29 UTC
in First attempt at a map/mod Post #349508
Oh wow, good catch Unq and Bruce. I didn't even notice that but yes, that would explain it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-30 14:45:41 UTC
in First attempt at a map/mod Post #349506
In your screenshot of the editor, the entire room is selected, and at the bottom of the editor it says "button_target". It means you accidentaly converted your room into an entity of type button_target. Character models and any kind of models get illuminated by the surface that is directly below them, but only if that surface is not an entity. You can convert the room back to non-entity geometry with the toWorld button.
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-29 16:46:24 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349505
Most of these are valid suggestions. The system for npcs to handle a wide variety of weapons is planned, but it's a big task. In normal modding a lot of this stuff is hardcoded taking the specifics of the model into account.

I didn't even pay attention to female assassins having melee animations, but never using them. Nice catch.

If you want cleansuit scientist with needles you would need to change the model anyway (add a body variant with a needle). It's easier to use a regular scientist with a custom model instead.

Dynamic change of the weapon view models is also a must-have feature, I agree. That would allow to create situations when player changes their suit for example (e.g. putting the HEV suit on).
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-28 23:35:10 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349504
for hand replacements for v_ models for weapons
this if for if you would play the opposing force maps on on half life featureful so you wont be forced to replace the v_ models in the folder
but than this would change it for whatever what map you would play always
so this is as config system per bsp file to change like how it was done in half life unified
in half life unified any blue shift bsps use a config of use the v_ models weapon of blue shift and also in opposing force use soldier hands in all opposing force maps
its a system of json config file per bsp file to use replacements like in half life unified so you wont be forced to replace the models in models folder
but this would change it entirely for any map you would play and force you redo replace the models in models folder
i know there is option to use model replacements already for entities in map editor in featureful like in unified
but there isnt a way to do this for the v view weapon models yet in featureful im very sure after reading all the new additions in github
i'm trying to change some values on half-life extended sdk, since i want to create a little mod for it wich uses a grappling hook like portal uses the portal gun.

i barely know programming despite seeming some theory on cs50 and admer456 stuff, and now i'm stuck because of my lack of prepare...

things i've done:
1 changed the values of cgrapple to make it throw the player more faster so he can strafe more easily;
2 changed a movetype var from walk to none so now you can shoot it in the air, but with the consequence of no cooldown on. (i think of a fix with weapontimebase maybe? i haven't tested it yet)

both on CGrapple.cpp, a script that (i think) that i've done most things i wanted for know.

now when i look to CGrappleTip.cpp i only knew how to change the xeno_grapple (deleting it turn you into spider man with a cost of breaking all small monsters code for some reason)

UPDATE: it was all sv_maxvelocity fault, the velocity i wanted exceeded the max velocity of 2000 wich cause the grapple to not normalize his shot thanks admer456 for the response on discord

when i change the maxspeed, it goes faster, but without correcting his direction, going off course
User posted image
and know i want it to be faster so i can use it as a more reliable tool in fast-paced moments
(srry if i had some bad grammar here, i'm not trained at tipping english without gpt fixes /j )
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-28 21:09:15 UTC
in First attempt at a map/mod Post #349502
Did you solve it? From the screenshot, your whole room is a button_target. That's bad.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-28 21:00:11 UTC
in First attempt at a map/mod Post #349501
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-28 09:31:12 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349500
Good suggestions for the most part. As far as hand replacements go: That might make only sense when you swap the hands within the mod itself. There's only 1 mod I can recall right now that ever did that and that used to be Azure Sheep.

For the most part we had the Security Hands later on a Blue Security Hev suit. It could be practical for instance to disguise yourself as a soldier while escaping Black Mesa or any other place but other than that simple model weapon hand replacements should usually suffice for any modder out there.

As far as npc weapon customization goes these are not bad suggestions whether it's worth the effort is another thing and Freeslave must decide on that.
At least with the Shotgun for Black Ops I totally agree. The animations are present inside so why not adding the support for it.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-28 00:51:40 UTC
in Soulless Venture Thread Post #349499
Wow this looks really interesting I think the texture work is phenomenal and I really like the thought subtitles
Chess ChessWorking on a game called SLUDGEMAGE!
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-27 00:33:09 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349498
i would like to give some cool additions ideas that i thought to create:
have a way to use in a map a different v_ view models for weapons so you can use different hands for the weapons in a map like in half life unified
that used json for model replacements in a map
and some ideas for game monsters:
the gargantua:
have a option (by flag in the entity maybe?) to have all its damage immune off so he can be hurt by any weapon and in any way possible
another option by flag: gargantua dies a normal death (no explosion death that it play a small part of its death animation but than explodes)
and to also play when normal die (no explode death and fully play the death animation) to play the unused gargantua death sounds
give him to also be able to use the 9mmhandgun
barniel and kate:
give them be able to also use 357 magnum (like as barney can use already in the mod)
alien grunt:
option to have him melee only and also in visual in model too by use the submodel for hand without the hivehand for this
female assassin:
give her be able to use crossbow (like as it was meant to be in half life originaly)
and a (flag option?) : let her to have a other melee attack of sometimes to not jump high if stand near her and instead do the
kick attacks of kickshort animation and the longer "kick" animation too (seen in the model) (this is almost like the male assassin that already have 3 kick attacks able)
male assassin:
give him to be able to use shotgun as he already have the animations for the shotgun by gearbox in the model but it was never coded to be used
cleansuit scientist :
a option that he can use a needle to heal just like the normal scientist's
and a small thing to fix:
baby gargantua use the wrong flames sounds of the normal gargantua and not the new ones of the baby gargantua
gar_flameon1 , gar_flameoff1 , gar_flamerun1 sound files from babygarg folder in sound folder have to be used instead
these my ideas
and good luck with the mod development
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-26 23:54:46 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349497
I'm aware of this bug, but fixing it requires introducing a custom audio playback. Which is possible, I just haven't got to it yet.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-26 22:49:14 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349496
can you fix the problem vanilla half life always had of after trigger_cdaudio triggerd and play the music
if you would cross a trigger_changelevel while the music still plays than the music stops after the level change
in half life unified this was fixed with ambient_music new entity that replaced trigger_cdaudio that was removed
trigger_mp3audio in Featureful do let to select any mp3 file and not just only the half life tracks just like ambient_music from half life unified
but the only problem is if the music still plays it will stop to play when the level change
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-26 22:13:21 UTC
in wtf happened to my gordon Post #349495
Well, I don't know what's going on with that image, but it appears to be unavailable. I can only assume you're using Hammer and it's done the bug where it replaces model textures with world ones sometimes. Nothing to worry about, just Hammer being janky. Consider upgrading to JACKHammer which is a little more stable and has some nice quality of life improvements.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-26 14:12:09 UTC
in wtf happened to my gordon Post #349494
im making a map and spawned a "info player start" i know what it does but the textures turned into some weird jimble of gordon and the "black mesa training facility" sign
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-26 01:36:53 UTC
in ERROR: Couldn't open. Post #349493
Make Sure:

A.) Map name is only in lowercase "ex: castle01"

B.) Make sure both maps connecting have the name landmark name and map name (don't change landmark name on map 1 and map 2)

C.) Make sure the triggers & landmarks are 50 units apart from each other (this doesn't have an effect on not loading, but will be helpful so you don't phase into a wall or floor when you change the map)

D.) try changing the landmark/map name to something else to see if that fixes it

E.) Make sure the maps aren't corrupted or not located in proper folders

Hope this helps :)
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-25 20:32:38 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #349492
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-25 02:48:04 UTC
in First attempt at a map/mod Post #349491
make sure you tie any rotated props like the sofa and trashcan to an entity, as they'll be cutting through the map world geometry and could cause glitches like this.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-24 23:14:06 UTC
in First attempt at a map/mod Post #349490
Been a while since I've seen Hammer at this stage. Heh. I've not seen this particular bug either so my question would be, which compile tools are you using? If you're using the ones that came with Hammer then they, like Hammer, are considerably outdated at this point.

Look into getting a copy of JACKHammer and use the compile tools that come with that. It may solve your issue.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Ok, I fail to understand when the GetIdealState is being called? I've added a b_CancelScript boolean to CBaseMonster and trigger it with my custom point entity to true, then reset it after the call:
    if (b_CancelScript || (iConditions & (bits_COND_TASK_FAILED | bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE)) != 0)
        ExitScriptedSequence(); // This will set the ideal state
            b_CancelScript = false;
However, this does not cancel the script at all.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-24 16:04:17 UTC
in First attempt at a map/mod Post #349488
User posted image
Nevermind, it works now... (but why?), I've decided to continue doing stuff, such as making a skybox and when I tested the map, now they were fully visible/lightened.

I want to make a dead Shock Trooper and I using scripted_sequence, active by trigger_auto, targeting a shock trooper set Idle Animation to 'diesimple' (they dead animation), the problem is they act like dead but still in-fact alive as there AI still intact

I don't know how to kill the entity using event ID 1000 (don't even know what is it) and how to set that properly.

Don't tell me using entity "monster_ShockTrooper_dead", it dead pose is glitchy and super ugly.
Orr, I can try and add a new flag if GetIdealState works the way I hope. When it's triggered, set a flag is_triggered, then have it cancel perhaps. I'll post an update here after trying.