Forum posts

Posted 5 years ago2018-12-28 14:25:09 UTC
in Looking for a cs 1.6 map. any help? Post #341502
Depending on when it was released and assuming it was released in the map vault here, Jessie might be the one who would recall. She's playing through everything that's available in the map vault and that's bound to have stuck out. I don't recall seeing it on any of her streams though.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-28 14:10:27 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #341500
I have... no idea what that is. I guess i could Google it. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-27 21:15:37 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #341496
A friend pointed me toward an animated music video the other day and subsequently a track by Mystery Skulls. Never heard of them before and the animated music videos are fan made, but have tens of millions of views. What's more, the videos tell their own story when viewed in order and it's surprisingly deep for three videos under five minutes each.

I highly recommend the tracks to anyone who likes Daft Punk style EDM and recommend the videos to anyone who likes visual storytelling. I happen to love both and I'm hooked. :D
Mystery Skulls Animated - Ghost
Mystery Skulls Animated - Freaking Out
Mystery Skulls Animated - Hellbent
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-27 20:40:10 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341495
I demand more themed single player competitions! This was a lot of fun and got me back in the mapping mood. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-23 12:15:57 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341480
I'm not going to say that all of the murders we have committed could have been easily avoided...

Oh shit, I guess I am going to say that.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-18 14:46:17 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341468
Been playing Divinity: Original Sin 2 with Archie in coop. What a stupidly fun RPG. Difficult too. Get into a fight you're not prepared for and the AI can wipe the floor with you.

Expecting to have more entertaining adventures with Spiggot McQuibble and Eichra the Mighty Ba... Yuo, those are our names...

Would be cool to try it with a full team of four one day. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-18 14:43:05 UTC
in Laptop For Friend Post #341467
Money over service.
I thought that was always their slogan...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-18 14:41:18 UTC
in Low definition helmet and kevlar vest Post #341466
Pretty sure the Azure Sheep mod has a Low Def version of both of those. Definitely the vest anyway.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-16 13:33:20 UTC
in The Hype-o-matic (Upcoming games) Post #341461
I really don't see any Bioshock in The Outer Worlds. I'd say it's aesthetically similar to Borderlands above all else, with Mass Effect's approach to "open world" and Fallout: New Vegas gameplay and RPG mechanics.

I was interested in No Man's Sky after the Next update and the updates since then, but I think overall it's not a game that would hold my interest for very long.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-14 14:05:52 UTC
in The Hype-o-matic (Upcoming games) Post #341457
They've caught the EA affliction, which appears to be made worse by money... Hopefully they can get over it before Starfield and The Elder Scroll VI come about.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-14 09:24:18 UTC
in Custom Entity Sprites Post #341451
Something I have considered doing as well, but then The Core's FGD has an issue somewhere that stops sprites rendering in the editor at all, so I had to revert a few entities back to blocks instead...

I could find and fix the error but... I'm probably not gonna.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
I'm afraid that this would not be possible with the standard Goldsource engine. Spirit of Half-Life allows you to set a "Moves with" value which is a very primitive form of parenting. The only example I have seen of a helicopter in Goldsource made use of an animated rotor texture.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-07 14:14:55 UTC
in The Hype-o-matic (Upcoming games) Post #341401

My prayers have been answered.
The Outer Worlds Reveal Trailer
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-04 16:42:29 UTC
in Laptop For Friend Post #341385
I will third that. We use Lenovo Thinkpads at work. Admittedly, that's nothing more extensive that code most of the time and Photoshop on the rare occasion. I know that I can run Half-Life too, which is handy. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-12-02 11:00:52 UTC
in Peer Review Post #341375
Very impressive for an early alpha which means it can only get better. :D

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-30 14:34:01 UTC
in Need help with ambient_generic Post #341358
If you are adding a custom sound that you want to loop, you need to ensure that it also has cue points. These are embedded in the audio file itself. Same is true for Source so you can follow this guide:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-29 14:47:21 UTC
in The Hype-o-matic (Upcoming games) Post #341352
A toothless open world survival game that does nothing for the fans of the genre, wearing a paper thin Fallout veil that does nothing for the fans of the franchise. Throw all of it into a badly maintained engine and unreliable server and you basically piss off literally everyone you marketed it to. Who knew?


Less than 12 hours now until The Game Awards and the reveal of Obsidian's new RPG. Gotta be honest I'm pretty excited.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-28 23:36:28 UTC
in The Hype-o-matic (Upcoming games) Post #341344

Fallout 76 is a complete flop... Woo... Starfield WAS announced in the loosest sense of the term, along with The Elder Scrolls VI both of which are a very very long way off.

In other news there is now a 40 minute alpha game play demo of Cyberpunk 2077, showing it to be very scripted albeit highly interactive and adaptive RPG that I am still very much in favour of.

The Outer Worlds has all but been confirmed with showing two retro sci-fi banners on their homepage at the moment and a big reveal coming on December 6th at the Game Awards where they are in the running for Best RPG Developer.

There is also a little isometric RPG called Encased which is heavily inspired by Fallout and a number of other beloved sci-fi franchises. Writing seems a little OTT, but that could be what they are going for.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-28 14:09:23 UTC
in Post Your Desktops Post #341340
I used to lay my icons out like that, until I had one crash too many and the resolution change caused everything to shift about. Now I just don't have icons on my desktop besides the essentials. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-23 14:04:24 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341303
What kinda stuff you gonna hook the winner up with exactly, Satch... Just curious given your medical background :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-22 14:38:06 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341300
What was the final count for entries by the by?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-21 23:31:25 UTC
in The ~Video Game Music~ Thread Post #341295
One of the tracks of my childhood. Such a simple but effective CTF map too.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-21 14:15:41 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341293
I loved Dino Crisis 2, but it was pretty much an action oriented game and I think that put a lot of people off. I couldn't get into the original. Nice to see it pop up again though. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-21 14:11:28 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341292
Holy pants!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-19 23:47:30 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341281
Thanks for the assist Jessie. Very thorough playtest and made some pretty solid changes in the last 16 minutes of the compo. Entry posted to compo page. Might add the map vault later. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-19 14:57:48 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341277
Fallout 4 - Gone back to my first ever save from 10th of November, 2015. Playing with my first character again from scratch but with a heavily modded game with all DLC installed.

Fallout New Vegas - Because sometimes it's nice to actually play a GOOD Fallout game.

I've also sorted my Steam Library a little. It now consists of the following groups:

My all time favourite games that I can pick up and play any time. Some completed. Some online. All installed. Ridiculous number of hours.
Notable games: Half-Life, Fallout New Vegas, Hollow Knight, Pillars of Eternity, Tyranny

Games that I have played from start to finish or online titles that have exhausted their entertainment value. Uninstalled. A large number of hours.
Notable games: Mass Effect series, Max Payne series, DayZ

Games that just appeared in my library (special editions/remasters) or are generally a bit shit but cannot be refunded. Uninstalled. Very few hours.
Notable games: Some moba knock-offs, games people thought I might like, extra crap from bundles with better games in?

Games that I am currently working through or have not yet started. A mix of installed and not yet installed. Very few hours.
Notable games: Metal Gear Solid V, Tomb Raider, A Hat in Time, The Witcher 3
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-19 14:45:57 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341276
As per previous competitions, they will just list the maps with a mini review and link to the download for each.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-19 08:59:51 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341274
Yeah, lots of stuff prevented me putting in as much time as I wanted. Gonna have to wrap up what I got tonight and get it submitted. No big finale as planned originally.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-16 14:20:07 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341254
Gonna have to blitz this over the weekend. Much to do... This is going to come out so bad, but I want to submit something at least.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-11 23:11:17 UTC
in Another Half-Rats Mod? Post #341231
While I am in no position to help, I am happy to hear that we may be getting third entry into the Goldsource Half-Rats series! :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-09 21:42:07 UTC
in TWHL Modded Minecraft Server Post #341221
Urby! My username is Urby! Huzzah!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
That would definitely require coding. The only thing that I've seen that is somewhat similar is the way the combine soldiers work in the Source titles. Usually a couple will actively fire at you while the others in their squad stick to cover, try to manoeuvre to a good position or lob grenades. I think Antlions might also take turns attacking the player so as not to overwhelm them.

Can't say I've seen similar behaviour in the Goldsource engine. All monsters seem to share the mentality that the player must die as quickly as possible.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-06 14:33:25 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341207
Me again, bumping this thread. After a couple of goes on the Fallout 76 BETA, I have asked Bethesda for my money back. I was willing to look past the lack of everything that makes Fallout a good series (that hadn't already been stripped out with Fallout 4) and play it with an open mind. However, the PC port was a joke. Not a good one either. (What are the ideal keys to move left and right in a menu? Z and C! badum tish)

In light of that, I've started to pick up some of my older games that I've never finished or even tried in some cases. I've decided to dive into Guild Wars 2 which I downloaded over two years ago and never played. So far, I have to say that I'm enjoying it. While every other MMORPG I tried just felt like a WoW clone, (WoW being a game I got bored with after six months) GW2 seems to have a little more variety in it's quests and offers a branching personal story as well, away from any main questline. I reckon I'll stick with it for a bit until I get bored or something better comes out. Being Free to Play helps too.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-06 14:24:35 UTC
in TWHL Modded Minecraft Server Post #341206
I believe my Minecraft username is Urbanebula, but at the moment I'm having trouble getting into my account... It's asking me security questions that I cannot remember the answers for. Hahaha.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-30 20:22:33 UTC
in TWHL Modded Minecraft Server Post #341103
Tell me what mods to get and I'll jump on the server from time to time!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-30 02:49:39 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341093
Nice. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-21 15:13:32 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341059
On the bright side, there's some really cool stuff coming out of new studios that fix what EA breaks. Two Point Hospital and Cities Skylines to name a couple. Maybe we'll see a new RTS series inspired by C&C when this one releases. Hahaha
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-21 08:51:29 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341055
Following the recent announcement of a possible remaster
Uh-oh. If that's being made by EA then it'll be a shit show, like literally everything else they touch.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-17 10:41:09 UTC
in Hard Duty - 2018 Update Post #341051
Happy to hear that you're back in action. You can never have too many single player Half-Life mods.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-16 02:41:23 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341045
Time to start adding some custom textures, because if you're not including Easter eggs or references to the things you like, why are you even mapping?
User posted image
OK, so this isn't really an easter egg at all... I just really like the way the security monitors came out. :P
User posted image
So how's everybody doing? I need to think about wrapping my map up soon so that I can get it tested by somebody else and make sure it works and plays well.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-15 22:56:28 UTC
in Explosive mines working just first round Post #341044
Though I'm not familiar with mapping for CS, is the issue here not that you're using a trigger_once... That kind of trigger is removed from the game once tripped as far as I know.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-11 12:43:39 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #341023
He mostly likely can/already has... but you know what that guy's like.

...He's Scottish.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-10 19:03:10 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341021
@sakna: That's looking real nice
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-10 13:08:49 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #341019
I was thinking about this just this morning. Weird.

FYI, I will put out an alert at the weekend. I've not played anything online for months and I think it's time for some merriment and murder once again... I don't have server admin rights though, so we must endure the shit maps.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-08 21:52:54 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341008
I don't believe that there will be any. The competition states that the entries will need to be singleplayer. They could likely be adapted though, should the authors wish. Hell, mine loops around on itself enough that it could be quite easy to update after the compo.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-04 13:28:24 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #340984
It's actually not staying the way it is in that shot. The corridor is going to be blocked, but I wanted to show it off before I throw the blockade in there. The player will need to duck into the door on the left to bypass it. Then there will be a little puzzle to get the secure access door open.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-10-01 13:58:58 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #340969
There is a competition every few years or so, but often the theme is more specific and tends to focus on entity work and such. This one has a focus on making a singleplayer map so I jumped at the chance to get involved. Other times the maps are either multiplayer focused or simply design tests that you can walk around in, which are nice but I rarely bother with them. :P

You can see the previous competitions here:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-09-30 21:33:32 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #340966
User posted image
Spent too long on this hallway, considering the player will spend a grand total of five seconds here. Whoops.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-09-26 14:37:26 UTC
in (REQUEST) Voltigore from op4 Post #340955
All fair points. Very well. I was just curious. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2018-09-26 07:53:31 UTC
in (REQUEST) Voltigore from op4 Post #340950
Pardon my ignorance, but have you considered just making an a Opposing Force mod? All your posts are regarding adding OpFor enemies and behaviors to HL. Why not just start with OpFor and mod from there? :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer