It would be cool! And the humans can but some of their money to make new cures and stronger weapons/walls to keep out the zombies, and the zombies can work on keeping there immunity up and updating the virus making them stronger, faster and all that!
I like the zombies... Infect cities, update the virus, keep the immunity up for cures... Having zombie sex... Making zombie money... Having little zombie kids... Get sick of your zombie wife and cheat on her with you zombie lover...
And now Im gonna quote myself.
No but seriously
Infect cities, update the virus, keep the immunity up for cures...
Yeah I know, I want his instant-learning skills. I tried different modeling programs, tried to figure them out for about a week each but I still couldn't do it. How do you learn?! How?! Tell me
Because I need to know how to model you know. Does the allmighty Rimrook have any suggestions?
And this mini mod will probably be awesome. Why don't you include it as a part in Turnstile? that would make it more interesting you know.
Im a bit uncomfortable calling the Barney a new monster, it's new codes and new entitys but it's still Barney? It's the same monster with new coding! So it's more a remake or an update, it's not a new monster... But if the mod doesn't need new monsters it's rather stupid to make new monsters. If it just needs some updating then go with that... And we can see that you are already going with that so I didn't have to say that...
...But I did, I wounder why.
...No that's a lie, I don't wonder why and neither do you...
You have to post pics of you tattoos Jeff, they sound awesome!
And chicks with lots of tattoos are sexy! If you don't like tattoos I can understand that you're not into women with tattoos... but they damn sure are sexy!
I'll probably get my next tattoos soon, I've waited a long time to get them so the time comes soon
My first map was a cs map, one texture. The map was a huge hollowed out box... And inside the box there was this block floating with a blocky arch and some water. Fullbright, one texture and one spawnpoint.
And yeah, we are probably going to but some more color on it, dark green leaves and some more roses you know, so it's not really done yet, just the first part of it. It might take a long time to finnish.
I want a cross on my arm, a cool ship I drew on my lower back, and my last name over my stomach... And some more, I know that I want my arms, legs and back full with tattoos, I just don't know WHAT to get. But that's fine with me, it's good if it takes time to really think each tattoo through
FresheD, I want to end that discussion, it's not going anywhere. Sorry if I was rude to you, but I was in a really bad mood.
Rowl: Im planning on making the leaves dark green, and add more roses, and some of them in deep red, just to fill it out a bit and make it look bigger So more leaves and thorns!
btw, it's really hard to get a pic of it, the leg isn't exactly the easiest thing to take a pic of, specialy not with a bad cam that doesn't even have makro!
And I need all my spare time to just relax so that I can rip the horns of the bull you know.
Im thinking about quiting work.
Im not upset for you disagreing with me, it's the way you do it on.
But this is what the tattoo is all about. Keeping focus when bad stuff is happening. You see that it's a rose, but insted of the flower a skull has grown up. Sort of a symbol for this kind of situations, insted of letting me get beat'n down by all this that's happening I gotta use the new found ager and all the bad feelings and do something creative about it. So far I've written 3 songs, gotten one tattoo and started on one map. You understand? The tattoo is a constant reminder of all that, keep focus nomatter what. It's fucking hard but it's also very possible...
Im just in a really bad mood... So much stuff happening! Im so far behind in school, my girl just left me, stress at work... FUCK! the only good thing right now is my guitars and my tattoos...
And I know... TWHL is the one place that you can be sure to get flamed on...
so I just flame back now...
And If you've been an addict it's hard to you know... Live without it...
A mature comment is something like this "I don't really like tattoos so in my opinion it doesn't look too good. But if you like it then I guess it's up to you..."
That's bullshit My father works with handicapped (don't mind the spelling) and old people, and he has tattoos on his hands and lower arm, he got the job. And he's working with OLD people! Tattoo's doesn't really matter anymore, it's on thing if you got "hells angels" tattood on your neck or something, but all the tattoos Im going to get are going to be possible to cover if I want to... But the older I get the more obvious they are going to get, 40+ and my hands are coverd!
btw, why are you throwing shit on tattoos when I like them? I made this thread so that you can give mature comments, not talk about how much you dislikes tattoos and how big assholes you are. So please, mature comments or don't give any comments.