Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 10:37:36 UTC
in Pistol Poll Post #14597
It's been a while since I've done a post at TWHL but I'm back. Here's the poll:

Which pistol in cs do you think is the best?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 12:19:31 UTC
in ambient_generic =/ Post #14202
wow, 3 of the same hints in a row.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 12:18:55 UTC
in ambient_generic =/ Post #14201
Set the flag as start silent. Then but a big trigger_multiple where you want the sound to start.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 12:02:33 UTC
in Cars Post #14199
or I could godmode and impulse 101 and kill the Gargantua, I made a mod called Alien Blast coming out soon if File Planet accepts the file. You have to kill 2 Gargantuas in one room.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 20:32:47 UTC
in Cars Post #14043
But this new avatar is a "robot" that I made out of K'nex.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 20:32:17 UTC
in Cars Post #14042
You die BrattyLord, you die. Never again will you get to see the light of day, nor the pale guy with a brown mullet, you die......... die.......
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-26 10:21:15 UTC
in Cars Post #13959
I dont care about making a srivavble car in this forum so please dont tell me how. Ok, you know the textures for the white SUV in the halflife.wad? If I stick all of those textures where they shoudl be, will the white disappear and make a car or do I have to do a bunch of clipping?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 22:11:47 UTC
in Website upload instead of map vault. Post #13919
I dont know any other websites with map uploading.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 22:11:22 UTC
in Compiling problem. Post #13918
I am TRYING to make a Half Life level but whenever I try to load the map it just sits there. I waited and waited for over 45 minutes and nothing happened, it never even got past the vis program. I retried and retried over and over agauin but the same still happened . So I tried to run it without vis but the loading problem just went on to qbsp2! Whats going on! Why is it not working!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 19:09:01 UTC
in NEED TEXTURE HELP Post #13887
Look in browse all and look for custom textures
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-25 15:37:05 UTC
in Website upload instead of map vault. Post #13859
Yeah I know I worded the subject wrong but here what I ned to know. You all know that when you want to upload a map the max file size limit is 2 megabytes. Well I have a mod that will blow you all away but the zip file is 4 megabytes. How do I upload it to the website thingy?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 20:19:43 UTC
in More simple dripping water (restated) Post #13348
Ok I got it posted, it's labeled SIMPLE DRIPPING WATER in the example maps section.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 19:02:18 UTC
in More simple dripping water (restated) Post #13174
If you have tried to make dripping water but failed because of the extremely complicated steps (I know I did) then it's your lucky day! I have come up with an EXTREMELY SIMPLE AND EASY way to make dripping water. (to make the water drip, use trigger_auto)
1: make a little tiny texture block and assing it to a func_train.
2: make your path_corners as you would for a normal elevator and check the teleport flag on the top path_corner.
3: Check the not solid flag on both of path_corner entities.
That's all there is! I think this is much more simple than messing around with multi_managers.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 18:11:48 UTC
in Subject for Neo-The One Post #13027
You got dial up I assume?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 01:14:39 UTC
yeah, what he said!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 23:10:49 UTC
Ok if any of you have seen one of my new maps, called cs_control, you will have noticed that it has been rated 2 stars by "5"people. ONLY 3 PPEOPLE HAVE DOWNLOADED THAT MAP. EVEN IF IT IS A BAD MAP, NO JERK SHOULD VOTE MULTIPLE TIMES JUST TO KILL A RATING OR MAKE IT HARD TO GET A GOOD ONE. WHOEVER DID THIS, CUT IT OUT.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 18:24:17 UTC
in 3rd Person Post #12696
thrid person mode isnt a cheat. Ive done with with sv_cheats 0.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 17:06:01 UTC
in More simple dripping water Post #12664
If you have tried to make dripping water but failed because of the extremely complicated steps (I know I did) then it's your lucky day! I have come up with an EXTREMELY SIMPLE AND EASY way to make dripping water. (to make the water drip, use trigger_auto)
1: make a little tiny texture block and assing it to a func_train.
2: make your path_corners as you would for a normal elevator and check the teleport flag on the top path_corner.
3: Check the not solid flag on both of path_corner entities.

That's all there is! I think this is much more simple than messing around with multi_managers.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 15:44:29 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12653
Well if I need to have a skelton SPRITE rther than a model, how do I do that? I put the file in the sprites and renamed it to a spr file, bu that obviosly isnt the answer as doing that freezes worldcraft.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 15:14:26 UTC
in What does VIS actually do? Post #12639
I compile with intentional leaks AND with vis turned on because I am too lazy to move the mouse and click on the run vis button.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 15:12:39 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12638
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 10:33:08 UTC
in transparent walls ? Post #12562
Yeah, clip wont work because the only thing that DOESNT go through it is you.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 10:31:32 UTC
in What does VIS actually do? Post #12560
I dont like vis that much, it only slows down my compile tmie. Plus if there arent any leaks in the level vis will run(obviously) and all the lights that you put as a dark shade will still appear bright. Which is bad for my haunted level. So I put an extremely small leak between the sky walls and sky roof.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-18 10:27:52 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12559
ok thanks
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 20:53:27 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12488
OK I have the monster_generic and the skeleton model put in, but Its not there when I test the map. Do I need more than just the model in there for it to be visible? Also, will this entity even work with counter strike?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 20:41:58 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12482
OK I found it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 20:36:10 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12481
are those entities?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 20:35:39 UTC
in Just a thought.... Post #12480
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 19:24:05 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12466
Thats the bsp file, I need the rmf if im going to figure out how to make them.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 19:04:37 UTC
in Skeletons Post #12464
How do I make a skeleton? Is it a sprite?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 19:04:08 UTC
in What does VIS actually do? Post #12463
Something to do with reflective light.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 18:14:00 UTC
in Knifes for CS ? Post #12455
Oh never mind, vassy already said what I just said, haha, oops
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 18:12:56 UTC
in Knifes for CS ? Post #12454
I know how to take away your glocks and usps!!!!

Make a player_weaponstrip entity(brush based) right under the player start. Then under THAT put player_equip or armory_entity with a knife setting. I used this for my map dualies_n_deagles, so I am sure this will work.IMPORTANT: player_weaponstrip is NOT in the cs enitity list, you have to use the half life entities along with the cs ones.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 18:08:56 UTC
in Just a thought.... Post #12453
These are the things I want to know, if ou know how to do this, please tell me(I don't really care about them actually shooting and acting the same way as hl, just the model):
1. knife to crowbar
2. glock to hl glock
3.mp5 to hl mp5
4. he grenades to hl grenades
5. pump shotgun to hl shotgun
6. awp to crossbow

If you know how to make these look like I want them to WITHOUT MAKING THEM ALWAYS LOOK THIS WAY please tell me. Thanks.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 16:44:48 UTC
in Just a thought.... Post #12443
Is it possible to put half life weapons in a cs map or vise versa, is it possible to put cs weapons in a half life map?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 16:43:35 UTC
in Leaks linked to sounds? Post #12442
Actually after testing the level many times, the sound started to work(cool eh?) I don't know what happened but I like the outcome!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 10:37:59 UTC
in Invisible floor? Post #12368
Hahahaha, he said he would use clip and people are still suggesting textures. Hahahaha.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 10:36:54 UTC
in Leaks linked to sounds? Post #12367
I was asking because I am making a haunted house level for cs, I had a moving ghost and I wanted it to sound like it was stepping on skeaky boards. But the squeak noise didn't work. Oh well I'll figure out SOMETING. Thanks anyway.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-17 00:47:53 UTC
in Leaks linked to sounds? Post #12328
Will a leak make a sound not work?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 23:00:31 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12321
You know andy, if I DIDN'T halfway fix it, I wouldnt be in the right map. I have been changing levels to the right map the whole time, but there have been other problems. I know how to set up which map to go to. I am not a new person at mapping. I am quite experienced. And if you have been reading my posts you woukld have realized that you just said everything I already had set up at the very begining!!!!!!! READ THE OTHER POSTS IF YOU WANT TO HELP. WHY IS THAT SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 22:09:54 UTC
in Invisible floor? Post #12313
Well Im used to doing that for fences, hats why I used {blue. But the verdict was clip anyway
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 21:16:30 UTC
in Invisible floor? Post #12308
Hamster, the {blue texture will be black if it isnt an entity. If you want to use {blue isntead of clip don't know why you would) but here is how it works. Change it to a func_wall and set the render mode to texture and set render amount to 255. If it isnt texture then its solid. One of those 2, I forget.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 21:01:05 UTC
in Invisible floor? Post #12305
No offense to all the worldcraft helpers and worldcraft geniouses out there but I MUST let my feelings out:

You guys sometimes explain things in the most complicated ways possible, for exampl, making a {blue texture an entity and then making it invisible instead of using clip. Think more simply. Once again, no offense.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 20:45:52 UTC
in Im stuck Post #12302
You don't get sucking into a skybox H4mst0r (nice name). skyboxes are like water. You can actually swim in them only the other exures around you dissapear and the sky will fade in and out depending on where you move.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 20:43:57 UTC
in Invisible floor? Post #12300
Just use clip. Its that simple, its invisible by default but you can't fall through it. Its much easier than using {blue and invisible is like water, ou sink through it.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 20:41:13 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12299
Agh! The level change works! I am alive at the other end but now there's another problem! Actually there is 2 problems.

1: I don't end up where I want to be, even though both landmarks are in the same place.
2: I put the G man in the first map and when I change levels, HE IS STILL THERE!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 18:06:36 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12258
Not being able to change levels and all. I hope this works...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 18:06:15 UTC
in Stupid level change won't work! Post #12257
Agh, NOW he tells me. OK, sorry if I sounded REALLY REALLY angry before, it was just annoying.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 18:05:15 UTC
in Vassy's avitar Post #12256
Though I have a mullet and my picture is a custom made picture of a guy with a mullet, the guy in the picutre is not supposed to be me. If you want to see MY awsome hair-do. Go to my website.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 18:04:15 UTC
in Vassy's avitar Post #12255
Uh oh, QUICK CHANGE THE SUBJECT! UH... UHHHH.... UMMMM MULLETS! YEAH! I have a mullet( I'm not kidding, don't be hatin')