Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-28 07:01:52 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #106241
Cheers. A will be up tommorrow.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 14:03:58 UTC
in I'm up to my same ole requests Post #105981
I have no b33f with anyone. I'm too laid back.

I'd be happy to work on such a project. It might encourage me to carry on with some of mine.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 13:50:30 UTC
in Typing Post #105980
Hehehe. Essays, assignments, IVAs and Projects involving work in general are the bane of any students lifstyle. They get in the way of important stuff like the net and drinkshhh. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 13:37:54 UTC
in Typing Post #105976
Oh and:

not being a touch typer.

33 WPM
2 errors
94% accurate
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 13:33:03 UTC
in Typing Post #105975
Whats it about? I had to write a report on arguments for and againts speed cameras. no less than 1000 words. I did 1070.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 05:33:40 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #105916
--Chapter 4--
--Rescue Party--

?We?ve got to get around them!? Yelled Fitz ?Everyone down onto the fucking tracks!?

?Roger!? The squad scrambled across the platform and down onto the tracks. The human voices moaned beneath their unearthly tormentors as the zombies lumbered after them. Mark felt a hand against his back. He turned, ready to fire on a zombie. He paused at the sight of one of the squad members. He was staring into marks face with no emotion, no life.

Mark looked down to where the man?s legs should have been to see nothing but blood and organs dangling in the air. The zombies had devoured him so quickly Mark hadn?t even realised he was there. He took the mans hand which clutched to his saddle bag and ripped it away. The torso fell to the floor with a thump just as the creatures were within reach of Mark. They pulled the remains into the horde and paused to feed for mere seconds of time. The mass of the creatures meant that one man wasn?t enough. Two, Three and even more were required to quench their thirst for blood.

?They?re fucking ripping us apart sir!? Yelled Tower. ?This is hopeless!?

Just as he finished the radio crackled into life.

?This is Resistance Charlie 13. We picked up some movement in this area. Are there any fighters in the area? Respond! Over.?

Fitz jumped into action, grabbing the radio and clicking it to send out. ?Yes, were in a subway station and there?s a ton of fucking nasty things in here!?

?Roger!? The voice replied, ?I suggest you hit the deck.?

?What? I can?t quite hear you. Repeat. Over.?


?Oh shit,? Fitz looked up. ?Get down!?

The men all hit the floor looking up at the horde, which still approached them. There was a tremendous explosion behind the maintenance door at the opposite end. The door flew across the platform, smashing a zombie into the tiled wall and sending blood and brains up the wall to the ceiling. A hail of gunfire poured into the station ripping through the horde. Yellow puss splattered in all directions at the horde fell to the floor like a set of mutilated dominoes. The men looked up to the door to see 3 resistance fighters standing in the doorway.

?How many?? yelled a voice

?9! You??

?Damn it! 6!?

?I got 5!?

?Shut up! Nobody cares.?

Mark was looking up at the ceiling, stunned by the blast. A figure lumbered over him and knelt down so that his face came into view. He was an older guy, grey stubble ran across his square jaw and a cigar protruded from the right of his mouth. A second man came over and started helping people up. A second medic signified by the patches he wore on his arms. A third man lingered at the back. He was short, thin and had spectacles resting at an angle on his nose. He straightened them and attempted to step forward. The older guy pushed him back.

?Get out of my way maggot!? He growled, ?I don?t want you messing up again.?

?Hey, it was a bloody accident!? he stammered

?So was finding you!?

?I?ll be of use someday and you?ll wish you never doubted me!?

Mark focused on the older guy as he was lifted off the floor.

?Thanks.? He said, ?Who are you guys??

?We?re the sorry bastards who opted to defend this station.?

?Ah!? Fitz piped up. ?You?re meant to be carrying supplies for us right??

?Meant to be yes.? He said, he shook Fitz?s hand. ?Sergeant Barry Greenwood.?

?Sergeant Joe Fitzgerald.?

?I expected more of you.? Said Greenwood

?We lost 4 to the zombies. Boy am I glad to see you guys. We?ve lost most of our ammo.?

?We would equip you with more but unfortunately our supply guys were in this station waiting for you. Looks like the crabs got here first. The supplies are up in the maintenance area through that door. Only problem is we used the explosives to get through the door and about half the ammo to kill these things. The entire station is teaming with them.?

?Lets get to higher ground!? yelled the medic.

?Good idea. Move out.?

The men walked out through the subways maintenance sector towards the exit. They passed countless numbers of mutilated bodies.

?This was my squad.? Said Greenwood ?Well actually it was his.?

He gestured towards the small skinny guy from before.

?What?s the deal with him.? Asked Mark.

?He was the squad leader.? He said with anger in his voice ?Sergeant Graham Holden. He?s a sniper. He was given a recon squad and was told to guard the station. For a while we didn?t loose anyone. Then they started kicking back with striders and he his himself under some rubble. When he ordered the retreat we had lost half of our men. He ordered us to crab into the subway system and barred the doors. Nothing could get in. Nothing could get out.?

?So you were trapped?? Mark asked

?Exactly. Then the head crabs came. He led us down to the station only to see that the crabs had been swarming down there. They would have followed us out until we were all dead. So what does he do? He bars 21 of our friends into the station so they don?t follow. Then there were only 10 of us. The combine broke our barricades and killed off the other 7. We really could have done with the extra 21 men that he?d locked up. After that he said he didn?t want to be squad leader anymore so I snapped up the role myself.?

The men had been walking for an hour until they reached a metal grate blocking the way. There was a symbol above the grate. It looked like a Greek symbol inside a circle.

?Where are we?? asked mark

?Resistance station 71.? Said Greenwood

?Hold on,? Holden said, Squeezing through the crowd. He was being kicked and tripped the entire way through. ?Charlie 13 reporting in.?

?Roger Charlie 13.? The grate shifted and was winched up into the ceiling.

?Come on in.? Said Holden.

?Shut up.? Greenwood shoved past.

The resistance point was busting with activity. Men were running from one side to the other. Weapons crates were being winched up into holes in the ceiling while men were shouting and corpses were being buried below. The men were ordered to restock on ammo while Greenwood spoke to the Resistance Captain. Mark took 8 clips of MG rounds and was examining a pistol when Greenwood ran back to the squad.?

?Ok boys. I?ve just checked in with Calhoun. Freeman?s already passed the supply point and is nearly at Eli?s place. I?m afraid the supply run is a no go.?

?Damn.? Said Fitz ?Dan?s going to be pissed.?

?We got 2 new missions that need doign and we have to sort out a transfer as well.?

?Transfer?? asked Tower

?Yes Corporal. Is there a problem??

?No,? Tower shifted uneasily. ?No sir.?

?Ok. I know you guys aren?t that well acquainted at all so I?m leaving to choice to you. Here?s what we got.?

A) You can transfer to Eli?s lab. I?m sending Holden as squad leader because it?s guard duty and he could get by without screwing that up.

B) You can go with me to the coast too back up the squads at the Shore point, New Little Odessa and Lighthouse point.

C) Or you can go with Calhoun into the City to hold back the combine striders.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-26 04:29:49 UTC
in Favourite quote!! Post #105914
--Irish Barman in movie 'The Boondock Saints'--

Why don't you make like a tree, and get the fuck out.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-25 09:54:30 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #105795
Damnit. Gotta go home. No time to finish section. Will post tommorrow!

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-24 07:25:57 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #105609
I tried with the last one i did on another forum. The only problem was it involved the british army and i didn't have any modelling experience. The next section will be posted tomorrow. Too busy to breathe today!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-22 05:00:40 UTC
in The Hunter Award Post #105251
Too. Busy. Too. Even. Consider.


I need to release a mod soon! Don't Bloody sidetrack me. I'm going insane.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-22 04:57:51 UTC
in *yawn* Post #105250
Welcome back Monkeh. You will still be MkT in our hearts. :nuts:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-22 04:56:42 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #105249
B it is.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-22 04:54:33 UTC
in Proppa Story #1 - The Beginning [closed] Post #105248
Blood and brain matter splattered against the wall with a meaty 'slap'! The cops, having heard the shot, began to pursue Jeffery.

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 06:37:38 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #104878
also note the " TRY to get around them. "
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 06:36:38 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #104877
lol. I could quite easily write a section for any of tose choices. like i said even i don't know whats gonna happen.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 06:29:30 UTC
in Wheres he gone? Post #104876
ve had to do that with the trigger_camera.
I think we all have at somw point.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-19 08:41:30 UTC
in DE DUST Post #104740
It is big. Its piss easy to snipe and Anthony's right.

I'd like to add.

f) succeeded in the above.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-19 05:20:25 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #104735
?Ok.? Fitz jumped into action. ?We?ve got to get those supplies to Freeman. If we miss him or he doesn?t get them he might not make it past the canals!?

?But what about those things.? Mark was trembling

?Suck it up!? shouted Tower. ?Fucking rookies! You?re all the same. One look at death or something like a zombie and you all want to turn tail and shit yourselves.?

?This is new to me! Ok?? Mark was angry and now a little embarrassed. Now it was time to prove Tower wrong.

Mark clicked the safety off his SMG and the men took up firing positions. 5 squatted at the front while the other 6 stood and aimed over their heads.

?Hold.? Yelled Fitz ?Keep your shots to a minimum.?

?Short bursts only!? yelled Tower. ?If I see anyone spraying their guns off like a fucking lead hose, I?ll take it off you and shove it up your ass!?

?If you run out of SMG ammo switch to your emergency sidearm and use your last 17 bullets wisely. Keep the 18th round in the chamber in case you get pinned down. A bullet to the head is a hell of a lot more pleasant that having your face eaten off!?

The first zombie was 10 feet from them now and still no shooting.

8 feet.

5 feet.

?FIRE!? Tower yelled. Tower and Fitz opened fire into the headcrab. The bullets ripped through its tiny little body and smashed into the human?s face beneath. The thing twitched on its feet as a slimy, green fluid blurted out in all directions. Red and yellow blood and flesh splattered on the wet floor with a sickening splashing sound.

?What the hell are you all waiting for!?? Tower kicked a man in the front row who wobbled uneasily.

The others fired at the second lumbering creature. The bullets ripped into its chest opening completely shredding the remains of the lungs and heart. The body dropped to the floor.

?No no no! You fucking morons!? there was a touch of panic in Tower?s voice. ?Aim for the goddamn head!?

?Where did the crab go?? said one voice

?I don?t know!? shrieked another.

The tunnel was dark and the floor was barely visible. A faint tapping noise could be heard to the left of them. There was a flick and then a loud stomach churning crunch. A blood-curdling scream filled the tunnel as the parasite began to devour the defenceless man?s head. The front fangs ripped into his eyes sockets and he fell back kicking and flailing like an upturned antlion.

?Shit!? one man yelled ?It?s Carlos! What the fuck do we do.?

?The only thing we can.? Tower lifted the poor soul with ease and put the barrel to the creature, which tormented him. Three shots rattled out of the gun hollowing out the headcrab and the cranium beneath. He dropped the lump of blood-soaked, distorted meat to the floor and opened fire on the next zombie. ?Damn it! Fitz their going to just keep flooding in here if we don?t move.?

?Ok,? Fitz took charge once again ?We?ve got to move to the end of this tunnel and into the station. Get ready.?

Tower dropped the last zombie.


The men ran as fast as they could while still keeping their gun barrels pointed ahead. Hopping over the fallen creatures Mark felt an overwhelming urge to protect his face as he ran.

?More zombies!? A man bellowed as 3 more silhouettes appeared at the exit. The men didn?t even stop running as they sprayed the heads with lead. Green globules of puss sloshed all over the place until finally the men barged by the twitching corpses.

They should have stopped running. They burst through the tunnel exit and dropped down into the subway station. 18 more zombies where lining up to climb into the tunnel for a warm meal. 18 hungry mutated things with a tasted for living flesh. One man strayed ahead, looking behind him. He bumped into something tall and damp. He fell back onto his rear and looked up at the humanoid beast that approached him. He raised his SMG in hope of escaping under cover fire but too late realised he was out of ammo. He looked up almost in tears, his lip nervously quivering.

?Oh fuck!? as he was dragged into the rampant horde by his let he let out a shrill scream. He disappeared into mass of claws and teeth.

The men opened fire on the horde. They were backed into a corner and they were to low to get back into the tunnel they came in by.

?Shit.? Fitz tried to get a look over the top of the horde. The railway tunnels were blocked off by energy fields, as was the street access stairwell. However there was a staff only door on the other side of the platform possibly leading to a security maintenance station. ?Now, how the hell??

?God Damn!? the zombies started to shift towards the group. The man at the front had already pissed in his trousers. The poor guy didn?t even have a chance to scream as the clawed hand swept across his face. The right side of his head came away with ease and flopped off the platform onto the tracks. He fell to his knees just as a second clawed hand ripped open his chest. The zombies ripped the entrails from the corpse in no time at all. The men had to act fast.
?I?m not sure what?s going to happen here guys.? Said Mark ?I?m not getting fucking eaten like that. We need to make a decision quickly.?

A) Charge through the horde with what ammo we have left?

B) Get onto the tracks and try to get around them.

C) Hold the position and fire.

God damn I?m getting tense just writing this. In my spine mostly.

Leans back, something cracks, Urban falls on floor

--3 hours later--

Urban wakes up and hits 'post'
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-19 05:18:03 UTC
in Hammer Bordom?? Post #104734
Wow. What a pile of spam.

Great mapping experience. I made a Deathmatch map to match UT's Morpheus level. I decreased the gravity and had a 4 way deathmatch with me Bro-In-Law, my sis and my dad. I came second to the BIL because he's a pro gamer. He's always at the top of the scoreboards on anygame he plays.

I kinda hate him for it.

And this other time (at band camp) I made a Sven coop map and had a huge firefight. I almost wet myself at my 2 buddies died beside me as we made a run for cover. I jumped out to kill a sniper and then froze.

His barrel was aimed at my face, and then, BANG! SPLAT!

My bro in law and my mate both ran out Mguns blazing and this sniper just got obliterated. Gasped with relief and we set off into the next courtyard...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-19 05:05:16 UTC
in FAREWELL TO TWHL!!! Post #104733

I was hoping we'd work together some day. :(

...and the Tribute map looks great! :D

What can I say. College certainly is important but at the same time eats your free time. I'm done in 5 weeks though. Pretty scary.

Maybe i'll finish a map before then. As well as my site. :
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-18 05:28:29 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #104609
He said that only the first vote will count other will be ignored
Good to see that people listen to instructions. :)

The second part is now in the works. Should be done today.

I hope nobody dies. We'll see...

A it is.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-14 14:43:02 UTC
in The Pope's Passing Post #103982
Ok i kinda said that wrong. All those who gave their lives because their leaders told them to. I mean everyone who is sent (if not forced) to fight then and today.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-14 14:38:03 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #103980
Nice to see some new readiers.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-14 14:36:43 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #103979
True. And may i draw your attention to the earlier chapter. They're running low on ammo. But so far A is the overpowering choice. Be careful guys. Keep posting.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-14 14:34:46 UTC
in Half-Life Scrap Yard Post #103978
and CSS
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-14 14:34:08 UTC
in Half-Life Scrap Yard Post #103977
Wait wait wait. You like because it lets you use templates?

Learn HTML. Seriously.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-14 05:40:58 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #103873
--Chapter 3--
--Dark Tunnels and Muzzle flash--

Mark looked from Dan to Fitz and back.

?I?ll go with Fitz.? He said

Dan stood up straight and gave Mark a stern look.

?Really?? he paused. ?Very Good. I guess this means Fitz is our second squad leader.?

Gregory slumped on his feet. Still only a Corporal he had just been bumped down the ladder. He then did what any self-loving asshole would do.

?Sir,? he piped up ?Can I suggest that bumping Fitz from Private to Sergeant just like that could have undesired effects. He could do something stupid. He?s got ten men there. Maybe I-?

?-Negative Corporal. I need you on me. We?re headed for a radio outpost to the south of the city before we move on to Eli?s. Fitz here can make sure to get some supplies to Freeman.?

?Yes sir.? Answered Gregory. He sidled off into the left tunnel kicking a pebble as he went.

?Don?t mess this up Fitz. Tower! Your acting Corporal for this squad. Got it.?

?Yes sir!? A deep voice boomed from the back of the 10 man group. It parted and through the gap stepped a huge, bald, African looking man. Down the right side of his face ran a tattoo of a serpent. The head started above his ear and its body coiled down over his neck and the tail finally stopped below his eye on his right cheek.

?Move out men!? yelled Dan and the 2 groups went their separate ways, for now.

Walking down the tunnel Fitz pulled Mark up to the front with him.

?I hate Gregory.? He said ?There?s something about him. We picked him up outside Ravenholm 3 years ago, just minutes before the invasion.?

?Invasion?? asked Mark.

?Headcrabs.? Said Fitz ?The combine located it on a map and bombarded the place with pods full of them. They turned half the population into these things, which finished off the other half. It was strange when we found him. He was running towards the City with a huge smile on his face. Then when he spotted us he suddenly started limping and crying. I don?t think he expected there to be a medic in the squad. When I checked he said he sprained it. He told us something had happened and we had to leave. Then when we got back to the canal we found out Ravenholm had been wiped out.?
?That?s kind of suspicious.? Mark said

?That?s not the half of it. We stationed him at the red barn on the canal 2 weeks ago and then he suddenly volunteered to come to the city with us. Just before we found you we learned that a headcrab pod hit the barn he was staying in!?

?What do you thinks going on??

?I don?t want to think about it. If he?s a traitor he doesn?t want to cross Dan. Family killed by the combine and all.?

?Yeah.? Laughed Mark. ?Maybe its just coincidence.?

?I don?t know. Anyway get that machine gun ready. There?s the supply depot. We?ve been out of radio contact for a while. We don?t know why.?

There was a light in the distance. As it grew nearer the men stirred more and there were a few quiet whispers of ?What do you thinks up there? and ?I hope it?s just a signal problem.?

Something else was on Marks mind. Or rather someone.

?So who?s this Tower guy.?

?He served with the military platoons sent into black mesa years ago. His chopper got shot down. Half the men died in the crash and the rest of them including their corporal went their separate ways. He was alone in the desert for about 3 weeks. Made him a bit of a hard ass. No-one really talks to the guy. None of us can really relate.?

?I can imagine. Somehow makes City 17 seem like a walk in the park.?

?I wouldn?t be so sure. Hold up!? Fitz suddenly shouted.

Something was staggering down the tunnel towards them. The silhouette of a humanoid. Something wasn?t right about it. It was staggering towards the men and letting out the most haunting moan.

?Who?s there?? shouted Fitz ?Are you wounded??

?I don?t think he can hear you.? Piped up Tower.

?Why not?? Mark asked, ?He?s well within earshot. Plus we?re in a tunnel. Sound travels well in here.?

?I don?t think he?s all human anymore.?

As the dripping figure lumbered towards them the light from drains and manholes reflected the slimy surface of its head. Three more figures had entered the tunnel behind it.

?Has he got a chicken on his head?? said Mark.

?Pipe down rookie.? Tower balled ?You?re about to see just how ugly things can get outside of the cities boundary.

?Hold on.? Said Fitz. To the right of them was an emergency hatch which lead up to the surface. ?We could get out there.?

?Where?s that go.? Mark asked

?Out of this fucking tunnel!? yelled Tower ?I?m for it.?

?Wait,? Fitz paused. ?What about Freeman. If he doesn?t get those supplies he?s done for.?

?He?s one guy.? Tower was red in the face. ?We got ten here! Fitz, how are you going to explain to Dan that you got 5 or more men killed to save one!??

?God damn it.? Fitz was almost hopping on his feet. ?What the hell do we do.?

A) Fight off the zombies and get the ammo to Gordon?

B) Get the hell out of here! Its not worth it!

Sorry there aint much action here but its a cold fact of nature that the moments before and after combat are the most tence.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-13 06:46:05 UTC
in Half-Life Scrap Yard Post #103652
same as above. Nice but banner has to change.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-13 06:44:47 UTC
in I bet you didnt know.... Post #103651
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-12 06:42:35 UTC
in Hunter's Multiple choice funny ficti Post #103468
B. Fred is my pet Orange is called. Wow. It seems insanity is contageous.

Contaigus? Cont...a...juice. ARGH! The word that means it spreads.

Not Butter.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-12 04:28:24 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #103454
B it is. Hurrah, I'm glad you chose Fitz actually. I based Gregory on somebody i would hate. A man with mood swings. Desgined him as a brown nose to Dan too. General an asshole.

Also theres a character I've planned out to be in Fitz's squad who i really wanted to use. Little bit of Comic relief inbound.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-12 04:24:43 UTC
in Hunter's Multiple choice funny ficti Post #103452
Yay I kinda inspired someting.

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 09:58:44 UTC
in The Pope's Passing Post #103306
I know nothing of the pope. I wasn't even in the country when it happened. Saw it in a paper and said "Oh, he's dead then?" That was all.

I only mourn the passing of my family and those who died in Normandy 60 years ago.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 08:41:48 UTC
in Is there a word for it? Post #103292
It doesn't require sence! It requires a single cell. possibly a brain cell. Thats all.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 08:40:30 UTC
in Poll : Cheating Post #103290
You named bots? Where is me? :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 06:49:46 UTC
in Is there a word for it? Post #103268
Hmmm...steams suckability.

clenches fists and shakes until his face turns purple.

Wow. huff wheeze I don't think there is a word other than Opens mouth slighty and lets sound fall out

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 06:46:53 UTC
in Dreams Post #103265
I am a strong believer of the paranormal and the astral plane. I see dreams as a sneek peek at the astral world (if you will) :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 06:44:31 UTC
in Poll : Cheating Post #103258
I was playin on a CS:S server and this speed hacker joined. When asked why he cheated he replied 'I might as well cos i'm the best player here.' Which roughly translates to "! !z t3h 1337 H4x0rz"

When we flamed him enough he turned them off and we all kicked the shit out of him. Even the guys on his team capped his knees at the start of the round.

If you want to ruin an SP game by all means go ahead. If you want to try in in an MP game i'd consider using a different identity to save yourself the embarresment of forever being branded 'a useless script-kiddie wank flavoured cracker jack biscuit turd.'
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 04:24:10 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #103245
Ok so I?ve played a little too much Brothers-in-arms lately. Who cares? The realism and attention to detail has inspired me to carry on with my fan fiction.

Also before I begin section 2 of chapter 2 I must point out the language will also be increasing in realism. Anyone offended by upset words and cursing, well, you?ve been warned.

Dan searched the alleyway for a possible exit. He saw a loosened manhole cover not 100 feet behind his squad. The only problem was that the only cover from his current position was a few cardboard boxes and some trashcans.

?Fitzgerald!? he yelled. A small skinny man who had been hunched over Henderson?s twitching body looked up.

?Yes sir?? he rose on his knees and as he Mark could see a red cross on his arm and another on a battered belt bag. He was a medic.

?What?s the wounded status??

?We only got the one sir. It?s Henderson and he?s?? Fitzgerald paused as he looked at Henderson face. Blood had spurted out of his mouth and nose due to the fist-sized hole in his stomach. He was staring into the sky with eyes that were no longer focused on anything. They were perched on one spot, the belongings of an owner who no longer needed them. ?FUCK! He?s dead sir!?

?There?s going be a Hell of a lot of death to go around Fitz. Get used to it.? Fitz folded Henderson?s arms across his chest and pulled his eyes shut. ?Lets move people. We can get to that sewage opening. Only problem is the only cover available is minute. Run your asses off and you might make it. Don?t stop to help anyone. On my signal.?

Dan stood up and the combine troops all turned on him.

?GO!? Dan yelled and dove to the floor. The combine fired at his position before realising the group was on the move. Dan got into the crowd and they ran in a swarm. The combine APC opened fire. Machine gun bullets smashed into the back of the group dropping 5 men. A rocket was launched and another 3 went down. The group reached the manhole still under heavy fire. The cover came of and the men poured into it like liquid not caring which way they fell. Heads hit concrete with other people?s boots in their mouths and a few fingers were broken. A broken finger was a very fickle matter in this type of situation. The sewers were well lit by grids and open covers so the men could almost see.

?Well that went well.? Said Fitz.

?Shut up Fitz.? said Gregory.

?Now what?? asked Mark.

?Run!? Yelled Dan. He scrambled to his feet and began running down the tunnel. The men climbed to their feet and looked at each other. Then they heard it. A faint beeping noise was coming from the street above. A small canister bounced off the ladder and settled at their feet. Dan yelled again ?RUN GOD DAMN IT!!!?

The men ran from the grenade as fast as they could. The grenade let out a mighty bang as it detonated sending dust, debris and flesh in a thousand directions. The metal ladder sprayed fragments everywhere and a large chunk hit Gregory in the back.

?Ouch!? he yelled as he rose to his feet ?That bloody hurt!?

He dusted himself off but paused when he hit something wet on his hip. He turned to see that the metal shard had already hit something before him. A man lay on the floor behind him with his skull clearly visible.

?That was close.? He said.

?Who did we loose up there?? yelled Fitz.

Dan scanned the group, shrugged and simply walked off down the tunnel.

?What?s eaten him?? asked Mark

?His fucking brothers dead asshole!? Said Gregory and he also pushed past and moped off behind Dan.

?What the fuck?? yelled Mark.

?Hey.? Said Fitz ?He?s lost his entire family to the combine now. His bro was the last.?

?Yeah but why the Hell did Gregory give me an earful??

?No idea.? He said, ?I?m pretty new to Gregory myself. We picked him up just outside of Ravenholm. He?s always saying he got mistaken for a priest there or something, I?m not sure. He comes off as a bit of an asshole really.?

?No kidding?? laughed Mark. Fitz seemed to be the only guy in the group who Mark could really talk to. Dan was too harsh with words and just seemed to focus on the militant side of everything. Fitz was the kind of guy who you?d imagine working with children. He was soft spoken and kind.

The group sidled a good few feet behind Dan and Gregory. Nobody said a word to them despite the fact that conversation was bursting out between all the other guys. Mark and Fitz talked all the way to the end of the tunnel until Dan halted everyone at a T-junction.

?Alright guys.? He said, hands on hips like the classic hero stance you?d see on TV ?We did good today but we?ve got a long way to go to Eli?s place. We?ll split up and keep a low profile from here on. One team can go left with me and the other will go right with Corporal Fitz here. Lets keep it even now. How many we got left??

?Twenty one sir? said Gregory right beside him like a teachers pet.

?Ok then. Ten each. Mark, you decide who you want to go with.?

A) Go with Dan and Gregory

B) Go with Fitz
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-10 14:11:56 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #103098
and C it is BTW
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-10 14:10:43 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #103097
For those still interested. I can't sleep not knowing what happens here. The story will continue. I'm just caught up with holiday unpacking and work and college tommorrow and Brothers in Arms. Finished em all now though!

On with the fiction. Tommorrow, I promise! ;)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-22 08:28:57 UTC
in Story 4 [closed] Post #98551
and constapation
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 19:25:34 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #98494
Still disappointed with HL2 mapping. Boring props.

Don't expect any HL2 from me! HL1 all the way.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 08:38:07 UTC
in New PC! Post #98355
Still don't beleive me?

Google : Combi-mouse :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 08:36:38 UTC
in New PC! Post #98354
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 08:19:43 UTC
in Weapons in your map Post #98351
I thought you could only pick up weapons dropped by players in CS
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 07:31:57 UTC
in Why can't I use this texture? Post #98349
The .wad file has to be in your Valve folder.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 07:29:10 UTC
in Custom Gibs Post #98348
Crashes HL
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 19:27:06 UTC
in Custom Gibs Post #98275
Is there any way to make a Gib shooter shooting anything other that human gibs. I need it for my compo entry
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer