yesterday as i was happily playing css my move backwards button (s) stopped working although the key itself isnt broken. in all other games it works fine. i restored the default keyboard settings and also rebound the move backwards key to r just to test it but it doesnt work. i simply cant move backwards anymore.
a very basic thing but make sure that your wall brushes are aligned one another, floor and ceiling. theres one map called cs_hausgemetzle or something that is just terrible but people like to play it (!?). in one part theres a gap under one of the T spawn walls making it look terrible. the ct spawn is also done pretty badly, looks like it was plastered there in 2 minutes.
make your maps clean!! details in form of lights, decals and sparks would also be nice (the map only had 2 sorts of brushes)
if i have two brushes as a floor and both (or one) of them are displacement the edge shows up really clearly which makes the ground look like shit with a line running straight through it. It seems to look like a lighting difference. anyway to fix this?
yes but the thing was (admans and baker are in the rocky mountains) we hadda get up at 2 ok clock in the morning so the snow wouldnt melt before we got to the top.
yea defragmentation is only effective if you have 15% fre so the programm has space to move and sort the files. check your temporary internet files thats usually a vrey large folder though its in an invisible folder, try searching for it. the folder stores nearly everysingle file you dl from the internet including the ad pictures and avvys and shit. cookies basicly so pages load faster,but if youve been on alot of sites only once or very few times ints not that necesarry to have those things take up space.
12 years of hiking in afrika has sated my hiking lust yet my father stil always goes hiking. this year it was wales. mountain climging aswell was in the rockies and switzerland.
heres one of the more memorable ones Mt adams
mt baker
wales was similar to your piture but more rocky :/
great no handlugage aloud on planes flying to the US right now which means i had absolutely nothing to do during the 5 hour delay and 8 hour flight. that is pure boredem
usually when i eat apples i slober all over the place. oranges squirt all over the place and pears drip all over the place. that sounds highly erotic...
1.Decals: When i spray large decals on walls they sometimes are repeated on the floor connecting to the wall. I put the decals as high as would look good and the "bounding box" in hammer isnt touching the floor either. Any ideas?
Also how do i make a decal only show up on one side of a brush? Must it be +1 units to only show up on one side?
2. Explosions: How can i create rooms next to a bombtarget where the player would be safe from the explosion? Or how can i change the magnitude? At the moment the only way to save yourself in my map is running as far as possible.
3. Point_viewcontrols: I got 4 of these each with a hold time of 4. however when i start the map, its stuck at the first one and doesnt change.
2500 is no small number in casualties. not even 100 is a small number. One casualty due to war is already to much. and dont forget 2500 is a fraction of the total casualties. I just gave that as an example because its the number of people america lost. Just think of the insurgents and irakis who died. Many will now say well they attack americans and its their fault that they're dead. However most of them just dont want america or any other nations there. I'm not just justifing their actions its just that one can understand their viewpoint.
Garguantua to the sicknesses question: Quaratine? You're speaking as if every single individual had aids. Not everyone has so youd be hurting lots of innocent civilians.
You are right about the warlords but how about some funding of organizations that commit themselves against these groups? Im not talking about going in there and mowing everyone down but what about talking?
G_kid im 17 and still in school but how do you know i dont plan on working in the UN later? This is not about me either its about fucking governments you arrant knave. how about you think about what the topic is next time hmm? I can't remember anyone talking about personal funding of space reseaerch.
main thing that didnt profit from space research: refugees in war-torn f'ed up countries. main example: Darfur where the jangaweed and smaller rebel groups slaughter civilians daily.
How is one sposed to help the third world with space research? doesnt make sense does it.
obnocious people...just thinking of themeselves and their chickenshit.
Last time someone wanted to "help" another country was Bush and Iraq. So aparently a 320 Billion/2500 solider casualty war is not the way to go is it?
Howz about funding a cure against cancer or aids? But oh Noes! We needa find out if mars ever had a bit of water so fuck all the people suffering from these sicknesses, right?
well i ententered all my contact info for the FIOS tournament, but i dont really care at the moment, then again thats just the mind of a seventeen year old. my standing with my friends is cool and i dont have any secrets that i posted or said ANYWHERE that would ashame me
lol not bad for a first try. nothing against emos in bubbles but the dont work to well with such a bold font. experiment with dat shit abit. gj on the first try
i got a camera from creative you go into the "webcam center" its called "time lapse video" here you can set intervals. for other companies read the manual or open the webcam program and look at its differen funcitons.
The good thing is its hard to pose since you dont know when its gonna click, so pics are bound to be authentic
i woulda send the first it good but a bit repetative. now ive seen the second i say excellent and pretty realistic looking bumps 3rd is pretty usefull aswell isnt there a blend grass/rock texture anyway?