Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 06:30:33 UTC
in Need help with Street Light... Post #87211
send in a screenshot to, then I'll see what I can do.

I'm an intermediate mapper - ofcourse anyone can say that, but hey, ive been mapping for 8 years.

Anyways - I can help - got some spare time as well.

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 06:28:02 UTC
in My server lags on my map Post #87210
can be various of reasons. Map too large, server too slow, errors during compiling or map errors, r_speeds, be specific.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 06:26:42 UTC
in Compile problem? & Scientist Voice Post #87209
I have the new version. but it got fixed somehow.

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 14:11:16 UTC
in Compile problem? & Scientist Voice Post #86696
Yeah, I had the problem as well with a level transition before, but this time it isn't.

I double and triple checked my player start, and indeed I moved some entities a little further away, but it doesn't seem to work.

What I noticed as well, when pulling up the console and walking into a room with a bunch of entities, are two errors:

"msg overflow for unnamed"


"SZ_Getspace Overflow on ..."

I checked out Tommy's Debugging document and came up with:

SZ_Getspace Overflow on netchan
A bad vague one - some server error caused by a bad map. In one situation of this I know of, it was solved by copy/pasting the ENTIRE level over into another .rmf file; when another time it occured it was solved by reducing the number of doors that used the same sound. In a third it seems it was caused by too many player start entities?, and in a fourth by a bad .wav file. But really I don't know if this was really caused by the WAVs, or by bad brushes, ghost entitys, or what. good luck figuring it out!

In other words, it can be caused by a lot of things...
If anyone has any other ideas...I will go check what Tommy writes.

Thx about the scientist thing...I guess you're right; just thought there might be a setting which would make it somewhat easier or, closer, to our dr.kleiner.

:zonked: :zonked: :
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 13:14:39 UTC
in Compile problem? & Scientist Voice Post #86679
hmm...well, I do have an info_player_start. :
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 12:30:08 UTC
in map 2 big? Post #86674
overall HL (and especially HL1) has given limits which shouldn't be stressed out or reached at all. With a big room where u can't see the opposite wall - not only does it look akward, but it could raise graphic problems later as well.

just a minor warning :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 12:27:00 UTC
in Crash Before Compile? Post #86672
I personally compile with batch compiler. Just save and export to .map and then load up batch compiler.

I've been using it forever and its great...

(unfortunatly the download section seems to be down right now, but keep re-checking) :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 12:19:41 UTC
in Compile problem? & Scientist Voice Post #86669
Hey there,

I'm gonna put two questions in one post.

One of them is a problem I had before, and it seems to come and go every once in a while.

When I run my map through the console, the player starts where the "axis-cross" is in Hammer. (hard to explain....the thing that has one green, red and I think blue line, showing x,y,z axis in 3D view).

Player can't move, nor look around, VIS and RAD compiling seems to have failed, as the map is fullbright, and if I noclip to move - once I take off noclip again, player drops through floor and hangs in floor (as low as possible, without going through floor).

It sometimes helped when I deleted the .bsp file, and recompiled so it would generate a new .bsp file, but it seems to come and go.

Has anyone had this before?


Second Issue:

I'm doing custom recordings and I recall having seen something on the net a while back ago, of someone explaining how to get pretty close to manipulating your own recorded voice to sound close to the HL scientist.

Does anyone know more? Sound (pitch, etc.) settings would be helpful or a link to a site which explains more.


v0rt3x :
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-25 17:57:39 UTC
in HELP! Custom Sentences! Post #85735
Hey there everyone!
I checked the forum for this one, but didnt get anything.

I was wondering whether you can add sound files to Half Life and let them be spoken by a scientist.

I've imported test.wav to a new folder in the pak file called custom.
If I run the game and type 'play custom/test" it does play the file, but I cannot get a scripted_sentence to associate to it.

I've tried to replace, remake and delete the sentences.txt in the pak file, with an additional line:

SC_TEST0 custom/test

but it wouldn't let me safe the edited sentences.txt in the pak file (invalid file name) ??.

Any ideas? I need a fairly quick response!!

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-11 06:32:03 UTC
in Level Transitions - Fall through level. Post #83154
Ok, Update!

I've moved both elevator rooms in both levels, so that the landmark are in the same spot on Hammer's grid.

It wasnt like that before, so I dunno if that was causing the problem, but the thing is - it still doesnt work.

With the transition now, I do start in the elevator, and not outside of the map anymore, BUT, I cannot move (so its still as if I was outside of the map, and if I noclip ON and noclip OFF, I sink into the floor again.

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 09:49:59 UTC
in passwords to secret areas? Post #83007
Ive started mapping with Duke3d! lol :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 09:47:53 UTC
in new single player characters Post #83005
I would encourage the authors of the site to make sure that HL2 posts go in the HL2 forum. :

Just something I noticed, ever since HL2 came on the market...
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 09:46:02 UTC
in Help with coding, please Post #83003
you cant find the fgd files?

They are part of the Hammer 3.4 download.
In a folder called FGD I think.

pretty simple.

good luck :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-10 07:08:10 UTC
in Level Transitions - Fall through level. Post #82986
After trying and trying, I went to TWHL's tutorial site and got the example maps from the level transition tut and copied the one with the elevator at the top and the one at the bottom. I removed the tunnel completely, as I didn't need it.

I have not compiled with -onlyents
What happens during transition is that I start outside of the map.

When I noclip into the map and try to walk around with noclip off, I fall to floor level - in other words, the player falls through level and gets stuck with his eyes on floor level :P

I've got two landmarks in Map2. One for Map 1 and one for Map 3 and both of them have one landmark each.

>> Right. When you've been (4;8;16) units away from it in map1, you'll be (4;8;16) units away from it in the next map too.
That would explain my problem probably.

Lets say we create a corridor in Hammer on the bottom-right most side, and hammer a level transition into it.

In map2, we copy and paste the corridor into the top-right most corner.
this is just an extreme example - not exactly what I did though.

would that result in a void-player_start?

if so, any ideas on how to fix it?

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 17:07:14 UTC
in Level Transitions - Fall through level. Post #82857
Alright, I have a problem which I've been researching over the net, and haven't found a solution to.

I have three maps.

The level transition from, lets say, map1 to map2 goes without problem.

However the level transition from map2 to map3 has problems.

Its inside an elevator, the landmarks are set correctly (no caps, no spaces, correctly set map names) and they are correctly placed as well.

What happens when the transition goes, is that you start inside the void.

Another point that should be mentioned, is that when I noclip into the map, and take it off to walk around, the player falls through the floor.

I've been thinking about something I read on the net...does the player in the map that I try to spawn to, actually appear according to the position of the landmark in the FIRST map? (the one I spawn from)?

If that is the case:

a) how can I fix this problem and
b) why have a second landmark then in the first place?

The level transition takes place in a non-moving elevator, with env shake and sounds, to make it seem like its moving.

There are player starts in both maps, so basically everything is set up the way its supposed to. As I mentioned, a level transition from map1 to map2 works perfectly and is also set within an elevator.

Any ideas? Help? Suggestions?

Thx guys. :