Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 09:57:10 UTC
in how do you make models breakable in CS? Post #194762
So i guess the only way to make a cycler_sprite solid, is to put an invisible brush around it with a NULL face? I still need to figure out how to trigger the animation properly for the tables. It seems that a cycler cycles through the animation modes in game when shot, but how do you stop that? All i need to do is figure out how to have the tables flip when shot once, then stay on the ground (idle 2 animation)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 15:40:41 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194660
some new pics of the map

and here's a DL link. I may have not gotten the models in the right folder, I'll fix that later. Pretty sure cafe2.mdl goes in cstrike/models, and popcornmachine.mdl goes in cstrike/models/props.

If any obdy knows how to stop the table animation from standing back up after being shot, i'd appreciate it ;-)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 13:56:26 UTC
in how do you make models breakable in CS? Post #194651
okay, i'll try the null thing as that should be simpler. i may not use it, as I was going to add quite alot of bottles and I don't want to have to name all of them and assign them the entities, I'll probably just leave them out. I have another question though, the cafe.mdl (table) I am using has animations that when you shoot it, it flips over, knocks off the bottles, and lies on the floor, however, I am unable to stop the animation. If you shoot it again, it pops back up. how do you stop that? Do i need a trigger or something? here is the model if anyone wnats to see it in jed's viewer.
this will make this map over the top if I can figure out how to stop the animation. Thank you all for the help. I also tried setting it as a cycler_sprite, but even when set to solid or normal render mode, I could walk right through it in game.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 11:22:32 UTC
in how do you make models breakable in CS? Post #194635
I got it to work, although i set the render amount of my func_breakable to 0 but it still showed up. I'll try setting it to one and see what happens. I didn't understand about the killtarget though, I didn't see any entities that matched that name.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 23:34:02 UTC
in "In The Beggining"... problems Post #194587
here's a screenshot. The table is about hlaf the size it needs to be. It's the cafe.mdl from Condition Zero. I put in a female hostie model, and the table only came up to about her knees.
User posted image
scratch that. You can edit them in jed's model viewer. I set the scale mesh and whatnot to 1.5, saved it as cafe2.mdl, and its bigger in hammer.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 23:30:20 UTC
in how do you make models breakable in CS? Post #194586
maybe this is just my utter noobness, but I don't quite understand how to do it. Could you give me step by step insturctions after I make the entity as a cycler_sprite?

I don't need anything fancy, just make it do some glass gibs when shot. Oh, and while we're at it, anybody know any good sites to get prop models from?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 23:29:20 UTC
in how do you make models breakable in CS? Post #194585
maybe this is just my utter noobness, but I don't quite understand how to do it. Could you give me step by step insturctions after I make the entity as a cycler_sprite?

I don't need anything fancy, just make it do some glass gibs when shot. Oh, and while we're at it, anybody know any good sites to get prop models from?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 21:32:55 UTC
in how do you make models breakable in CS? Post #194573
Okay, so I have a bar shootout map I'm making for CS 1.6 (half-life 1), and so far I have alot of brush baased bottles tied to func_breakable, so people can shoot them. However, They are killing my w_poly count (over 3500 at the moment), I would use a model of a wine bottle (cs_italy) but it wouldn't look right to have people shooting bottles that don't break. So how do I make the model break when shot? I assume I would use the cycler_sprite to put it in. I know this is possible becuase 3d_mike has one in de_vine. I've tried to de-compile using winBSP (to see how he did it), but it just crashes on my PC, without decompiling into MAP. any ideas?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 18:09:04 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194565
Yeah, I got a few bottle models to replace it with. But how do you make them breakable? I know it can be done. In 3d-mike's de_deadlock there are two breakable models, a big eightball and a wine bottle. And are models really that much better for poly count than brushes? I would think a brush would be less complex and would take less polys to render
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 16:14:27 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194553
okay, I func_walled alot of the stuff, which put the visible entities too high, so I deleted all the chairs/tables (i want to replace with models anyway) and so far the w_poly count has gone down to around 3200 with the bar in view, and only about 300-400 without. Any advice on what to do about all those bottles? I'd like to get he poly's down to around 1500 at least. If they are solid would that lessen it? (as in render amount 255, they are currently around 150) or should I just ditch them all and make the breakable models? (with monster_furniture I think.)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-24 10:48:41 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194389
well, started func_wall'ing everything, and I developed a leak. I func_wall'ed some of the walls, that may have cuase it. I'm gonna go back to the previous version and just func_wall the details like tables/taps/stage props/pool tables and see if that happens. I tried tracing the pointfile, but CS just crashed. It'll be easy to go back to my lat good map anyway, I spent about 1/2 hour func_wall'ing, and about 2 hours looking for the damn leak.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-23 22:41:40 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194331
yeah, im trying to get rid of the tables. I will prob replace them with cafe.mdl, a nice little table with 2 chairs and some bottles, from cz_stadium i think. I just have to get them scaled right. The cabinets will probably be removed and replaced by a texture of a cabinnet (no one will be shooting at it anyway) good idea about removing some of the taps. I'll try that out. I'll see about setting them all to func_wall. I remeber reading about that in one of the tutorials in the hammer help file. I'm assuming I can just multiple select, hit properties, and tie it to func_wall? I'll post my results tommorow morning. also, i need some ideas for the hallway connecting the T spawn (stage area) to the bar. I'm thinking of making it an outdoor alley way, with a nice sky TGA, but not sure. I'd hate to add more stuff to the map as it already hit the limit for CS.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-23 21:05:26 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194321
so, any advice on how to reduce the poly count? as this is my first map. I'm looking into replacing the glass bottles with a model one, 3d_mike did in de_vine, and its breakable, although there is only ONE bottle on the map. I may also cut out the top shelf of bottles and replace it with a "dummy" texture, just so it looks like bottles. The goal is to haveCT's and T's on opposite sides of the bar, shooting at each other through the glass/bottles. It works pretty sweet so far on our clan server. ( if your interested.) And I should mention the VIS engine has not been run on a compile, i believe that will reduce poly count a little. Oh, and i will probably port it to source once I get it. I think it would be ten times better in source anyway.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-23 20:48:41 UTC
in "In The Beggining"... problems Post #194318
I have jed's model viewer. If all i do is decompile, size, then recompile, shouldn't be too hard. I'll look into the milkshape option.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-23 20:30:41 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194317
glad you like so far. I have an updated version here. I've made changes since this one, but I have more stuff to add before the next release. My old comp only had a 32MB card, thats why fps was so low, but now i have radeon 9250 w/ 128MB. tryt this out and tell me what you think. and i know about the pop machine error.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-23 19:36:19 UTC
in My current project: bar shootout Post #194308
Hello all, I have been working ona project for quite some time. It was started by a guy named Mr. Spoon from CS nation, he got the map started for me and I took over the project. Textures are coming along quite nice, I think it's gonna make a real nice FY map for my clan.
here are some of the non-textured screnshots
User posted image
User posted image
Here i have added quite alot of texture to it.
User posted image
I have even changed it alot since the previous screenshot. My only problem is since there is so much clear breakable glass, it slows down alot on less-than-high end PC's. I;ll post a DL link to try the map out later.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-23 08:24:46 UTC
in Need Help With HL Post #194253
oh, lol, I get it. I remember now, The resonance cascade that destroys the lab is scripted. Good one.. :bagged:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-23 08:14:12 UTC
in Need Help With HL Post #194250

Check that link out. This'll porbably be the only thread I can offer advice on, lol. It's been over 6 years since I played the single player, although I'm planning on playing the source version again soon.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-22 21:37:01 UTC
in "In The Beggining"... problems Post #194227
okay, i got some models to drop in, but they are too small. I didnt see any options under the cycler or cycler_sprite properties to scale them (like you can do wih textures.) I'm trying to use the cafe.mdl (its a small table with 2 chairs from cz_stadium) trouble is, I have some pre-made tables in my map, that are just basic round tables with a pole under them, and I would like to replace them with the cafe.mdl (which are MUCH better looking) but in hammer they look like half the size of the existing tables (which, BTW are already to scale with the rest of the map.) Any way to resize?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-22 21:33:02 UTC
in how to add pistols on ground in CS? Post #194226
oh, thank you, this will be so cool. you are a godsend
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-18 18:32:13 UTC
in how to add pistols on ground in CS? Post #193839
Hello all, I've been able to add some weapons into my map on the ground using the armory_entity, but there are no options to make it a pistol. Another mapper told me its not possible to add pistols on the gorund also, but half-life has them. Do I just need to modify my GDF? If so how?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 15:50:54 UTC
in making an unseen brush face null Post #193760
Hello all, I've read somewhere (can't remember) that you can vastly save on resources by making all unseen brush faces null (no texture) I've tried doing this in hammer, when you assign a texture to something, in the shift A box, the first one is blank, but it doens't seem to work, the texture is still there. For instance, my map is basically a big box (a bar) and all the wall/floor/ceiling textures are visible from the void (which is pointles) but how to remove them?

I have alot of breakable stuff in my map (and its a small map) and some of the objects don't appear until some have been destroyed (I get a message in console saying something like this) Are there any other way to save on resources?

I'm sure this has been answered before, but i searched and couldnt find it (i used "brush face null" as my search) You guys are very helpful, and your tutotials on the site are awesome by the way. I wouldn't be able to map without them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 22:51:16 UTC
in "In The Beggining"... problems Post #193690
oky, sorry for bing such a noob, but I can't seem to figure this out. I can add entities (like lights/info_player_start and such.) and brushes/prefabs but can't seem to find the tool to dop in models.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 22:50:08 UTC
in Hammer crashing upon compiling Post #193689
I found out the problem. I have too many breakable objects to render. I got some kind of message in console saying something along those lines. When I start shooting stuff, eventually the "invisible" objects show up. seems I have hit the limit. Is there any way to raise that? or is that just the limitiations on the engine (My map is basically a large open room, so I can't really hide stuff in other rooms either)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 13:33:45 UTC
in Hammer crashing upon compiling Post #193639
okay, I've used Ned's batch compiler and it works great. However, there a few objects that don't show up as visible in the map. They're breakable chairs, made of brushes. In game they are there, you can run into them and shoot them to break them up, but they are not visible. Except every so often, they "pop" into view. Any ideas?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 10:50:23 UTC
in "In The Beggining"... problems Post #193395
these are entities right? i don't remember seeing any of those on the list
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-14 09:44:52 UTC
in "In The Beggining"... problems Post #193384
Hello all, I've just started into this, followed the whole "in the begining" tutorials, but when I placd the objects from there (file cabinet/desk/etc) they had no textures applied, just looked like glowing squares. I got all the other textures (walls/ceiling) to show up in hammer. Also, how do you drop pre-made objects into maps from a .mdl file? (as in the ones in my models folder under cstrike) I looked in the tutorials section but couldn't find anything.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 10:38:19 UTC
in Need help adding entities with BSPEdit Post #193199
Hello all, I've tried using hammer, but it crashes (i have another post here about that) I've discovered BSPEdit, a program that will allow you to drop models in, which suits me just fine. However, I have a few questions:
1) is there a mgic number to subtract from your POV in game t find the height of the floor? I start a new game and walk around the map, then find where I want to pt something, type status in console, and get XYZ coords, but the Z coord is the height of my viewpint, not the floor. What do I subtract from this to get the floor height?
2) How do you rotate/scale objects? I added a coffee-maker which was facing the wrong way, and a cafe table that looks like a kiddie table. I tried "scale" "2.0", default was "1.0" but that didnt work.
3) lastly, how do you make the object solid? when I added them, Iwas able to walk right through them.

Thank you very much for you help. If any one knows where I can get a list of the variables Id appreciate it for BSPEdit.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 15:49:00 UTC
in Hammer crashing upon compiling Post #192221
okay, tried 3.5, got same results. Must be my karma telling me not to map. thanks for the help though. I just stated a couple forum threads on other sites to see if someone is willing to make a map for me, so it's no big deal.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 10:22:33 UTC
in Hammer crashing upon compiling Post #192091
okay, tried uninstall/re-install .... no dice. Also got ahold of zoner's tools from their website, same thing. I'll try uninstalling/deleteing directories/and then re-installing. I suppose if that deosn't work, My PC is telling me not to make maps!

<EDIT> okay, tried all that, still crashing. Does naybody use this with a STEAM install? what directories do you use? I think that's my problem
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 10:06:06 UTC
in Hammer crashing upon compiling Post #192087
Thanks for the quick reply. My directories (not shown) are just c:/program files/Steam/steamapps/etc etc.

For build options i have:
C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppsdawnshine1979counter-strikehl.exe

CSG, BSP, RAD, and VIS just point to the appropriate ones in program filesvalve hammer editortools

Maps go here: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppsdawnshine1979counter-strikecstrikemaps

As for the complie process, it doesn't start. Last thing i see is the "run map" dialog, asing for CSG, BSP, RAD, VIS options, as well as paramters. I set all to normal, no prameters and "don't run the game" and "save visible objects only" are unchecked. I hit ok, and then "boom" "encountered an error and needs to close" error message appears. I will try uninstalling. I should have mentioned earlier I had an older version of worldcraft installed (that I never used)I will try uninstalling both and see what happens.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 09:24:13 UTC
in Hammer crashing upon compiling Post #192083
Helllo all, Im a noob at this, so please hold your fire (for a minute anyway)

Just followed the tutorial, in the beginning, to the letter. I'm 99% sure I set up hammer correctly (i did check the tutorial for it, and searched the forums) After I do the basic cube, i hit F9 to compile, I get the options menu where it asks ou what you want to run when compliling, then lik 2 seconds later, i get the "This program has encountered an error and needs to close - send error report, etc." I'm using hammer 3.4, with all the defualt tools (i tried getting to Zoner's tools from this site, but said file was not found) Perhaps its becuase I have a STEAM install of half-life and don't have the directories right? here they are (i am doing this for CS 1.6)
User posted image
User posted image
I'd really like to start mapping, as I have a good idea. I just need to get the editor working. Oh, and I also downloaded the "in the beginning" sample file and got the same results.