Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2016-04-26 20:10:01 UTC
in Wall does not block vis Post #329990
From first screenshot, looks like poor optimization with hint brushes so far. The stuff behind the stacked red containers with ladder on the left shouldn't be rendered, easily fixed with hint brushes around that container. But it makes me wonder if the top leafs from inside are "leaked" through the above mentioned container side.
If you optimize around the container, i think it should be fine, if not i'd try what Tetsuo said and start by placing a horizontal hint brush across the map at the height of the container, in case there's a leak at roof height.

There's also the purplish looking brushes from 2nd screenshot which i believe is Hammer way of drawing func_walls? If those func_walls are "touching" any leaf that is visible from outside, you done goofed
A word of warning : don't abuse HINT/SKIP brushes and use it intelligently otherwise you will have the exact opposite effect of optimization, they are here to help but not replace the job of the compilers.
I've managed to finish my last goldsource map without any surface splitting from the compile tools by basically organizing my map in volumes, aka abusing the F out of hint brushes :P
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-08 16:58:22 UTC
in Polygon Count in MS3D? Post #329735
I was just joking; unless you port and retopo your mesh in Blender, or similar software.
Like Bruce said, 1 triangle = 1 polygon, that is if i also remember right and MS3d doesn't support quads/ngons.

Why are you using MS3d anyway?
Edit: If it's a model for goldsource, you could view it with Jeds Half Life model viewer. Pretty sure there is a poly count display somewhere around in there.
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-08 11:19:02 UTC
in Polygon Count in MS3D? Post #329726
Take your triangle count and divide by 2? :walter:

Seriously though, i don't remember MS3d supporting quads or ngons. Try out Blender.
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-05 04:59:47 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #329669
Looking great, Skyboxer! All that bsp geometry going to be a pain in the butt to optimize though.
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-05 04:53:38 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #329668
I could never get VLuzacn floating points to work with Sledge.
Error: Not hammer.exe from Valve Editor etc..
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-21 15:48:12 UTC
in Lighting Issues Post #329504
I think Trempler posted and made this guide, i might be wrong:
If you`re not familiar with rad comp. parameters and options, take a look into it.

Also, here's the old one for ZHLT, still valid for VHLT:

P.S: Is it just me or the ceiling is really low for that type of chandelier?
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-20 16:14:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #329480
It's a w.i.p. thread, feel free to post your unfinished stuff as well :P

Also, some progress over the weekend, now mostly drawing random shapes without any plans whatsoever anymore:
User posted image
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-10 18:33:51 UTC
in Can we... Post #329300
No, you can't convert a 3d object into 2d. Try to tell us what you`re trying to achieve though, there's workarounds and tricks for almost anything.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-01 18:32:28 UTC
in Just a Little Ditty I Wrote Post #329084
Woah, that was a surprise! Gotta make that note on the calendar now. Someone on TWHL made a song i actually like. Since i know close to nothing about music, all i can say is that i enjoyed it, really-really-really liked it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-22 17:43:35 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #328981
Looks good, i think fog and volumetric lighting would do wonders for your scene, at a sunset/sunrise time. Also much more moss and maybe a tad bit of a darker tint for the bottom parts of those floating rocks, just my 2 cents.
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-21 22:02:25 UTC
in Blender plugins Post #328974
You can also click on the magnetic icon and select from different types of snapping. To make sure everything is fitting in their exact space, when using entire levels, i import my maps to 3dax with Wallworm, then export-import to Blender.
It was a pain in the arse at first, but i'm getting the hang of it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-21 17:36:35 UTC
in Half-Life Vodka: Putin's Revenge Post #328961
What? No Molotov cocktail? Cyka blyat...
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-13 11:09:19 UTC
in General MOD MISUNDERSTANDING Post #328846
Nothing against mods, but iirc from back in the day, a couple of moders used SoHL to make maps for CS 1.6 and got a VAC ban when they played said maps. I think the ban was triggered particularly because of the modified water.
Being a newbie back then, i stood away from Sohl from that moment. Again, maybe it was just false rumors, maybe i'm just remembering wrong, i don't even know the full capabilities of Sohl.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-13 08:09:38 UTC
in Want to post WIP images, instead I post Post #328845
Looks good so far. What's it supposed to be, final "boss" fight?
Not a fan of your weapons accuracy though, seems a bit frustrating to shoot down enemies with that aim.
What are the r_speeds at btw?
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-07 11:24:10 UTC
in Proximity fade effect. Post #328748
Trying to wrap my head around achieving a fading effect, in Goldsource, multiplayer.
When entering a specific area (near a beam in my map) i want a fade in to white effect. I got this down with env_fade, but i can't figure out how to fade out the effect ONLY after leaving the area.
Basically, i put my butt down near the beam, fade should pop in. Leaving the proximity of the beam should reverse the screen to normal.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-30 19:32:20 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #328567
Tried my hand at a small team deathmatch map for UT. Turned out small enough that i couldn't find room for jump pads. Ported from UE to GS, still greyboxing, heavy wip.
User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-25 17:36:17 UTC
in Use FGD with Blender - ATTN CODERS Post #328489
Didn't noticed your last post until after i replyed, i'll give it a go too ,maybe over the weekend.
Also, as long as you`re learning something new each day, you`re still a student imho! :biggrin:
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-25 17:07:54 UTC
in Use FGD with Blender - ATTN CODERS Post #328487
You can already do all of the above and more with Wallworm, from Shawn Olson:
I know it's not what you want, but if you`re comfortable with modelling in Blender, then almost any other modelling software shouldn't be a problem for you.
Just get the free student version and have a go at it for a couple of weeks. Or convince Shawn to swap to Blender, from that resource sucking, money milking thing that some refer to as a good modelling tool. :sarcastic:
Either way, if you come across anything that works for you, let us know. I'd be interested as well.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-21 20:39:22 UTC
in Sven Co-op 5.0 Post #328431
Conga rats on the release.
Looks like i'll actually start playing this game over the weekend. For years, my SC archived game download has been sitting all forgotten on my drive.
Also, PvP and CTF? Guess it wouldn't be a bad time to finally finish my ctf map, if i can map for this with Sledge.
All this time i thought the game was only about co-op zombie slaying :P
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-19 16:51:38 UTC
in Prospekt Post #328382
IMHO, 99% of mods and community content should be free
You must of not read the dev QnA. He talks about why this is a paid mod.
If we don't pay him for the mod, he'll actually have to get a job. Heaven forbid!
That being said, i'm done with this thread. It isn't worth anymore of my time.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-17 20:19:09 UTC
in Prospekt Post #328334
Title made me go to it's Steam community hub. Credit to the dev for admitting the price on it is there because of the huge time commitment invested in the mod, unlike everyone else these days trying to pull a molyneux.
That being said, the only thing i found interesting was the large hall in the first few seconds of the intro video. I think everything else needs more work and polish: flat floors, walls, ceiling... Imho, should take it back to alpha and put up a V2 when it's properly done.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-30 23:29:20 UTC
in Good looking textures Post #327991
Maybe a worded that wrong, wouldn't be the first time.
What i'm trying to suggest is that you could make a 512x512 texture, then scale it down to 256x256. Save both of those.
Apply the 256x256 texture to brushes within the editor, as you would normally do.
Use the 512x512 as a detail texture, scaled by half (0.5 0.5), on the 256 texture.

There's a detail texture guide in the tuts section, if you don't know what they are. Also, Trempler has his own workaround with them and has put out a guide around here somewhere.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-30 22:32:03 UTC
in 1-Hour Build Videos Post #327989

I think a video addendum would be welcomed if you don't feel too relunctant about it. :P
Maybe Penguin could plaster the embedded videos next to the tuts, once TWHL4 is out.

Ever since VHLT, a lot of them are outdated/incomplete. Take the detail textures guide for example; many mappers/modders think you can only use a grey palette detail tex, thanks to the ones coming with stock HL/CS 1.6.

Edit: Also not much love for SDK tuts around here lately, not that there wouldn't be enough of them floating 'round the web, still... A ton cs:go "tricks" i only see used in top notch maps.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-30 21:08:48 UTC
in Good looking textures Post #327987
For a performance-visuals compromise, i'd use 256x256 textures with a "high quality" 512x512 version of it, scaled by half as a detail texture (0.5x0.5).
If done right, most of the times it looks better than source.

Players would also have the option to enable/disable detail textures as they wish.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-29 16:02:41 UTC
in 1-Hour Build Videos Post #327960
If you're set to finish a level in 1 hour, well... It's going to be "underwhelming" no matter how good you are.
I'd say focus on something smaller: a prop, textures/materials, vfx. Or maybe a timelapse video showing the progress of your level over time, like Crypt suggested.

But a map rushed up in 1 hour, meh. I don't like the concept of speedmapping.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-23 21:27:58 UTC
in The Official HRP "Halp!" Threa Post #327866
Get rid of all the extra blues, afterward you can change the background texture indexed number within Wally's color palette editor.

Edit: What Bruce said, but can also be done in Wally.
Posted 9 years ago2015-12-20 22:00:41 UTC
in Help With My Texture Stretching Issue Post #327829
No texture tiling for goldsource models; i'd double check the uv's if i were you.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-30 17:20:28 UTC
in Jackhammer Compile Config Post #327603
Try Sven coop forums if you can't find a
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-26 18:06:05 UTC
in Is the site dead? Post #327557
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-06 08:47:20 UTC
in TWHL: Bakurai (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #327423
Wait, what? The Core is taking a backseat because of...this?

I'm almost done greyboxing stuffs, but i don't mind calling this one off. I won't be able to participate again in goldsourcey related stuff 'till spring though.
Posted 9 years ago2015-11-04 17:38:35 UTC
in TWHL: Bakurai (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #327407
For goldsource, i've never made anything single-player either, Thatguy. I'll compete with you for the worst level submission.
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-29 18:56:07 UTC
in Halloween 2015 Post #327359
Might go hunting with a cousin and a couple of his buddies, and a barbecue afterwards; no other special plans. Looking at the weather forecast, i'll probably be inside enjoying the weekend between door shifts.

Half-Rats is on my playlist as well. Also, i'd like to catch up on few more X-files episodes before the new series comes out. If anyone knows some enjoyable Halloween horror movies, i'm all ears.
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-24 18:41:42 UTC
in TWHL: Bakurai (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #327320
Is it okay to use props from They don't exactly do a stellar job at giving proper credits...
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-13 23:25:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #327265
That already looks better than most derelict locations from Defiance, which i think was made with UE3.
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-03 22:08:16 UTC
in TWHL Tourney Post #327185
Seconded for TF 2.
Also Rocket League sparks my interest.
Also GTA 5. Maybe one of the many mods for it?
Also stuff.
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-03 08:53:25 UTC
in TWHL: Bakurai (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #327167
Oh, it's not WTC; merely comparing them to get an idea for the scale of the scene: skyscraper/open urban area + holocaust. After planning a bit out the layout, i'm thinking of using Shawn's Wall Worm for anything that is outside the office area, since it'll all be player clipped anyway, somewhere around a ~7k epoly scene.
Unsure if the drawcalls from all the textures will make the GS gods too unhappy.
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-02 13:58:49 UTC
in TWHL: Bakurai (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #327151
Roger dodger, just double checking to see if anything changed; rules on these compos tend to be a bit volatile. I'd also be down for a collab, if anyone is short on time but still wanna make something out of it.
Posted 9 years ago2015-10-02 13:18:11 UTC
in TWHL: Bakurai (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #327148
I'm down. I'll start cooking things tomorrow, have some planning to do. Just to be clear, aside the transition room and playable area, i can make my level as large as i'd like? Reason i'm asking is building outside the tower, non-playable area/skybox; think of it as 9/11 where walls and windows would be cracked and you could see outside.
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-29 12:36:15 UTC
in TWHL: Bakurai (TWHL PROJECT 2) Post #327093
Depends on the transition room and restrictions/rules that will come after it. I'll keep on eye out on this and see what else changes until weekend.
Told myself i wouldn't touch GS 'till at least end of year, but i've been getting the itch lately; this is a good enough excuse and enough time to cook something for the deadline. :walter:
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-25 23:35:12 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #327018
Looks promising, Alles Ratten. Lighting could use more attention as it looks rather dull in 1 color and makes the scene look flat. I always liked moody settings, like a sunrise or sunset. Cliffs are rather geometric too.
Imo, this probably deserves it's own thread if you want crits/help/etc...
Looking forward to moar updates
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-16 09:21:16 UTC
in The Official HRAFD Progress/Troubleshoot Post #326970
Looking forward to play! I'll probably save it for Halloween, unless im out barbecuing.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-29 15:50:38 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #326877
It's the Painkiller remake, Hell and Damnation...Something like that... Don't think the park was in the original.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-29 04:49:49 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #326871
^ Ah, the stake-gun. My favorite weapon, the gravity gun comes close, but finding new ways to impale enemies is more entertaining :walter:
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-18 19:06:53 UTC
in TWHL Rocket League Post #326764
I was actually looking into getting this just the other day. How does it run with a keyboard/mouse setup?
Depending on the above setup playability, i'd be down for a few games if it's all for funsies.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-13 17:08:53 UTC
in Windows 10 Desktops Post #326713
I use Classic Shell, so my start menu looks like Win7 and before.

Anyway, it's been almost a couple of weeks with Win10 for me now and i'm already looking to get around the forced updates; all i've found so far are minor tricks/hacks.
I've been getting almost daily updates, as a gamer that means any online fps is a no go for me, unless i wanna deal with rubber banding.
Been looking into Linux but i can't find anything that runs GTA 5, which is mostly what keeps me pinned into Windows. As DiscoStu said, a major deal breaker when purchasing games/software from now on will be Linux support.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-07 10:41:21 UTC
in Windows 10 Desktops Post #326642
Installed it 2 days ago. Only difference i noticed so far is a slightly faster boot up time (~10 seconds) and lower cpu usage, especially in idle (2-3%).
No magical fps boost in games or anything like that, as i've read many times all over other forums. Also, it's the 1st Windows edition i haven't tinkered around with the UI; everything looks how i wanted: black, grey and soft white. The chromium look is finally gone.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-04 20:41:32 UTC
in Entities/Brushes Vanishing at Certain Po Post #326636
Imo, with Vluzacn tools, you could fix this by using an info_overview_point in the visleaf where your sprite is located. Make sure it's 'Reversed' is set to yes, within properties.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-02 09:15:11 UTC
in Unexplained compiling error... Post #326612
What compile parameters are you using for rad/shared, Abbadon?
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-30 20:45:16 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #326594
Ah, missread... I never could copy from compile window either. Last i looked, i think the compile log showed the pound sign as well instead of the actual number.
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-30 18:53:40 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #326592
Hmm, how peculiar. Copying a brush from Sledge to notepad seems to be working for me.