Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-21 06:27:13 UTC
in I Love TWHL! Post #170014
how is it even possible to get banned on this site, the mods are so lenient that you must've been a right bastard. Tis a shame to see this lovely little community plagued by idiots.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 23:08:00 UTC
in A big feeling of running a map Post #169874
my vis unfortunately takes 2 seconds to fast vis and 8 and a 1/2 hours to full vis (with a crapload of optimisation!), which means I will be leaving it to a final compile
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 23:06:15 UTC
in I Love TWHL! Post #169873
what are these 'maps' people keep referring to, my english not good, sorry for spelling sense make bad
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 23:04:47 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169872
finally got this damn stupid bmw to work, damn custom vehicles code damn it to hell!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 23:04:07 UTC
in Autistic kid. Post #169871
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 07:32:01 UTC
in I Love TWHL! Post #169654
We currently arent looking for any CS mappers, please unregister your account.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 07:31:16 UTC
in Bigger Worlds Preview Post #169653
I need a BIGGER MONITOR to view them
Very good, very clean production. There needs to be some kind of character development and plotline established for anyone to find it interesting, it cant all be explosions and random characters dying as action doesnt translate too well to comics.

Also reduce the size a wee bit for people with smaller monitors ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 07:27:56 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169652
.. read this post again

and blinked!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 08:05:17 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169485
id like to see you play rugby and not run away screaming like a girl after realising its somewhat more manly than american 'we wear lots of soft padding' football
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 06:01:03 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169448
tried to work out how jax managed to confuse american football and rugby in the same sentence
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 05:59:25 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #169447
loads of peeps still play TA, its a good strategy game if you dont install the 300000 extra vehicles that make the game unplayable
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 18:24:36 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169374
..did some more work on my map and had a wa(edited by moderator)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 18:23:27 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #169372
I finished loom (1990) about a month ago, suprised id never played it as im quite the adventure whore
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 12:06:23 UTC
in easy hl1 - hl2 texturing Post #169316
i found it much more fun to spend a while completely recreating one of my maps along the same theme
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 19:02:58 UTC
in Seventh the spammer. Post #169173
Seventh what is wrong with you, why did you do it? I will never speak to you again, or your children, or your childrens' children!

for three weeks
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 06:18:29 UTC
in Everything vs Everyone vs Everywhere vs Post #168890
but I dont even use irc!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 20:11:14 UTC
in Everything vs Everyone vs Everywhere vs Post #168832
General forums always end up with so many 'something vs something' threads and the arguments are such utter drivel that I beat my head against the keyboard in disdain. Especially that source vs halflife 1 thing I posted, that was stupid.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 20:02:18 UTC
in Everything vs Everyone vs Everywhere vs Post #168829
Stop making these posts, please.

(for the record I currently stand on the side of everywhere, on account of being one of the few beings that are both omnipresent and alive)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 19:54:43 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168828
that picture represented me being a student, now im trying to get a job
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 19:43:59 UTC
in Your thoughts on Post #168824
ytmnd, while funny in the short term, when you really get into it you realise that its an amazing stifling point for creativity. They are so hard to find, but there are real gems tucked far behind yet another hundred things based around one of the 30 or so 'top themes' that run through the site. Actual irony and well written comedy has to make way for this deluge of crap because of how the voting system works.

On the plus side if you avoid it and only visit it when people post links as abose, its funny as hell!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 16:10:16 UTC
in Mapping vs Modelling *ding* FIGHT! Post #168768
hmm, after trying to model something today I realised that there do come times when its best to throw in the towel and ask a friend doing a 3d modelling course to do it for you a thousand times quicker and better!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 10:03:56 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168651
thats an argument that applies to the industry as well, its becoming rediculously expensive to produce games now as engines become ever more photo-realistic, to the point where the only way you'll create anything realistic is to render what actually exists
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 09:43:37 UTC
in Mapping vs Modelling *ding* FIGHT! Post #168641
I like to be an all-rounder, for some of my hl1 (im not saying goldsource yarghhh!) maps i've created literally almost everything, mapping sounds sprites textures models, with only a tiny bit of valves content. I dont think they are mutually exclusive when it comes to source, mappers need to learn basic modelling to stop every map looking so prefabricated. It does becoming a little annoying when you see the same source props spammed over and over in most custom maps.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 09:39:08 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168637
having a masters degree in the way, the lack of interesting mods to map for and the death of the TFC communities I were mapping for, having to re-learn everything and my absolute dissolutionment with valve delayed my start a little

its funny that I actually continued mapping for hl1, I even created a map they used in the rediculous mod 'brainbread' despite source being out for quite a while
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 09:01:48 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168631
well with an argument like that who could disagree, the problem with steam is...

(many hours of typing later)
... and everything valve touches does indeed turn to precious, precious gold!

I dont want this to turn into one of the debates about steam, its been done and it ends up with people who love it or hate it, like mmm delicious marmite.

How long have the respective members of this er thread, mapped for hl and source (independently)?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 06:52:57 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168611
complaining! i'm merely posting my thoughts as both a return to the community as I thought people might be interested in my fresh perspective on source, else I wouldve said 'steam is shit, source doesnt work, I dont like textures, vis takes too long, you young whippersnappers, i'll show you a leaf saw into leaf you bastards! chicken soup underpants cucumber relish etc'
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 22:25:26 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168542
Yes, it happens. And it gets fixed. I see absolutely no problem with this. As for the refreshing, what's your specs? Keep in mind how much it's rendering too?
If they broke Counterstrike for more than 5 seconds can you imagine the chaos?

My system is more than good enough to run source, doom3, whatever you throw at it. Hammer reloads all its resources every time you restore the window from minimised, it allows you to change content without reloading hammer but the delay is rather annoying.
How can anyone not like Source mapping over HL1? I thought that when I saw how props, static, detailed, etc and all the other new things added were so much different then 3.4. If you give it time, you will come to find that EVERY aspect of source mapping is easier and greater than 3.4. Living in the past is kind of dumb....... I agree that the nostalgic feeling of HL1 is nice, but seriously get with the times!
I mapped for 5 years, its hard to shake that much experience on a whim, obviously with time I will. Yes its fun having all the new bells and whistles, though quite a few ive found so far need some considerable prodding to do half of what you want. Still, thats all the fun of spending another 5 years to become as proficient again!

Im not really going anywhere with this, just don't say I have a bad system as people say it so often its cliche or say that i'm 'living in the past!' when i'm posting my thoughts on the first few days with source after 5 years with 'goldsource' (rubbish name)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 09:28:37 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168406
tell me hammer is the same as the original, I dont remember having to wait upto 20 seconds for the window to refresh itself every time I restore it from minimised! (yes I do know why it does this)

gmod IS broken, this post on official forums
most people have applied the limited temp fix for the time being, it fixes the completely show-stopping bugs (read- game didnt work at all) that were introduced yesterday but its still very buggy
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 07:36:52 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168389
I dont really see the 'steam is big and valve cant cater for everyone argument', if they made it less draconian and intrusive to your pc it probably would work as well as halflife 1 did. I mean its pretty stupid that the most recent update literally DISABLED garrys mod, thats a pretty big bug considering the popularity of gmod.

Prop modelling is 'ok' for me, i was already used to using basic models for complicated parts of maps, albiet small ones as hl1 didnt light models properly. However the convoluted system to actually get them into your map wasted about 4 hours of my time yesterday, whoever thought it would be fun to make it so that prop materials had to, for no fucking reason, have a single line changed at the top so they worked instead of say DOING IT DYNAMICALLY needs a good boot up the arse.

As for transparent textures, they're really trouble disguised as a blessing, its rather hard to align stuff when you have a giant yellow NODRAW stickout out through both sides because it doesnt render properly.

The engines powerful, its relitively well designed all the SDK, but its still hopeleslly complicated compared to hl1 when you slap the whole steam mess on top of it. I'm sure i'll get used to it, itll just take another few years..
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 22:11:22 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168344
ive been using it for over 4 days now, albiet 4 days almost non stop because im completely addicted to mapping again..
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 19:22:14 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168302
After finally deciding to take the plunge and learn source while converting one of my most recent hl1 maps (theonlywayisup), i've come to the conclusion that despite looking rediculously good in comparison to what the original was capable of, source is so full of inconsistencies, ideosyncrasies and annoying watchamacallits that you can only learn through trial and error, that its many times harder to map for.

It could be that I knew practically everything about hl1 after mapping for it for 5 years, but god forbid the absolute mess that has been my introduction to Steam! I spent several hours today just realising that models need one line changed in the material files they use in order to work, joy of joys.

Still at least it brings back some of the joys of trying to get stuff to work that isnt supposed to work that made hl1 mapping such a fun challenge :)

oh and hi again, its been a year
(backpressure buildup)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 08:03:15 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77598
did you know if you dream of sheep, you fall asleep in your dream and can never wake up
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 05:45:22 UTC
in ok ok its better now Post #77362
you should counter with your matrix hax

he isn't gay though, i'm the only gay in the village
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 05:43:50 UTC
in Kol = Nazi? (hope not) Post #77361
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 05:41:57 UTC
in Remember me! (an HL2 question) Post #77360

take a step into the real world outside of the warm glow of Valve perhaps? No anti piracy system, EVER, has worked.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-09 16:29:58 UTC
in Remember me! (an HL2 question) Post #77254
It isnt worth it, just download it instead
  • you'd be horrified if you paid for it like me and saw how much faster at loading the cracked version was than the PLEASE WAIT LOADING STEAM version
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-08 17:21:10 UTC
in Romanian Joke (prepare to not laugh) Post #77063
surely 'they're's'
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 04:52:39 UTC
in HL2 Map Vault Post #76588
I'm really friendly, you h****d***s**a**b**f*****er
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-06 04:50:32 UTC
in HL 2 and its arsenal Post #76586
In their quest to produce the 'perfect' game, they removed a lot of content seen in the demos. Which probably explains why it was so bloody short.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-05 09:17:03 UTC
in Regards and so on!. Post #76395
no I'm not, I just don't have enough time to keep up with this forum as well
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 03:52:00 UTC
in The TWHL Popularity Test Post #57903
jobabob gets 609 and you missed me out biatches!?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 16:57:24 UTC
in The TWHL Popularity Test Post #57846
Thats it, im registering '' next
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 16:56:22 UTC
in Do func_walls need to be used... Post #57845

(that was quick)

use func_walls for any brush that intersects another brush, unless a 1 unit gap can be used (common sense for larger objects) or its not a very complex brush thats intersecting

its all practice, you get the hang of it after doing complex geometry
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 05:08:00 UTC
in isnt this wierd? Post #57733
you poor sad man, I truly pity you :
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 12:37:25 UTC
in The MV lexicon Post #57231
constructive critisism is supposed to hurt peoples feelings? que?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 12:36:12 UTC
in HOW DA HECK!? Post #57230
Thinking about it, Barney would have the same animations as the actual player model for DM play, thus if you just used the animation from the DM barney model you should be able to get him to squat. Although it would be a sudden crouch, rather than a smooth one, you'd need to put some intemediary frames in place first.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 05:53:57 UTC
in The MV lexicon Post #57173
Some people tend to forget they were n00bs once...
Thats why I followed the golden rule: NEVER EVER EVER release your first maps EVER

Some people tend to forget their quality lacks at some points too...
Mine doesn't, ever

Some people... need I say more? Don't flame the n00bs in this way. You've been helped too, would you like your maps to be critisized to shredders?
There are people on these forums who don't actually use the forums or the sites content before asking stupid questions that have already been answered FFS

Some comments are really meant to be constructive. Would be good for all of us if that happened more...
Even constructive critisism can be taken to heart by someone who has worked long and hard on a map
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 05:50:40 UTC
in locks Post #57172
surely you could just have a door with a targetname thats triggered when you break the func_breakable lock?

Would be much simpler imo
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 05:48:38 UTC
in Natural Selection mapping Post #57171
Mapping for the OLD NS was fun, mapping for NS2.0 (CS Edition) is less fun. You have all the same textures, but the game is now boring.#

What.. me? Bitter? Wheres someone to say how many times I've been banned from the forums ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 05:46:20 UTC
in HOW DA HECK!? Post #57170
you may have to open up the model and do some tinkering with the skeleton in something like milkshape3d. Shouldn't by very hard once you get the hang of the editor. Though without proper motion capture it may look crap :P