Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 03:45:40 UTC
in Mod: Good mappers needed desperately! Post #31699
Maybe it's possible to place a 'stomach' model below the player, to make it easier to notice that you're otis.
Modifying means changing something. There's no need on changing the code. It's way harder to make big changes without coding, this really shows your modding skillz.
Instead of healthchargers you could use those chocolate automats as we know them from opposing force.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-09 03:37:55 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #31698
afaik Call of Duty is Quake3:Arena engine.
To those teasers: using func_illus is a very bad idea. I don't know how many faces are used, but a model or env_beams would do much better. First thing: all world polies have a lightmap -> less speed.
Second thing: transparent world polies cause the render cycle to re-render for each poly.
Third thing: world polies often look very blocky, models use gouraud shading and smoothing.
Those things should only be done with 32bit colordepth. Start hl with -32bpp take a screenshot and then compare with a 16bit screenie.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 06:53:31 UTC
in Compo entries in profile. Post #31037
whoops! not logged in again. It simply annoys me that only 5 people bother making a map for this compo. I'd have participated too, but I was still busy with the BL compo and then this thing with my Mainboard happened. I think it should be shown if someone is still actively mapping.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 06:48:34 UTC
in Compo entries in profile. Post #31034
@7th: jep! Just below the Logins or something.
Compo entries (3rd 2nd 1st): 12 (3 2 1) <- like that

@anthony: TWHL is an abbreviation so I can put a "the" before it. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 05:58:33 UTC
in Compo entries in profile. Post #31006
There were 5 entries in the talking scientist compo? It does not seem to be honourable to participate in compos at the TWHL. The idea with the "the winner chooses next topic" is quite cool though there should be some kind of ensurance that it's nothing stupid. I think that it'd help if the amount of compo entries a user had sould be seen in the profile.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 08:33:04 UTC
in Vault Post #28741
I've been browsing through the map vault again, looking for something interesting. There are tons of multiplayer maps and playing them alone is boring, single player maps are rare and hard to find.
So why not add an extra map type, like HL-MP and HL-SP to make it easier to find single player stuff. A little program could unzip the file and search for multiplayer start ents, if there is none it's definitely a singleplayer map - might also be used for CS and TFC maps. So those annoying "I made a map cs_whatthenot and submitted it as a HL map" mistakes won't happen again.

Moved here by Seventh. I think it shows how much of an issue it is that this thread has stayed on-topic for so long.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 07:03:41 UTC
in mirroring effect Post #28733
You can use monster_generic, but it won't move like the player. If you want real mirrors you gotta be good at coding.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 05:36:39 UTC
in Protest against patenting Post #28727
Maybe it'd help to find out the average age of the forum community.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 04:17:41 UTC
in Protest against patenting Post #28725
HM, 49 replies and about 70% do not refer to the topic or are just plain stupid. Why do all the intelligent threads die in this forum? All this patenting shit can and will hurt innocent people only, do something!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 04:10:58 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28724
The most groovy thing on theHL engine is James Bond: Nightfire. Boring, but amazingly huge and detailed levels.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 03:55:49 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #28723
Hrmpf. Tih sthread went good a while but now it's stuck. Ok, there isn't much going on the world, but there is always something to talk about, bushs iraq policy, elections in america are comming, blahblupblah. Don't you want to proof that you are well educated and that your skills to run discussion go beyond "what nationality are you". I don't intend to criticise this thread, but isn't it alarming that it has more replies than this thread?
I bet you can bring this thread up again.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 14:48:12 UTC
in Aaahhhh! My computer died! Post #28080
I brought it to the repair shop, mainboard defect.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 14:45:04 UTC
in Just a little teaser... Post #28078
Looks like an env_beam accumulation. Btw: If you want to use it as a teaser, start hl with -32bpp to get away those ugly 16bit relics.
You are besides not the first one who made those experiments.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 07:09:01 UTC
in Jump Pads Post #28001
Er sorry, some kind of goodoldhlistehbestest-demon hopped on my keyboard. :P Anyway, yes it is possible and you make them justlike in hl using a trigger_push.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 00:55:01 UTC
in Aaahhhh! My computer died! Post #27962
:( :x :confused: :o :roll: : :zonked:
To all you computer doctors and hardware freaks, heeelp me!
My computer just started beeping and then switched off. On the inner side of the metal hull there is some dried white liquid, I'm afraid it's the heat-conductive paste from the CPU. The power supply still is ok, but pressing the powerbutton doesn't do anything. If you've got any experiences like this one, please tell me what might be the cause, I need certainty. :( :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 18:01:41 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27937
Actually, according to my friends, I'm not that bad at mapping, but I'm a pessimist, so ...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 17:59:54 UTC
in Funny pics! Post #27936
Live thread, live!
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
'cause we all know:
User posted image
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 17:39:38 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27934
Dude, I suck at everything creative, even at mapping, but I still do it. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 17:38:31 UTC
in BROADBAND Post #27933
Hm, strange that a man appreciates a porn filter. Not that I am a pervert or something, but I though only most women dislike porn.
People who litter the internet with spam, selfmade noob-viruses and trojans are way worse.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 17:34:45 UTC
in Protest against patenting Post #27932
Gnn! Got an internet connection and doesn't even know what a patent is. Where does education take places nowadays? :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 16:34:19 UTC
in Grouping problem Post #27919
Hm, r_speeds 2000, tons of worldbrush splittings, misaligned textures ... blah bla
I don't want to ruin your ratings, so I posted here.
The gameplay ain't that great either. There are no places to hide, and to many edges to fall off from.
All in all I'd suggest to completely overwork the map. It somehow looks like a 30 minutes map.
You have to learn the basic r_speeds reducing techniques, such as using func_walls for pillars etc. that touch the ground, using the arch tool for pipe like objects and so on.
Sorry for being so harsh, I often exaggerate when judging other's maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 15:47:33 UTC
in Leak Post #27911
Type "pointfile" into the console and follow the line that appears. If you need more particles, start HL with -particles 10000 or something like that.
And! Never, really never put a box around your level for final compiles. It massively increases r_speeds and compile times. It's also stupid to use it for leak finding, the pointfile method is easy and fast.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 15:33:57 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27907
The golfball seems to have landed in a bunker. :( Can someone play the bunker shot? :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 14:55:55 UTC
in HELLO PEEPS!! Post #27904
Abscise his balls! Or simply ignore him. Damn I didn't stick to my own rules.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 14:54:03 UTC
in Protest against patenting Post #27903
7thmonkey, could you please delete this qwerty account? Or at least put a patent on using it. :P Sorry, that was mediocre.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 14:22:57 UTC
in AH! Post #27889
The existing categorization seems to ignored by everbody. I get mad everytime I see a map labeled "HL" whose name starts with "cs_". :badass:
Had to say this, sorry.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 14:19:43 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27888
Second one is decimal!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 14:18:35 UTC
in Protest against patenting Post #27886
I guess the majority of the twhl community is too young to realize how serious some apparently ludicrous topic can be.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 14:14:43 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27884
4369 in hexadecimal- and 73 in octalsystem. :) That's not all, just some examples. There are infinite numerical systems.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 13:20:23 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27866
Something about ages and Half-Life mapping. The lead mapper of gunman is the only person I know who started mapping at such a young age. Term, the creator of Poke646 was 30.
Mapping ain't something like watching teletubbies. You don't just stop doing it because your an adult now. It's way too cool!
@7thmonkey: actually you put a "b" or a subscribed "2" behind binary numbers to indicate that it is one. You could've also been 4369, 73, 1111 ... years old. :)
Well I'm 10010b, for those who need it in binary system.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 03:49:21 UTC
in Gibs Post #27625
Hammer won't show the changes, compile the map with -onlyents and look at the model ingame. Btw: The first body has the number 0, second number 1 etc., be aware of that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 03:46:29 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27624
Damn! One day to late, but still happy birthday to you. And don't eat to much monkey chow, it's not good for your weight. :)
I'm 18, too.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 03:44:03 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27623
Well, as we can see there's no point in continuing this debate. You cannot be convinced be and I won't be convinced by you. :
Next topic!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 07:52:26 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27491
I didn't use the word "punishment" anywhere in my post. :P
Anyway they could've use gas grenades or something. If the soldier didn't kill the man on purpose, the punishment should be lowered.
But let's get away from this ceratin case, and get back to the more general things.
The killed and was punished. I can't tell whether it was just or not, cause I didn't see it.
But I will again try defend my point of view. You crossed a road though the traffic lights were red. A police man orders you to stay where you are, but you run away. After a while he catches you and beats you with his baton to keep you from running away again. Quite similar example, though less extreme. Would that be just.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 07:15:28 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27483
The question here is: how do you know exactly what and why it happened? The rules are clear. The situation is not.
For those situations there is an general rule, dunno know it in latin, that says that if your guilt can't be proven, you won't be convicted.
More like: "don't steal, or face the consequences" to me.
But the consequences must be equivalent to the deed. The people didn't do what the marines ordered, and died. That is not equal at all.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 06:29:52 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27476
Don't be so easy on it. People die in wars, it's a hostile environment, it just happens. No, I don't like it either, but what can you do?
That's the problem. War mustn't be an excuse for anything. There are strict rules and laws which explicitly define whether a murder happened in self-defense or not. The case of the Dutch marine is quite clear. The marine shot because the people didn't do what he said. This sounds like "Do what I order, or you will die!". He could have shot into the air, he could have used non lethal weapons, something like that. If someone uses a weapon, he must be fully capable of controlling it, if he's not, he mustn't use one. Of course there must be a fair trial which gives one a chance to proof one'S unguilt or to lessen the heaviness of the deed. If a marine kills people without an urgent reason, he must be punished and banned from the military. That is the only just thing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 03:49:35 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27452
Dunno how it is in your homecountry, yesterday there was a radio show title "The power of pictures.". Very interresting. It had all those torture and decapitation things as central theme.
I also learn new things about Iraq and the American soldiers. If one GI accidentally kills an iraqi civilist, there is no punishment for him. All he has to do, is paying a laughable $2500 compensation. "Whoops, there goes another pair. Hm, $5000 I can afford it." There is absolutely no punishment. I think, that if a soldier kills a civilian, for which reason ever, must be banned from the army FOREVER!
That's one of those things which really really annoy me. :x
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 05:56:49 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27331
:P That's one of the "heated debations" I wanted to see here! It's really joy to watch you two discuss about world conspiracy and so. Jahzel, as I said, don't believe everything you see, read or hear. It's good to have doubts about what happens in the world at the moment and what those spindoctors wnat you to believe. BUT! It's not good to get too radical and believe everything that speaks against it, because on each side, there are people who exaggerate and there are people on each side who profot from others who believe without asking. I know this Iluminati tale too, and I liked Deus Ex, a computer game which also used this to tell a great story, but I don't believe that this happens in our world, too.
Anyway, if you think that all this is true and you have a problem with, do something about it. Go into politics, do some anti-bush-collection of signatures etc. or something like this.
Back to this world:
Is George Bush going to lose the election against his opponent?
I'm afraid that, though all this torture thing is going round, bush will again "win" the election. Not at last because of things as this decapitation video, which I think appeared in the very best moment to uproar the American people. In this forum, there's a thread about it, which shows how easy people can change their oppinion after one single thing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 18:03:14 UTC
in Worst joke ever Post #26997
A monk, a rabi and a priest walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says: "What is this, a joke?"
Seen in in a sig of some VERC guy. I somehow like it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 16:14:18 UTC
in Music in CS/HL Post #26983
Btw: Sorry for double posting and going offtopic, but check this out!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 16:11:03 UTC
in Music in CS/HL Post #26982
Ahh, that's what you meant. Well I use a very stupid method to remeber pi and this method does not pay attention to rounding. "Can I have a large container of coffee?" and then simply count the letters. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 15:54:57 UTC
in Music in CS/HL Post #26976
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 15:15:12 UTC
in Music in CS/HL Post #26972
Same as normal sounds, use and ambient_generic ent! Easy as 3.1415926! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 06:08:17 UTC
in level props arrrg Post #26895
try to load the next map via console, if it still crashes, it's probably broken so you have to recompile. also check whether the compiling ran without errors and make sure that all models, sprites etc. can be found where hl looks for them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 06:06:08 UTC
in Pizza Post #26894
setup a scripted sequence with "move to: instananeous" and use any sitting animation you want. it looks alright if the center of the ent is 22 units above the floor, then the feet of the scientist will stand on it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 06:04:04 UTC
in Protest against patenting Post #26893
well in a way it does. it shows how f**ked up the american law is. it give way to much power to the people who can't handle it or don't deserve it. that's why a certain small group of people creates a very bad image of america. know what I mean?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 05:49:20 UTC
in Pizza Post #26891
actually you use the (ai)scripted_sequence to make the scientist sit. dunno how you did it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 03:52:42 UTC
in Pizza Post #26882
22 units above the ground.
napoli with extra cheese and peperoni. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 05:52:05 UTC
in reflections Post #26612
they simply copied and flipped everthing that's mirrored and put it below the floor. the model reflection is done via coding. no way to get this into cs. the guns can be with the amoury_ent.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 05:04:23 UTC
in Protest against patenting Post #26608
that's the idea. to stop this patenting rage, you just have to get a patent on patenting! I bet that's possible. too many stupid patents can be made. :(