Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-11-29 19:19:52 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #149795
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 20:41:02 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #149680
True but it's impossible to prevent it 100% i think
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 20:09:18 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #149676
There is a difference between using camping as a strategy and.. well.. annyoying people and destroying gameplay/fun

it's very frustrating when a guy is camping in the cellar in snarkpit (HLDM) for example. Just sitting there and collecting ammo and battery, never moving.

but i have nothing against a person who picks up the crossbow and uses it. only with those that camp the places where those weapons spawn, it makes the game unbalanced.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 20:02:14 UTC
in All I want for Christmas Post #149673
Wow satch, you lucky bastard!!! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 19:18:48 UTC
in All I want for Christmas Post #149667
I have no idea what I want. Don't think I need anything at the moment, allthough a game card for WoW would be greatly appreciated :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:12:15 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #149603
triple kill with nade :)

Btw, I was using my old Geforce4 mx440 when i took that screenshot, hehe
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 10:35:54 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #149592
I don't want it to be cool :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 06:30:44 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #149553
Haha nope, I don't :) GOER = G?R, since ? doesn't work in HL. G?r means Do. have no idea why I use that name
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 21:10:12 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #149513
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 21:03:10 UTC
in Now Playing Post #149510
Gojira - Global Warming
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 20:48:38 UTC
in life? Post #149505
Usually death involves pain or the inability to breathe
haha you made me laugh there captain obvious :D I would say that death always involves the inability to breathe ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 20:05:05 UTC
in life? Post #149496
No you have just accepted that it's inevitable. I don't think about death. I know I will die someday, maybe tomorrow even

You can go crazy if you worry too much about it
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 18:29:00 UTC
in life? Post #149481
It's cool bratty. Let's just agree to disagree. When we die we'll see who's right ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 14:50:22 UTC
in Change Models! Post #149434
Learn to post in the right forum ffs
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 14:05:02 UTC
in life? Post #149426
I fear God...
No you fear death, Period. That's why religions exist. so weak people can feel secure.
wow... rebellious nature...
So you decide to try to insult me, very mature. First you go on and on about your "god" and then I shouldn't be able to talk about my beliefs (or lack thereof) without getting sarcasm from you? Pitiful..
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 13:49:16 UTC
in Is TWHL full of nerds? (I doubt it!) Post #149425
Well i play in a band and...yeah, that's about it. That's what I do besides mapping (which I don't really have time for anymore :P ).
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 01:47:03 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #148933
I have to be honest here

I don't like the splash. It's a piece of flat ground and a badly aligned sky. it just seems very amateurish (sp?). I know you can do better Bratty. use that ship you've got and make a pic with it being in the center.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 01:43:20 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #148932
lol you call thems nubs and you don't even have a screen to show how good you are :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 01:42:11 UTC
in life? Post #148931
one of them is a man of Fear
Isn't that the basis of all religion?
The Bible is full of rules that only help Humankind. It serves as a code of Common sense.
I'm with you to the rules part. It's a book of rules that tries to tell me what to do. Tell you what, I'll think for myself instead and use my own judgement and moral compass. That my friend, is common sense. And when you have it you don't need no "god".
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 18:25:08 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #148861
skip the "BrattyLord's" part. no need to advertise yourself
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 16:27:05 UTC
in life? Post #148843
No, i'm with m0p. You believe in God = You're a pussy :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 15:26:29 UTC
in Spam Post #148826
Jobabob was in his prime two years ago.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 10:25:54 UTC
in The Al Jazeera Memo Leak Post #148781
H?ltimme = long break, like an hour long, at least
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 10:21:17 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #148777
Total: 1,274 - 2,166
@Alex. I see here that you actually have a negative score ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 19:08:43 UTC
in Spam Post #148705
@Elon, I doubt you were around 2? years ago, registered or not :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 19:04:09 UTC
in The Al Jazeera Memo Leak Post #148704
replace religious lessons in school with H?ltimme!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 15:30:40 UTC
in Spam Post #148657
Yeah, I remember when TWHL was a bit more alive
lol, no you don't. You weren't around back in the good ol' days. I miss jobabob's comments :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 20:06:42 UTC
in Whats currently stored in your Clipboard Post #148480
That's why we love them :heart:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 21:17:07 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148291
Might D/L it someday. But to answer your question; No, I won't buy it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 21:16:06 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148290
however i jus got doom 3 this weekend, im sure its good for the PC but it plays well on the xbox.
It might play well but it looks like shit. I believe the correct term to describe how D3 looks on Xbox is: Diarrhea
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 20:29:10 UTC
in Good ol' Steam Post #148282
Yes, non legal ways
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 19:18:46 UTC
in OMG TWHL HAS GONE MAD! Post #148278
"check out The Tizzy Rappa Contest results"

Lol :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 21:59:52 UTC
in Now Playing Post #148155
Dimmu Borgir - Broderskapets Ring

(from the new Stormbl?st 2005 album)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 13:49:00 UTC
in SpyAxe 3.0 Post #148109
Sorry Elon i have no idea. That is if you're not willing to format the drive

Habboi, check if it's in Autostart :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 13:21:59 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148100
stunning graphics
Dunno 'bout that.. But if you have an Xbox (and a crappy comp) then by all means go ahead. But i'm certain it's inferior to the pc version in every aspect.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 11:27:28 UTC
in Now Playing (game) Post #148088
Playing Red Alert 2 at the moment
Fun game.. oh, and what's her name, the russian babe with the tight pants? I want her :nuts:

I'm playing FEAR again, but this time with Unlimited grenades, just for fun :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-19 00:42:42 UTC
in Ghosts Post #147928
Nice story Toe-tasty :)

My turn;
Before i mived to the house where i live now, we lived in an apartment in a house that's connected to a church (strange i know). Lots of strange things happened there and i was the only one to witness it. I remember a few very vividly

#1. One day I was sitting in my room playing Timesplitters on my ps2. the tv was facing the door so i had my back against it. My mom comes in with the phone (my g/f at the time had called me). I speak for nearly an hour with her and then i get up to put the phone back where it belongs. I then notice that the door to my room is locked, but from the side i'm on. I was the only one in the room at the time.

#2. I was home alone, planning to skip school. I was in the kitchen and i felt like getting som milk. so i put my keys on the table (I am certain I did!) and turn around to open the fridge. when i turn around again the keys are gone. I found them later that day on the same place i had put them. ( I had looked there many times).

3# I'm home alone (yet anew) one night and i'm sitting by the comp mapping. suddenly i get this feeling that i'm being watched by someone. like someone's standing right behind me looking over my shoulder. i turn around and the curtain (about 1? meters away) starts to sway like someone was standing there and quickly ran away, causing the curtain to sway. that curtain reached from the ceiling to the floor and it would require quite a big gust of wind to make it move in that manner.

other things include hearing voices in my mother's room when no one but me was home and hearing my keys being dragged along the walls. you know that scraping sound.
My cat also went mad sometimes and would stare at the walls and follow unseen things.

my mom never believed me of course :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-18 20:04:01 UTC
in Maya 7 Post #147896
Yes, we're in the same class in school, that's why i'm "insulting" him. And maya is a program used for modelling, it pwns. :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-17 17:36:48 UTC
in Now Playing (game) Post #147684
Bah, I'm at lvl 31
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-17 15:23:02 UTC
in Ghosts Post #147648
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-17 15:21:11 UTC
in Ghosts Post #147645
Search my simian friend, search. ;)
It could be more than a year ago though
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-17 11:17:56 UTC
in Ghosts Post #147593
I made a thread about ghosts like a year ago and I can tell you now that TWHL is very skeptical :P

I believe in ghosts though, had my own share of strange experiences
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-16 18:58:56 UTC
in Maya 7 Post #147490
Lol, his real name is Dario (strange name) but from now on it's Jesper

I'm gonna check that free version out ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-16 18:20:59 UTC
in HL2 fucked. Post #147470
AVG is really good. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-16 16:52:51 UTC
in Maya 7 Post #147436
when I buy a new PC that is
That won't happen :quizzical: btw, you suck! :D

Cya on monday ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-16 15:58:01 UTC
in Now Playing (game) Post #147423
World of Warcraft!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-16 15:57:05 UTC
in If you play it backwards... Post #147422
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-15 18:28:19 UTC
in half-life maps? Post #147283
read all the tuts and you should be well on your way. and don't be scared to try new things! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-15 10:17:46 UTC
in Steam Server IPs Post #147223
LOL! Then I've seen you a couple of time, i visit that server too. However, i use different nicknames. Mostly Atom. No offense to the TWHL boss.
Yes i think i remember an Atom on PvP, so that's you then :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-14 18:43:59 UTC
in Steam Server IPs Post #147159
I only play HL on the swedish PvP servers (under the nick GOER!). If i were to play on your server my ping would be way too high, unfortunately :(