Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 17:32:56 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90245
No capital 'H' in your name
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 17:29:24 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90243
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 16:51:35 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90201
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 16:48:52 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90199
3. Jahzel reminds me of a crazy mexican farmer
...I'm crazy, but I aint Mexican :| :x or a farmer! :| :x

P.s. Why a crazy Mexican farmer? :
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 16:45:27 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #90198
The globalists are succefully engineering an unsafe/insecure society of fake terror alerts and staged terror attacks. They are using the fear of the unknown, the fear of being confronted or attacked by those 'crazy middle east' guys (who by the way, most of them were trained and armed by America and the UK - but that wouldn't matter would it ;) )

...Oh and the illusive Osama Bin Laden and Al-CIAeda.

When confronted by these 'terrorism' scenarios we look to our government and authorities to 'help prevent the threats' and the only way they say they can prevent the threats is to remove our civil liberties and basic human rights, freedom and justice that get's in the way of the globalist's regime. (You cant have a Global Government where people actually have freedom). So now you hear on the news, the pro-police state propoganda trying to justify ID cards and national DNA database, cameras in school bathrooms, implantable microchips etc.

What we have now is a 'War On Terror (Freedom, and humanity)' that will
last hundreds of years - Bush
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 16:27:02 UTC
in What do ya think, improvements? Post #90188 bikinis?

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 16:23:37 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90185
No capital 'H' in your name
Yeeeeeah but that was only aimed at habboi. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 13:22:23 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90128
habboi, heres the reasons why people find you an annoyance and the TWHL village idiot:

1. Lack of grammaer. Eg. 'i' instead of 'I'.
2. No capital 'H' in your name.
3. Your name.
4. You.
5. Constant, and I do mean CONTSTANT! f*****g questioning.
6. Your noobism.
7. Yor newbism
8. Your n00bism.
9. The spam.
10. The mindless spam.

Sorry if that seemed a little harsh, but it has to be said. :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 12:47:18 UTC
in This is the Final END Post #90102
Nop, cant do.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 11:57:49 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #90084
...I have an idea alright ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 11:50:00 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #90078
It's a matter of 'do you want to believe the government was responsible for 9/11' or 'do you not want to believe the government was involved with 9/11 despite the overwhelming evidence and unaswered questions.'

People tend to rubbish off anything that could potentially ruin the image of the government because they want to go about living their lives as another clone.

Btw...NORAD admitted on the news that it was ordered to stand down on 9/11 - but I suppose that doenst change your mind does it Unknown, no, just ignore that and believe the official fairytale.

P.s. It's not world police, America is currently a fascist police state. The UK is heading towards a police state, but thankfully with much resistance from folks who do care.

Also, Kasperg, Loffe posted those ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 11:36:17 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #90073
Mr Vegas - Heads High
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 11:35:51 UTC
in What do ya think, improvements? Post #90072
Zombie Loffe, you should make a gallery of the whole series of TWHL:The Toon :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-13 11:14:40 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #90070
Nightmares On Wax - Cruise (Smokers Delight)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 13:58:23 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #89923
lol....comes as no suprise :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 10:36:56 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #89874
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 10:24:58 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #89871
I just went there and I was logged on as Orpheus?!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 10:09:00 UTC
in What Kind Of Maps Are You Making? Post #89869
Kol, I'm glad you're still mapping for HL1!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 10:03:52 UTC
in Who has the best display pic? Post #89868
I heard on the news the other day that NORAD admits it had a stand down order on 9/11

"Aahahahahahahah! Take that you Anonymous piece of donkey crap!!!1111!!!"
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 09:59:45 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #89865
Did you experience the following satchmo?

1. Drooling
2. Paralysis
3. Blank Stare/Excessive Blinking
4. Finger Twisting/Hand Flapping
5. Hallucinations
6. Dellusions of Grandeur (i.e. Thinks They Are A Celebrity)
7. Loss Of Appetite
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 09:53:37 UTC
in Language? You can't ALL speak englis Post #89863
..they might mean something, somewhere...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 09:52:12 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #89861
np: The Beatnuts! (again)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 10:21:34 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89675
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 08:36:25 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #89659
In the mainline media, those who adhere to the position that there is some kind of "conspiracy" pushing us towards a world government are virulently ridiculed. The standard attack maintains that the so-called "New World Order" is the product of turn-of-the-century, right-wing, bigoted, anti-semitic racists acting in the tradition of the long-debunked Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, now promulgated by some Militias and other right-wing hate groups. - 'A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER' by D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 08:32:42 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #89658
lol Ozzy Osbourne - Mama, Im coming home :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 08:31:45 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #89657
lol battyman
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 08:29:39 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #89655
Well can you explain Bush's Nazi connection?

( As described in The Zanesville Signal, Zanesville, Oh, Thursday, July 31, 1941 )

Also read this here:

Also take a look at this article and set of photographs that clearly depict the bronze Roman "Fasces" symbol of the axe heads bound by rods - in the House of Congress. The term "fascism" derrives from the "fasces". The axe heads symbolise civic authority, whilst the bound rods represent the masses.

I have actually seen the same symbols around the corporate area where I live. I saw the fasces symbol embedded on a 'war memorial'! I have also seen it carved into the walls of banks in and around this paricular area.

And I also expect you to atleast read this article detailing the chronological history of the New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum - New Order of The Ages)

It is extremely foolish to just 'rubbish' off the fascist rule without even investigating it's influences of power in today's world.

And it would be easy for you to 'shoot down' such questions because it disagrees with your party line. You are in basic denial that the government is capable of such attrocities. Because of this denial, it is inevitable that you'd choose to rubbish off anything presented that questions government proceedures.
More sources (Incase for some reason you do not believe that 'the Fasces' symbol represents fascism)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 07:47:26 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #89636
The Beatnuts - Beatnuts Forever
The Beatnuts - Look Around
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 07:27:20 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89624
I hated those black poisonous headcrabs, I hated the way they were hairy and spider like. They reminded me of those aggressive funnel web spiders you get in places like Australia, those ones that actually do give a shit about you being near them and do chase you! (Eugh)

P.s. I would not like to be the zombie guy who carries them on his back either! :zonked: :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 10:42:25 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #89437
Its a very old trick. Even if you would take away letters you still would be able to read the sentence.
Its a vrey old tcrik. Eevn if you wloud tkae aawy ltetres you slitl wloud be albe to raed the sntecnee.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 09:40:05 UTC
in Who has the best display pic? Post #89434
...just do a google image search for fire
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 09:32:53 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #89430
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 09:30:54 UTC
in Tribute to the Gman Post #89428
I now have FL, at first it's quite hard to get the hang of, but I think I know a bit more now... You did good with that. I'm having trouble working out how to make tunes like the ones that come with it :
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 09:20:01 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #89426
Man, you are like a nat in camp site 'ZeeeeeeeZzzzzeeeeeeezzzeeeeee' :x

Listen, I have no problem with you wanting to constantly disprove everything that's said that disagrees with what you say because you wrote history, but you simply cannot 'rubbish' all this off without some reasonable effort to read all the information, news articles, official documents, offcial proposals etc. You cannot say it's nonsense and it doesnt exist when you havent bothered to investigate. Right now, you are acting like the leaf on everybody's track.

"Why haven't I been silenced?" Well isn't that just thee most absurd comment amongst all the other trash you just come out with just then. Well I can think of many reasons why I haven't been silenced, one is because, incase you didn't know, I'm not the only one who looks beyond the lies and propoganda of mainstream media, I'm not the only one who realised that the government is capable of horrific crimes against humanity, I am not the only one who laughs at George Bush's absurd speeches, I'm not the only one who thinks that cameras in bathrooms does not fight terrorism, I'm not the only one who knows that 9/11 was engineered by the Millitary Industrial Complex, I'm not the only one who knows that throughout history dictators have created disasters and blamed it on the bogeyman and then said that the only way to be safe is to give up all your rights, I'm not the only one who stands for what is right - and that is humanity and the freedom to say what the fuck we want before it gets too late, before they start putting us in forced labour camps with microchip implants processing our thoughts for us.

Laugh all you will, but I'm sorry, I dont submit to dehumanisation, I do not want to see our lives and the lives of generations to come living in a global gulag, I'm sorry but I stand against fascism, corruption, tyranny, and enslavement.

Now piss off and go back to your box.

( :lol: )
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 18:47:18 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #89346
Everything about Dajuppi is weird, his name, his music, himself...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 18:45:11 UTC
in Language? You can't ALL speak englis Post #89345
< / |_
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 18:42:47 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #89344
You konw, it desnot mteatr waht odrer the lterets in a wrod are anrgerad, olny taht the frsit and lsat lteerts are the smae.
Hey that was on the David Icke headlines originally...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 16:15:08 UTC
in Language? You can't ALL speak englis Post #89302
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 16:13:44 UTC
in Language? You can't ALL speak englis Post #89299
It's a symbol of communism. However, communism and socialism are equally as manipulated and controlled by the global control grid. The globalists give people the false perception that they are opposing the establishment or working for the people, but little do they know they are working for and supporting the globlaist agenda.

They also make sure there are plenty of 'man of the people' figures who act as globalist puppets to attract support. People are easily manipulated when their belief systems are segregated.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 08:19:08 UTC
in Language? You can't ALL speak englis Post #89214
Hola, eth eth eth eth eth eth cuando no estoy hablando Chris Waddle ingl?s que hablo la lengua de los bastardos, hablo espa?ol. Bien, clase de, quiz? con una poca ayuda a partir del uno de esos translaters libres.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 08:11:59 UTC
in Snark Pit Post #89211
Is Orph like the oldest mapper......ever?

P.s. Hurry up Snark Pit, sort it out lads, aint got all bloody day. :
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 08:06:46 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #89210
Wow, your avatar suits you BV :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 08:03:38 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89209
I can alter voices to sound differently. Infact, last night I experimented with changing Barney's voice in HL and achieved some funny results. I even mixed and matched Barney's voices - it was quite good in the end.

Gman might be easy to do, I havent tried yet though ;)

...and yes a copy of chapter 2 should come very handy :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 18:12:28 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89079
Synthesize the G-Man's voice? You mean make it more sinister perhaps? I can do anything with sounds, I have alot of sound effect facilities and so on.

Infact, I might try a little experiment altering the voices in HL1.

P.s. I'll send you a small ~5 second loop.

P.s. (again) Thankyou for your help diesel, I'm sure as soon as we manage to get our site sorted out we could make some arrangements.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 18:08:45 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #89078
...well it did used to. Probably got removed due to privacy complaints.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 18:05:23 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #89077
[off-topic]Did you know that typing your phone number into google will display information about the location and owner of that telephone number?[/off-topic]
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 14:07:44 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89007
...I have the ability now to produce horror music and sound effects, I could send you an example if you want?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 08:58:58 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #88954
The Techniques - Love Is Not A Gamble
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 08:56:41 UTC
in Wackiest Warning Label Awards Post #88953
WARNING: May cause harm if you climb inside it's mouth
  • A giant Venus Fly Trap
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 08:53:32 UTC
in Bushism Post #88952
I have no problem with conservative Americans, but I DO have a problem with neo-cons.