The Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now
The Polyphonic Spree - Hold Me Now
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Warning: ::FindTexture() texture 64CRATE0 not found!Do you use HLFix? I get this error if my wad.txt file is not updated when I add new wads...
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture 64CRATE0 not found!
takes all used textures in a wad and puts them in another.
* Most notable of these is the "too many wads" error. If you have more than 8 wads in WC, then weird problems CAN occur - but not always, and not for everyone. Always check that you do not have too many wads when your problem doesn't "fit" the solutions...
* Another odd problem that shows up elsewhere is the bad sky enviornment name. For most of us a bad sky enviornment name leaves us with the default enviornment. But for some mappers, this can cause odd error warnings: like a bad brush that does not exist, or brush outside of map, or bad lighting in the map. Make sure you get that name RIGHT! If the six sides are sky_lf, sky_rt, sky_up, etc. you use "sky_" in the cl_skyname field.
* A third odd problem is too small textures. If one over stretches the texture more than 10x, then zoner's compile tools usually give a warning. But there is little or no warning if you shrank the texture too far. When you get a frustating error that doesn't make sense, this one is something to keep in mind.
* A rare fourth problem is a single HUGE .wad that is too big for memory.
* If you have the a problem like malformed face and you do a check but do not get that error, but "Solid entity is empty", you may be a victim of the editor mixup.
Quote:Of note, make sure you're running the latest version of Hammer--3.4 or 3.5BETA, and the latest compile tools.
Here are a few of the problems that popped up under this situation:
1. You may have errors in your compile, if not then,
2. Your pak0pak.pak file may be corrupted?
3. Maybe the wrong game version?
4. Wrong WC/Hammer version? Earlier versions of WC were particularly prone to this. Use WC 3.3 or Hammer!
5. Maybe another compile will make it go away, or not? And make sure you have the most up-to-date version of zoner's compiling tools....
6. You may have a bad model - like one from another mod or game, or you once installed a custom one? Or you may have a corrupted sprite or model?
7. Have you installed a patch recently? It might be bad....
Is it better to check the world box or the face box as far as the texture is related.I've never really understood this either, though I'm able to work with it--If a decal is "backwards" I check whatever one makes it show the proper way, and when aligning textures, sometimes clicking one or the other makes the texture line up just right, but I really have no idea how it works!!!
1600x1200 and above = Too tiny iconslol yeah, after two weeks of squinting, you get used to it
What are you on?LOL. I spat coffee all over my monitor when I read that!
I can be done!From Haz! in this thread, though I'm afraid the thread doesn't give much more info than that. Good luck!
With a lot of limitations though.
Use an env_laser and let it target a func_train. Choose and end sprite and tadah.
But: The sprite will be additive and in glow renderfx. It might be usefull in some cases.
Or use spirit.
This enthusiasm of people submitting their maps is what makes mapping worth the effort, and gives sites like TWHL a noble reason to exist.Hell yes! You're the Juggernaut, Bitch!
Health (health) - If the button has to be shot, rather than pressed, specify a value greater than 0 here. When this amount of damage occurs, the button will activate.Taken from the entity guide, here.
But seriously clipping is evil. I really recommend Vertex manipulation!Shit, I didn't even see that... Dude it is not eviL!!