Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 07:59:21 UTC
in Half-Life Wanted - Make a working map? Post #131464
Mapping for such mods can be done just as mapping for HL or CS, but it's a lot easier when you can get a hold of an appropriate .fgd file for that mod. Otherwise you're going to have a hard time finding out what new entities are used in that mod. But all the basics still apply.

You don't need to place a level in the .pak files in order to work bytheway. Just place them in the modname/maps folder and you should be able to play them. To get lighting to work, be sure to have at least 1 light (or any other light emitting entity or texture light) in your level, and make sure there's no leaks.

EDIT: Enemies are just entities like monster_grunt or monster_alien_slave and the like.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 07:51:45 UTC
in Snark wrestling... Post #131463
Just thinking about it again...

I think the crate blocking is a dirty solution, but also covering the crate with a trigger might not work as planned when the crate stands next to a wall... the best thing I can come up with that would work is placing a trigger around the crate, and set it to activate on pushables instead of players. This now still can be activated when another crate gets pushed into it, but well... there's no such thing for pushables as an output when being pushed, so it's working around somewhat.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 05:55:34 UTC
in Snark wrestling... Post #131452
Snarks have a limited lifespan so it might not be a good idea to spawn them immediatly. I'd say, spawn them as soon as the crate above them gets pushed away. You could do that with a trigger in the shape of that crate so that when the crate gets pushed, the player gets in the trigger.
That also would solve your problem... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 18:59:03 UTC
in compiling (again) Post #131365
As I said, the light entity is not the problem. The leak is. For an explanation of leaks, check this article (though it's for HL2, a leak is still the same in HL or HL2): Leaks explained
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 18:56:37 UTC
in compiling (again) Post #131361
check ur pointfile, + delete this, or move it out of outside world/brush
You don't necessarily need to delete that entity. It's just the entity most close to the leak.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 18:54:00 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131356
So when I'm making hard maps.People get mad at me (speacially Captain P).
I'm not mad at you, I just don't like your levels...
I wrote such long articles since you asked me for it. Otherwise I had probably not even downloaded it.

Anyway, the conversion between mapping for a RTS and a FPS may not seem that easy, as most technical basics are somewhat different, but when you have a feeling for games like that then it's not too hard I think. It's just getting used to a different set of tools and a different style of gameplay. But in both genres, gameplay may differ quite some already, so... :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 16:37:56 UTC
in Whats your favourite mod of all time? Post #131315
I liked Bleushift. Short, but well made and thought out. A nice coherent mod.

As for non-official mod... I've always found Big Lolly to be standing out from the crowd. It's small as well, but really weird and totally different from what you'll usually get to play.
Also, I'm waiting for Nightwatch to be released.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 16:26:05 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131302
What made me a mapper? Just my interest for design, I think. Before I got hold of Worldcraft I had been busy creating levels for Red Alert, Starcraft, Tomb Raider and the like already. I've also tried creating RTS games with some cheap-end game creating packages and all.

When I played Half-Life I soon found out about the editor and started toying around with it. I've been creating things for 2 or 3 months without knowing how to compile but it was just fun to create something 3-dimensional. Once I looked up on things on sites like the VERC more and more I started to get the hang of it. That has also gotten me into modelling, texture art and programming (the thing I started with when I was 12) and all that... reading artices about game design, gameplay theories and rendering algorithms and all that. I just like those things, I gues... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 12:49:57 UTC
in HL2 Physics Tutorial Post #131274
Do a Google search for those entities. There's a lot of explanations about them. In fact, there's quite some HL2 tutorials out already.

Sites like,,,,, and all have at least some tutorials. Some are full of it...

EDIT: And hey, don't forget the Source SDK example maps... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 11:21:29 UTC
in TA - Rulz or drulz? Post #131248
It's called a Real Time Strategy game, actually.

I think it was an ok game and the amount of different units was quite good. Well, for me, it's old now. I haven't played it anymore since a few years now.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 18:09:06 UTC
in Post #131096
Make the yet a func_train and use path_corners for it's start and target location. TWHL has a nice entity guide so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out how this works.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 15:51:11 UTC
in Cs .bsp to css .bsp (?) Post #131047
Besides decompiling, cleaning the mess up and redoing texture and entity work, there's no alternative. Those .bsp formats are quite different, you know.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 11:10:32 UTC
in TWHL worldwide Post #130931
Freshed, also Dutch? I hadn't noticed before...

I'm too, and so are Pepper and Muzzleflash...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 10:40:26 UTC
in TWHL worldwide Post #130920
Wasn't there a thread about this a while ago already?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 07:20:09 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #130849
That's ok.

What do we judge on, bytheway? Just gameplay and looks? Or also creativity with the layout and such?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 07:05:01 UTC
in Combine Heli for HL1 Post #130846
Looks like a good replica. Good job.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 06:40:57 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #130841
If I have time, I'd like to join the playtest. Any date planned already?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 03:18:47 UTC
in New map Im working on Post #130833
I think the actual terrain looks fairly good for a CS map. Granted, there's some height difference and maybe it's a bit too much (this could also hinder movement) but it's not that bad I think.

Now that building does look somewhat out of place. In the middle of a hilly area I wouldn't expect a building like that. There's too much height difference where the terrain meets the building.
Having that tree texture all around that area somehow makes it feel small and cramped for some reason. I think it's just not a nice way to block the level with a sudden, flat screen of trees. Add some trees (models?) in front of those to mask their flattyness. Add a layer of bushes in front of them or such, to break that unnatural flattyness. Make those trees stulp out a bit, whatever. I know it's the HL engine, but you can improve here.
Oh, and adding some more vegetation with leaf sprites or bush models would be a good thing to do.

Good luck with it. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 20:05:48 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130800
I am no CSS player so I didn't play it, but there's a thread about this on Mapcore as well (there's some real high quality maps being produced by it's members so you did get some good attention).

By the looks of it, it's not too impressive, so I wonder why people would steal this. Are those guys so lazy or ignorant that they can't even open up their editor and recreate this thing instead of decompiling it?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 19:52:05 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130796
Is this the map we're talking about, people?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 17:03:34 UTC
in Compiling is it right? Post #130765
Then Google for zhlt. Those downloads aren't hard to find.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 09:35:33 UTC
in Spirit Post #130682
Oh, read the manual... hehe.

Anyway, so it is now playable as a mod but it complains about a missing .sc?

Try creating a text file and rename it as, perhaps that helps. And, indeed, read the manual or search on their forums if anyone else had this problem.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 09:33:38 UTC
in Spirit Post #130680
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 09:29:03 UTC
in Spirit Post #130676
Spirit 1.2 download

It's an exe file, so probably an installer. Just install it into a folder of it's own within your half-life directory. It's just a mod like any other in terms of getting it to run...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 09:14:45 UTC
in conveyor: texture not scrolling Post #130671
Scrolling textures should have 'scroll' in their texture name.

EDIT: Late again, I see... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 08:56:32 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130652
The only thing you could do, I think, is getting your name more known so people know you are the real creator of the map. If people know that, then spotting someone on a forum who tries to take the pride for your work is much easier.

A while ago a guy showed a lot of screenshots of several really good maps on another forum. Untill the forum moderator visited Mapcore and saw those maps were created by a bunch of other people (maps for different engines, looking awesome, and no release is somewhat suspicious already...). The guy got kicked pretty well when they found out.

And perhaps there will always be a little group of thieves that run away with your work on their own little server... don't care about these guys. They don't have the skills you have, and that's a think often overlooked by a lot of people. Besides, what's the recognition of such people worth? As long as other, decent mappers and players recognize your work then it's ok, I think.

Bytheway, you got a portfolio site or such? Something where we can view all your maps? Would be a nice thing to have man... ;)

EDIT: Watermarking techniques for bsp files, does anyone know about such things? I've seen techniques for images and models too so far, but bsp files not yet.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 16:10:40 UTC
in LEAK! Post #130532
Brush entities can cause leaks, actually. It's all about their origin, or center if you want to call it that. Same goes for point-based entities: whenever their center is in the void, they cause a leak.

Combining multiple brushes into one entity has some drawbacks bytheway:
  • whenever a part of it is visible, all parts are rendered
  • it's hard for the compile tools to determine when the entity is visible, and when not. Entities that span across multiple leafs could even always get rendered... this has to do with the way the map is cut up into a bsp-tree.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 07:45:52 UTC
in interior decoration Post #130427
Dark spots can speak to a player's imagination, making him think the stuff that should be there, is there, while it's really just not there. Yes, lighting plays an important role.

Another thing is, I think, just feeling. The best thing is to just spend some time on it, familiarizing yourself with detailing a map. Looking up on reference photo's and all is definitely a good thing to do. Look at other maps and try to figure out why they feel right - or why they don't. What did other, better, mappers do to make the player feel like he's in a real environment? How could you translate that to your map?
What would people definitely notice when it wasn't there? What would people normally expect in an environment like that? Ask yourself those questions.
Often, there's a form of logic behind it. While couches do fit in a living room, placing them in front of a door doesn't make sense, and therefor destroys that feeling of place you tried to create by adding the couch in the first place. I've seen some maps that had oil pipes in them. That was good - it was an oil refinirey or some sort of pumping station. What didn't feel right was that pipe on one end of the wall, and no pipe on the other hand. Where did the pipe go? Those little things are just logic - but failing at them could make your map feel that much less 'right'.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 07:30:03 UTC
in Lights and door Post #130423
Lighting is calculated during the compile stage of the map. That means it's not dynamic, it doesn't react on moving entities or such that in real-life would block light. So, entities do not block light. Unless you're compiling with Zoner's compile tools, which you really should be doing - these versions offer some more control, like enabling entities to block light.

If you let that door block the light, then when the door opens, the lighting still remains the same, e.g. there's no stream of light falling on the floor of the next room once the door is open. As I said, lighting is pretty much static.

Another solution would be to trigger the light once the door opens or closes. Would work in a singleplayer map but less effective in a deathmatch map, obviously.

EDIT: Elon beat me to it... :)
Anyway, Source doesn't do full real-time lighting, so also that engine doesn't really give you the desired result. Dynamic lights are supported to some degree but they're expensive and limited as well.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 07:23:38 UTC
in This may be stupid. Post #130421
There are some dead trees, indeed. Nothing really green and bushy though. Take a look at some CSS content, those look, well, greener... ;)

Those models are all stored in GCF files bytheway. Google for GCFScape, so you can browse (and extract files from) those files.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-28 04:35:13 UTC
in Is Spirit a virus ur what? Post #130408
It didn't came with any HL version, it's just a mod. Perhaps you've downloaded another mod that used spirit's code...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 17:20:55 UTC
in Is Spirit a virus ur what? Post #130300
Spirit is a mod that gives mappers a whole new set of entity options and extended possibilities. Not really a tool used 'in Hammer', but a mod. That means it's playable, though it doesn't give you any more than a few example maps of its capabilities. And that's the point: it lets mappers do more things than they could do with plain HL.

I wouldn't recommend Spirit if you're a mapper just getting started, or still feel uncomfortable with HL's entity set, though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 17:16:13 UTC
in Basic HL2 Modeling Tuts Available Post #130297
Check this one:

I think it's a nice one, plus it's formatted for easy reading. Perhaps it's of some use to you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 17:13:27 UTC
in 10k posts Post #130296
Hmm, Seventh posted and I got no award?

Conclusion: smileys work. Keep em in. ;)

(Sometimes, sometimes... a little spamming is just fun.)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 07:45:00 UTC
in 10k posts Post #130184
So, even after I've left for quite a while, I'm still in the top-20?

I demand a forum-award straight away!

Nah... :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 08:47:33 UTC
in Is it Possible? Post #129910
It either was brush-based, a func_train or such, or it was an animated model, or OpFor has code that allows models to move a la func_trains.

I think it's the last one, since at some points you saw sprites flying through a level as well.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 07:23:15 UTC
in Is it Possible? Post #129897
Once you decomile it and add animations to the model itself, then sure, you can make it do anything you want.

As for idle animations, read idle as default in this case. The 'idle' animation of a model doesn't necessarily have to be static.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-23 19:34:52 UTC
in Map Ideas Post #129324
10 minutes spent on a legal pad, or even microsoft paint, drawing a top-view and concepts pics of your level, will save you ages in implimentation!!
Laying down the basic layout with rough brushwork is a fine method as well. Depends on what works for you personally, I've found it a good method so far.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-23 19:32:40 UTC
in New Mod Testing Field Post #129323
If I have some time when you're done with those maps, I could playtest them. Depends on schools busyness level though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-23 19:28:06 UTC
in download Post #129321
It seems to be too hard not to reply for most...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 19:07:51 UTC
in Need help with In the Beginning Post #129135
You just got some links to tutorials, actually. Especially the last one is an easy to follow one, dotted with screenshots to guide you. Shouldn't be too difficult following it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 19:01:37 UTC
in Map Ideas Post #129132
Basically, your point is: familiarize yourself with the chosen theme(s). It's an important thing, as it's the next step after getting an idea.

For example, once I got this idea for 'Sector Gamma', I started looking at photo's of Chernobyl and screenshots of Stalker. These helped me to create a consistent texture set and define the outline of the map. If only I had done some layout tests before... but that's again another aspect of the process. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 18:19:25 UTC
in Map Ideas Post #129124
We have an old thread on this I believe.

Captain P has some very wise words within it.
I assume you meant this thread?
In fact, there's a lot of threads like this, or at least a lot of search results...

Anyway, I might as well go and detail that long-ago post with some examples:
  • I got the idea for my map 'Detention' after having seen an early Nova Prospekt screenshot. After some mapping and a few tried out layouts later, I wanted to break up the prison theme with something different. I then remembered some articles about indoor/outdoor balances, so I decided to do a rooftops part. Turned out to be great for vertical combat and a nice breakup from the prison theme. All in all, I think the two styles fitted together quite well.
  • 'The Playtest' is another map I've actually finished. I got the idea while delivering newspapers. It was just before my exams when I suddenly got that idea. I had a texture set already, done for another map that I didn't finish, so that gave me some direction as well.
  • 'Sector Gamma', a map I never finished, was based on the Chernobyl reactor. I got interested in the game Stalker and that brought me to the Chernobyl setting.
'Mudanchee', another map I never finished (but that's still inspiring me), was loosely based on the game 'Abe's Oddyseus'. It's fantastic still backgrounds had such athmosphere, I just had to do a level about it. The cave-styled level turned out to be a bit too much for the HL engine, but still, a nice experience and up to this day, a source of inspiration.
  • There's several other maps I never released. I got some ideas from cartoons (drifting damaged spaceship), other ideas from books (gloomy elven forest), others from talking to fellow mappers (old steam-century factory).
And yeah, experimenting with entities, lighting, textures and such might not give you a map instantly, but it's valuable later on. It gives you knowledge but also a source of inspiration and reference material.

Hmm, perhaps I could do an article about this?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 15:46:37 UTC
in no error Post #129103
You didn't encounter any problems during the compile? Nothing extraordinary spotted in the compile log?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 15:45:24 UTC
in Get this scroll texture to move Post #129102
Have you tested the func_conveyor with a standard Half-Life scroll texture already? Just to pinpoint the source of the problem (since it's either a wrong func_conveyor setup or a wrong texture naming).
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 14:37:54 UTC
in An idea for compo 15 Post #129087
Heh, so people like my idea... :)

I stole the tubes idea from a Quake map I believe. Or Quake II, I don't remember exactly.
Anyway, I like the chase idea. Suits a short, fast-paced SP map just fine.

But in the end, you decide indeed... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 14:03:04 UTC
in Dorian27 Map Idea: de_desolate Post #129076
Forcing players to go to a weapon shop might not be a good idea. The first few seconds of a match are meant for equipping. It's no fun to be shot while you're buying your weapons, you know.

The boat would indeed not make sense with that layout, so skip the controllable part of it. It's not worth the time, and I doubt if any player will use it because of the buggyness of vehicles in CS.

Allowing access to the roofs is probably a bad thing too. Limit the map to a certain set of routes, don't make it an open field where enemies can come from anywhere. That's not really the CS gameplay most people like.

Apart from that, the layout and the idea looks good. Adding another bombspot would be good though, otherwise the map gets repetetive much faster.
Good luck with it!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 08:11:05 UTC
in An idea for compo 15 Post #128984
Xen is somewhat limiting and difficult imho...

perhaps a map that features different types of transport other than the usual tram rides ands such.
Think of tubes that you're blown through at high speed instead of conveyor belts, or catapults instead of elevators.
Having one alternate transport system in the map as a bottomline, and judging originality, fun, and such.
Could be combined with chasing... or being chased.

Congrats bytheway, winning that compo. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 07:35:10 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #128976
That's what I mean. The sooner you start - the better ya get... unsure - :
Might give you an advantage, but there's still things like talent, feeling and the like.

Not that I didn't show my little brother (9) how to map... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-15 10:05:22 UTC
in Understanding ms ? help Post #127731
ms stands for millisecond, and is the time the current frame took to be built.

wpoly's and epoly's are just the polygons drawn on the screen. But there's more going on than just that. AI routines for example, handling entities, game logic and all that uses the CPU as well.
Also, having several additive layers on the screen can break your fps quickly too, since these cause the scene to be redrawn and such. So, it's not texture stretching. It can be a wide variety of things, though...