Xas3D have been updated recently up to public build 2223, and stable version of XashXT v0.62 was released also. Please visit Xash3D profile at ModDB to download:
http://www.moddb.com/engines/xash3d-engineA brief list of changes:
Xash3D Engine changelog (for build 2223, since build 2153):
Engine: added support for maps (only maps!) created for alpha version of Half-Life (with BSP version 29).
Engine: added support for "nomodels" option in liblist.gam (for disabling of using any model for player except modelsplayer.mdl).
Engine: fixed problem with activating of a mod if it has a "." (dot) symbol in a name of its' main folder.
Render: renamed missed cvar "r_anisotropy" to real name "gl_anisotropy".
Render: now "r_speeds 4" displays an actual count of "real" static entities which were created by call of MAKE_STATIC function.
Render: fixed bug with blinking of Quake sky while autosave in progress.
Render: keep actual hardware gamma for multiple instances of application.
Render: fixed an invisibility of map objects created by using of transparent textures with RenderFX=15 setting (rarely used in some mods).
Client: a new callback for render interface that is calling R_DrawCubemapView (for fixing of cmd "envshot" in XashXT).
Client: changed path and names for screenshots which are saving by "screenshot" command from "modfolderscrshotsmapnameshotXXXX.bsp" to "modfolderscrshotsmapname_shotXXXX.bsp" (for easy browsing and operations with files).
Client: engine is using callback CL_CameraOffset now.
Client: fixed angles for cmd "envshot".
Client: fixed disabling of custom gravity settings on a map for player after using a ladder.
Server: fix for client's rejection mechanism (in multiplayer game).
Server: using pfnClientDisconnect callback (in multiplayer game).
Server: some changes in physics code (for MOVETYPE_PUSH). This is fixing a variety of possible problems with pushable objects (and sometimes - with a monster's or NPC's physics) in some Half-Life mods.
XashXT changelog (for version 0.62, since version 0.61):
- Implemented a new system of save/restore (an analog of save/restore system that avaliable in Half-Life 2).
- You can view now a classes' statistics with using of in-game console (a set of commands beginning from dump_*).
- Custom system of string_t for better sorting and checking for duplicates (improving of render's performance).
- Env_sky can be enabled and disabled now, so you can use some different skies for one map.
- Minimizing of glitches with entities which sometimes can be visible through a skybox.
- Added player_keycatcher entity for checking keys that pressing by a player. It can be useful for creating of mini-games or for executing of different events for the player (depending on pressed keys).
- Some fixes in XashXT parent system (for func_tank, tripmines and crossbow bolts).
- Added a support for using of a chrome effect for brush entities and world (used texture should have a name that beginning from "chrome", as example, gfx/chrome.tga is using now). Chrome effect can be combined with any rendermode and with mirrors also.
- XashXT demo maps are updated.