Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-12 18:55:06 UTC
in the de_raid project textures Post #151955
So whats the problem?
The problem is that I worked a lot of times on these textures (the first pack), and they aren't finally used (the texturers didn't like them), then I am frustrated and would like to not have done them for nothing at all, so I "offer" them to the community, with the hope somebody skilled enough could be able to use them for a decent map : ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-12 12:29:34 UTC
in need help to correct my english Post #151896
Yes I like the Blizzard strategy guides they do for all their games (Warcraft III, Diablo II etc), and I wanted something similar for my project (players who know a bit the map feel less stressed while playing it I think), then I am on it, but realized it is not as easy as I thought :| (dozens of screenshots, you have to describe everything, to link everything to anything, to upload, test, revise, update etc), but that is overall very interesting (I am working on a designer portfolio while looking for a job related to internet and/or video games).
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-12 12:25:14 UTC
in the de_raid project textures Post #151894

User posted image

User posted image

User posted image

most of them aren't new for the guys who are watching the project for a while : I announced the original sets monthes ago, and the final set mainly contains HL2 textures, but I announce them again because the urls had changed, and because there are some new textures too.

This announcement is just dedicated to people for are looking for new textures for Hammer 3.5, please note I totally don't care about anything you could think about them (if you like them, use them, else ... else plz just stfu I strictly don't care), and that I won't make new ones, so all possible request will just be ignored sorry (I am sick of HL and CS).

If you like these textures, you are free to use them, as long as you give credits and don't use them for crappy aim/ka/fy/he/whatever non-CS related map styles ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-12 12:18:33 UTC
in need help to correct my english Post #151892
I am actually working on the "strategy guide" of the map I am on for monthes, and am requesting some help for those of you who english is the first language. :)

Please comment only if you are sure, don't hesitate to ask me if you aren't sure of the sense of a sentence, and try to keep the same general meaning of a decription if you totally redo it. :|

The guide isn't completed, so some pages (map parts) aren't done/uploaded yet.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-29 18:34:09 UTC
in Are Warez Right? Post #149783
sorry, forgot to add "nor built their own stuff ..." too :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-29 18:32:08 UTC
in Are Warez Right? Post #149781
It looks like all the people here who don't consider warez as stealing never got their own HL CD-key stolen :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 20:45:00 UTC
in Whats currently stored in your Clipboard Post #148497
Post whatever is stored in your clipboard on this particular moment.
It's written in french you won't understand :)
Get mapping then... stupid threads always existed but with the lack of mapping going on these days
I would announce the final release of my CS 1.6 map project (the one I am working on for six monthes ago now), but nobody care here : you all look like to be anti-CS fake intellectuals proudLYnaZicrappythreadsL0vers ##### frenchgovernmentshouldsendarmyagainst rioters blabla :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-15 10:35:43 UTC
in Has Mapping Ruined Your Gaming? Post #147225
The consciousness can "ruin" anything in your life : once you (think you) got how something is working, this thing become less exciting for you, it may happen with girls, computers, video games, food, TV reports, a politician speech, a sport challenge or anything else (try to guess how your doctor watchs you now he know how everything in your body is working), but this consciousness may be on an other hand a way to reach a new level of perception : now you know how something is working, you might realize something other, that you might have first thought "omg what a shit!" is finally a piece of art (a guy who did a crap-looking map, but with awesome triggers for example) : your "intelligence level" is modifying the way you see the whole world, and I think you really shouldn't be afraid to be ... less stupid, you just have to look for the fun into something "higher" now :) ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-15 10:22:44 UTC
in Steam Server IPs Post #147224
and not any of those damned mods, like WC3.
yeah, the "mods" and the custom sounds are really pure shit, and there is no filter around against them :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-15 06:25:23 UTC
in Steam Server IPs Post #147196
I play on most servers where :

_admins are not just 12yo l#me #sses who kick you because they don't like you,
_my ping is under 70,
_maps are "real" (not mindless crap like "aim", "fy", "dm" etc ...)
_teams are quite balanced (no it is not fun nor even "challenging" to play 4 v 8 ...)
_people are talking or chatting at least a bit (I feel like playing in the middle of bots or zombies when nobody ever say a "lol" or a "awp wh#re" ...)
_people don't use cheats, nor shields,
_my kills/deaths ratio is a least 20-25% (on some servers, for some reason, people kill me even while shooting miles away, even when using crappy weapons while I am wearing the kevlar armor, but they don't die even after a whole clip put right in the head :| ...)

This wednesday, I may play on the [TLR] server :

the german [TLR] fun clan added de_raid ( to their "playday" maplist :) ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-13 15:30:22 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146989
I agree ...

Algeria was a french colony (for the oil located in the desert I think, for a training grounds in desert areas for the military mens, and for nuke tests too ...), but about Tunisia, I don't think so, and Morocco always has been a kingdom from what I know. I heard in school and from people around that yes these people were not really ... welcomed in France, they have all been parked in some ghettos-like suburbs, were the first ones welcomed in the factories, but the last ones welcomed in the offices etc, yes France has a main part of the responsability in this situation, but the people who are paying the bills actually aren't the ones who are guilty, for their arrogance, their racist behaviors etc :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-12 14:51:57 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146817
not really : from my mother, the last immigrants in France were :

from italy :
after WW2 (1945), until year 1970 (italy)

> buy farms and become farmers

> there people were ok

from poland :
after the war, until 1980

> go in farms (owned by italians) and become workers

> these people were ok

from spain and portugal :
after the war, until 1970

> buildings workers, painters etc

most ones came back to their home (country) after worked in France 5-20 years

> these people were ok

from Africa :

> sweeper, clean services etc

> these people were ok

from Algeria, then Maroc, tunisia etc (north africa, half black half white men (don't know the word))
from the war until now

> the people who came became workers in factories, on building and road sites ("BTP" in French) etc

> the people who didn't come to work, the wives who came with the "familial gathering" and the children who born "because" of that, well, became, for some of them, nothing : insulting everybody in the street, didn't work at school, didn't look for job, well ...

old north african are good people, the young ones, who are neither north african neither french look like to belong to a lost generation :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-09 18:10:43 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146270
More or less what I said
oh sorry then, I may not well understood : I all the same read all your answers, but seemingly didn't get everything :)

I agree about cops, stats etc : antiracism may be as stupid and harmful than racism. I am a bit surprised to have people who have the same opinion than me about that, I was fearing a large "omg you racist !! arabs are good ! give them all your money, your girlfriend etc !", I may be too much intoxicated by all that "antiracism" around :| ...

To Pepper and Howdy : I already heard too about people who have to give money to burglars because they wounded them while they were in their houses ...

Do you know some (history and sociology) scientists suggested to call our era the "new middle age" ?...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-09 14:21:37 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146224
the antiracism is definitely the thing that killed France : the arabs took the word for them, and totally disrupted its sense ... when strangers from italy, poland, spain etc came in France 30 or 40 years ago, there were no problems, they were all educated, they were all working etc, but when arabs came in France, the stupid government did several mistakes : 1?) let them gather their whole family 2?) give them money to stay at home (assedic) 3?) let them create the "antiracism".

what happened then is beyond any logic or dignity : arabs that wasn't good at school go break cars, insult and attack people etc, and the ones who were good become lawyers, reporters etc, and cover the bad ones : sure this is a caricature (most arabs are ok, but the worst part is really the worst part of the humanity on an other hand), but everytime there was a problem with an arab, the one who wasn't arab was a racist, no matter what was the problem. Until the last years, everything in France was supposed to belong to them, and the guy who disagree is a racist.

Nowadays in France, when you hear about a "racist", it is not a guy who doesn't like black people, it is not a guy who doesn't like poland people, asian or whatever etc, no, it is always a guy who doesn't like arabs, strange isn't it ?...

I am exagerating ? here is a little example : when I was 16, 15 years ago, there was a law that said "if you call an arab an arab, you got to pay (I don't exactly remember) 5.000 Frs (800 euros)", and I never seen any law on the other side. well, I may have been insulted of "son of a bitch" etc by young arabs maybe 15-30 times in my life (I am not often in the street, spend most of my time on my comp), and never insulted them in the street : 15 insult to a french = $0, k ... Some people in the government, the socialists, quickly understood arabs could be a good business for them : they told them "vote for us and we will protect you, enable you to do nothing and earn a lot of money". Here is one of the thing that killed France : most workers left for years because they were fed up to pay taxes for people who insulted them in the street, breaking their shop-windows, earning twice more than them without working etc, and now there are more people in France that ask for money than people to produce that money (in addition old people are more and more every years, and live longer, and students spent more time in schools, trying to get bigger diplomas) ...

that fucking french way of life, out of reality ...

Again, this is a caricature, but what I am trying to tell you is that until the last years, these kids in the suburbs were allowed to do anything, that was ok, just because they are arabs, poor, not educated etc, but now the government is trying to control that, to prevent them to break anything the want, they waited the first pretext to come to create a riot, telling to the cameras "the prime minister said that, then we are angry", but there is no relationship : they are stupid, they don't want to work, and they think everybody around owe something to them ...

this is a lost generation ...

again, this is a caricature : we saw on TV last days some ones of them who "succeeded" in life : they created a company, that is going fine etc, that's ok, that's great, but I don't think they represent a large part of those people ...

Everybody is wrong in this affair, and everybody got something to hide ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-09 07:01:39 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146151
oh, ok, but the description I did isn't complete : cops are controlling only suburbs kids, I have never been controlled for example (never ever, and I am twice older than most of them, but don't got the "suburb look"), these people say cops make them crazy controlling them twice everyday, calling them with their names (which definitely prove they already know who they are), and some cops admitted (on hidden cam) the more the situation will be worse and the more they will be ok (because they will have work, promotions, be able to hit kids etc <=== this is my opinion) ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-09 06:02:47 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146148
HL2 = dictature, France = actually anarchy, this is not the same thing :) ...

Currently, nobody known can control these rioters : government, muslim leaders, even parents and cops are just like "please stop do that !" and just good to stop fires ...

But it isn't the "war" in the country : I live in a (too) peaceful town where I didn't heard about serious troubles for almost ten years ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-09 05:45:45 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146141
I live in France, 200 Kms from Paris, and may give you my point of view about that if you need it :

_actually, 2 maybe 12-15 years old kids climbed a wall that might be 4 meters tall to escape from policemen. Actually nobody exactly know what these kids did to be chased that way, nobody know what really wanted the policemen, and nobody know how 15 years old max kids succeeded to climb a wall twice taller than them (we seen the wall on TV, come on, I can directly jump on a table, but really doubt I would be able to climb that security wall : how the hell did they manage to do that ?). Everybody (kids and policemen) look like to have a part of the truth to not be revealed in this affair, nobody is innocent ...

_the deathes of these poor boys are just a pretext to most rioters : they are obviously manipulated by higher and secret people, because all riots have clear targets : workers cars (neighbors who still have a job a need their car to go to work), nursery schools, buses ... somebody may take advantages of the decrease of the public services in these districts. I don't get who and how :| ...

This affair is a crazy stupidity race :
_kids in the street (people who have 12-15 years old in the street at 00:00 o'clock) talking about destroying everything because they feel discriminated, they have no job etc (I am unemployed for six years now, wtf would be the point to attack district buses ?)
_policemen controlling everybody everytime (checking identity card etc, young people they call with their name they checked 2 hours ago) talking about send them burn in the electricity room if they aren't ok,
_international medias who all use this situation for their own business : english medias laughing at the french way of life (liberty, egality etc), american medias talking about war and displaying a crazy map of the France, with cities hundreds of miles away from their real locations (man, they even put some cities out of France), chinese medias talking about the brave firemen fighting against burning cars and buses, the government fighting for the people security etc. These districts are actually a playground for the whole world ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-05 11:29:12 UTC
in Communist Game Post #145442
Why not make a game to have the player wash dishes all day?
because :

[X] nobody will like it
[X] nobody will buy it
[X] nobody will play it
[X] nobody will talk about it (with positive words)
[X] no developers team will be desesperate enough to make it
[X] no publisher will be crazy enough to produce it
[_] a dog
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-02 12:09:31 UTC
in The world today Post #144827
What do you think of the world?
well, I think if the Bush (American) and Chirac (French) governments, and the Al Qaida middle age warriors would die, and if I had a job, my life would be already a bit better ...

ice age
Humanity already survived an ice age, without our technology, so ice age is definitely not a problem in my opinion ...
Of its past and future
I don't really care about the past, but I think within one or two centuries, Humans will live at the bottom of the seas : all problems of food, room and energy will be solved, there just will be one left : education, and a new one : air lol ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-24 06:19:04 UTC
in Hilarious Flash movie Post #143289
WAY too much dialogs for me sorry : blablablabla...

man, this is not a funny flash movie :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-18 04:32:15 UTC
in Hosting your maps!(CS 1.6) Post #142091
I need game hosters to run our (CS 1.6) map online as much as possible, but I need too to join the server, at least as spectator, to see how players are dealing with the level design, to betatest it I mean, then I could be interested, but I need to know first where your servers are located ! :)

(version beta 2.6 : 4.40 MB)
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-13 17:57:33 UTC
in The New Steam Post #141376
J.C., 20ms really doesn't make much difference
sure, once ok,

but 20+20+20+20+20+20+etc= a lot !!

Steam is already totally useless for me (I just use it to play and map CS 1.6), but wtf each update look like to make that shit a bit slower to load : what the hell do I care about the "store" and the new shit "about to be released" (already announced three monthes ago) that won't run on my comp ? what the hell do I care about a new skin ? why the hell do I have to "connect to steam" to play solo campaigns and online games released ages before it ? :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-13 12:07:07 UTC
in The New Steam Post #141283
great, now I have to wait 5 extra seconds to launch it, clic on "games" to stop the damn bandwidth waste with the new awesome "shop" screen I don't give a f#ck, and "start a new game" to have the servers list (otherwise it's isn't displayed, no matter the times I click on and restart steam), and at last all servers look like to have -5 ping displayed (if they were say 70 in the last version, they now are "65", reading the list), and +10 ingame (I join, I see "65", am like "woohoo, let's enjoy some rounds !", then the ping goes to 85, and stay aroud, "aah crap !") ...

and in addition I heard some guys working on mods cannot anymore ...

I didn't asked about it,
+no real improvements

just pure shit sorry ...

Posted 19 years ago2005-10-13 06:48:40 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #141217
The overview of the last map update (another bombsite has been added, and runtimes have been balanced) :

This version (beta 2.6) could be available for tomorrow : I am fixing some last bugs on it :) ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-10 12:28:44 UTC
in Looking for a FX sound designer Post #140703
The de_raid project, about to be completed, need a FX sound designer to produce some sounds like general moutains environments (wind, preybird shout, ...) and what you could picture hearing in a secret military base, a bit abandoned (old engines, rattles ...).

The job would go this way :
_you check the map,
_you join our work forum and post stuff like "hey what about that sound here ?",
_I include the sound,
_your name is added in the credits,

If you are a sound designer and would be ok to work on a FPS level design amateur project, this job could be for you ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 15:58:08 UTC
in bad computers Post #137876
My "worst" comp :

Amstrad CPC6128
CPU : ??
RAM : 128 Kos ?
video card : lol ?
netword : lol?

the best ever, with the Amiga 512 ...

The first PC I had was a K6 200 (200 Mhz), with maybe 128 MB RAM on I don't remember ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 11:41:33 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #137400
Unemployed? Sounds no fun... Is it so hard to find a job in France now then?
mmh, how could I explain ...

some examples before I gave up looking for a decent job :
_I am looking for a "real" job for six years now, but the requirements became totally crazy now :
_2D/3D artist, or project manager assistant I don't remember, for a full-time job, with as requirement "english as birth language" (that you speak english since you born, that your parents themselves speak english), for something where english (the job was supposed to be located in France) looks like to not be totally essential (just get what stuff like "copy/paste" or other typical soft functions mean),
_a training course, where candidates have to have "japanese basics", for something, again, where japanese, well, no clue what japanese have to do there (ok it was for the asian market, but come on, a training course ...),
_officially, 10% of people in France are unemployed, but I personnally think almost 20% of the active part of the people (20-60 years old) don't have "real" jobs (by "real", I don't mean a funny job, I just mean something enough to pay the rent, the food, water, phone, some clothes etc, who have to look for other crappy 15days long jobs max every day ...)
_the new recruiters fashion now, is to hire "trainees" for "undetermined" duration, for no salary, no employement possibilities or nothing, and you work until you got bored to pay an incredible rent for nothing (100K+ people cities, where there are still activity, are becoming incredibly extensive now, at least half the salary of a basic job for a decent apartment (2 rooms)), and they keep fire and hire trainees again and again, who need to work, even for nothing, to get that fucking "2 years experience" ...
_and, always, always, always : "master photoshop, master maya, master illustrator, master flash, master php, master Excel, master blablabla" : I didn't have real holidays for ten years, am working full-time (no week-end, nothing : my whole days in front of my computer) to improve my skills as much as possible, but my profile is just like 40% enough for a decent basic job !! what pisses me off is that people I met for job examinations sometimes don't have the half of my skills, and just kick me like shit ...

what a strange country, where contempt became a way of life ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 09:11:59 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #137359
bah, you might be right, I am unemployed for years and that is killing me ...

I didn't know Valve used 3DSmax, are you sure about that ? I remember clearly read that they used SoftImage or another soft (not maya nor 3DS I mean) ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 05:24:39 UTC
in NEW MAP!!! :) Post #137320
I agree too, it (currently) looks like a (mindless) unreal (deathmatch) map ...

... is it on HL1 or on HL2 ? CS, HLDM or what ?...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 04:34:35 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #137081
About the model, I had no problems at all. You just have a bad exporter if those things happen to you... a really bad one. Aren't there others for 3DSMax?
This is the only one I found, on all sites now it's only about that fucking HL2 and the lame CSS, and the only links left to HL1 3DSmax exporters are all dead ...
The problem in my opinion is not the exporter but 3DSmax and Valve : Valve always claimed to work on SoftImage (or another soft, I don't remember), and max exporters have just been quickly built to say "ok we care about max users", but they don't give a fuck ...

About Johnston, again, I totally don't care about such people, which I don't consider as essential to develop level design skills : I don't believe in god, in my country, money, women or in anything else but me, and for me Scott J. is just a level designer among 879761 others, and he should stfu and keep building levels in my opinion. level designers are level designers, not novels writers, reporters or politicians. The only thing needed for me to become a map designer on Hammer, is to take a look on some tutorials to get started, I don't need a kind of CS god to tell me crap like "if you put a wall here, players here won't be able to see and shot on enemies there", "if you put a light here, players will be able to see the room" or "a door is good way to prevent players from seeing each other around that point, without preventing them to go through". Thanks but I have a brain too : what about looking for a way to solve starvation and misery and violence and education problems around the world if he is so smart instead of wasting time writing pure crap ?...

That kind of people doesn't care about people like me, the only thing that bother them is to stay on their chair and get their salary as long as possible, then why the hell should I pay attention to him ?

Well, given the fact I didn't find any better exporter, the fact that I doubt such exporter even exist, and the fact that you improved that model quite easily, I would be very interested into have you as "external member" : that way I would be able to make models a bit better, but then the question is : as my exported models (.smd files) are totally fucked, is there another file format I could use to give you models with a good mapping on, to make you not have to waste time to remap almost everything ? Can you read .max files ? .3ds ? or something else ?...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-23 17:57:01 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #137023
Well this map is a long project I started six monthes ago, and that I am almost full time on. I started with the "natural" part of the map, which I redid maybe two of three times, because it got first way too much polys, and generating an incredible ammount of collision bugs and clipnodes quota.

There is no definitive plan in my head : this map started from a basic concept, which I built and am still building, making growing with time and tests, and this map is evolving with players reports. What could be funny now is that the current map isn't anymore related any way with my very first idea ...

The main objective of this map is to be played, and for this reason I am always looking for as much tests reports as possible. I started the map, suggesting something, and players are completing it.
Oh, and did I already say I'm a perfectionist?
I think I am too.
Don't let the map be blamed
I agree, but not totally : it's easy to say "it's because of the map I died", but it's easy too to say "you died because you're a nub". The map may contains flaws, which could have to be fixed, then I am careful about every reports that are longer than two lines ...

You look like to be skilled and interested, would you like to help me complete this project ? to be our "model finisher" I mean ...
Read Dave Johnstons articles
No. I like to read when it's about adventures (to dream) or scientific stuff (to understand a bit more real life), but I totally don't care about a level designer who is looking for some attention talking about sharp tuning spawn points : I know spawn points need to be well placed, and the runtimes have been tuned too in my map ...

I take a look on your model ...

EDIT : wtf I don't get it, didn't you have exporting/compiling problems while completing your stuff ? how the hell can you have different textures scales and UV mapping on the same model ? Everytime I am exporting, that software lame ass is reseting most of the models faces by applying a general "world / treat as one / fit" to the whole model mapping (in addition of cancelling all textures names), and I didn't succed to reedit the files ... For this reason I cannot make a control panel for the plane for example, because it may need many different textures, which would be lost while exporting, I can only make very basic models ...

Your exporter/mapping skills could be very useful for this project ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-23 13:09:56 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #136900
thanks for this report.

Getting a dedicated texture-artist and a modeller
do you know somebody that could be interested to join us ?
just look as this topic : everybody say "wow nice", but nobody is ok to help beyond some feedbacks posts :| ...

recruiting people in such project is really a pain, and I am not talking about finding good testers ...

the current models
building the models is also a pain : modeling is ok, doing textures and mapping is ok, but the 3DSmax exporter (nub) totally ruin the mapping UV coordinates, and the final model just looks like a nub job, no matter the ammount of time I try to revise the files values ...

The ingame models are not the same than those I did in 3DSmax ...

Glow on lams
Older map versions got glows, but I deleted them while making all lights permanent, after people was like "omg breakable lamps !! omg it's too dark, I cannot see anything once I destroyed them !!". Maybe should I reput them :| ...

the plane
Using a model for the plane is a bad thing, because :
_there is no SR-71 model for HL1,
_there is no correctly mapped model,
_there is no explosion animated model,
_there is no model you can go under, over and inside ...

Then as my exporting/compiling models skills are very low, and as I am tired of that crap now, sick to deal with dozens of new and unexpected problems every day, I am just giving my best to complete the map how it is :| ...

low rocks and sudden ending airstrip
I totally agree.

This part of the map is relatively new, and actually it is more a temporary area to be confirmed than a definitive part of the map, but as most players who tested the map like it, it will be improved in the next versions ...

The visuals are ok, but nothing really special
You perfectly got it : this project is not supposed to win art prizes, just to be downloaded and played, as much as possible, then everything is as much optimized as it can be, and the result is just a decent HL1 map ...

CS (1.6) maps aren't supposed to be beautiful, just a bit realistic to look, and incredibly fun and balanced to play, then I am focusing on the gameplay ...

stuck ?
If you don't tell me exactly where you are stuck, I cannot fix those bugs ...

the chrouching is annoying and some halls are just wide enough for 1 player
the crouching is supposed to be annoying (slowing you down and making you vulnerable), and some paths are tight to force people to have some strategy and teamplay : I know CS gamers are becoming more and more mindless stupid quakers everyday, I know a "good" CS map got bright and large areas, where people don't have to do the smallest effort to move, aim and know where he has to go, but as I don't want to release a "100% moron certified" job, some paths are intentionally tight to make people use their brain at least once when they play this map :| ...

I am not creating to entertain the masses, I am creating to try to make them a bit better.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-22 17:01:37 UTC
in Turkey in Europe Post #136631
Personally, I have no respect for the European Union. It was once an effective trade union, but now it is nothing more than a corrupt political organization ruled by France and Germany. And Germany does everything France does, so really the EU is just France's way of taking over Europe. Id be delighted to see Germany get pissed and invade France again. Heck, the US would probably help invade.
No : Europe is currently killing France ...

Europe was controlled by France and Germany 40 years ago, while it was called "CECA" (in France), but if this "control" still exist, nobody look like to feel it anymore ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-22 15:30:47 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #136618
60ms is hardly bad.
It's enough for me, and anyway it's the best I can have where I am and for what I have :| ...
nice but it seems odd to betatest a map
looks essential to me, for any serious project :| ...

If you like the map and/or want to post reports about it (feedbacks, comments etc), here is the dedicated topic :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-22 09:33:01 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #136397
Unfortunately, the server is "europe only" and already got a quite bad ping for us around (40-80) :| ...

The next version could be available in two weeks, with theorically at least one of the vehicles mapped ... I don't know how I will manage that but I will try :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-21 04:28:17 UTC
in looking for a military vehicles mapper Post #136111
The map is now playable :

We already did the first public betatest, and it was successful : 8 people joined the game, there was no collision bugs (99% of them have been fixed), no server lag or crash, no lamer/cheater/nub/pgm, no major unbalance etc.

The game lasted 30-40 minutes and ended on a 15-10 for the terrorists, which against all expectings won (everybody said it was a pro-CT map while testing it solo).

After this public meeting, I am planning a clan vs clan private meeting, to see how higher level players (with teamplays, strats etc, no mindless FFA quakish style) deal with the map.

This project is about the be completed : I am working hard on advertising it, organizing betatests, clans meetings, optimizing and debugging the map, adding new minor stuff (like rocks, grass etc), and I simply cannot actually work on the engines mapping.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-13 08:20:08 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #134355
the map is now ready for betatests :cool:

(sprays, screensavers, screenshots ...)

(de_raid v.b.2.0, 3.79 MB)

join online server(s)
(fast download)

map forum
(to post feedbacks, comments, suggestions ...)

server forum
(suggest other maps, game parameters changes ...)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 08:51:34 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #133977
k, I remember already heard about it.

what I mean yeah, a CS mod, for people who think they are l33ter than the l33t ... instead of working for the CS community, they prefer to work on their "the only mod (omg) where teamplay really matters (omg stfu ffs)", and make the CS community split again (after cs1.6, cz, css : gg guys, how smart...) and keep going bad with all those new (aim) "map" makers and (aim only) servers hosters lame asses who are infesting it again and again. Instead of working to make the CS community better, they are just like "bah you don't worth it, piss off and let us enjoy our great mod you're too much nub to get it" ...

CS is the mod I want to make this map for, this is just we are aiming a special part of the gamers community, who could be interested for a bit more infiltration, tactic and teamplay, without switch to a kind of arrogant "CS deluxe" ...

... nothing about the map else ?...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 05:01:47 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #133915
I don't know Hostile Intent, sounds like another CS mod :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 12:48:48 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #133783
you think right, but I am "starting" with the "average gamer" version (who can't buy NVG nor press buttons), to make the map as most popular as possible before to work on the other versions :) ...

the infiltration version will feature :
_night lighting,
_all lights are interactive (switchable or breakable),
_some paths will need two players to climb into,
and will need from the players much more teamplay and strategy than this current quakish version, but I think I should start with this one to make the project as efficient as possible ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 11:14:06 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #133752
because the maps actually don't exist, just to say "hey see what is coming !!" :) ...

but I am loosing interest in this project : I am giving my best and almost nobody care : don't find anybody to help me map the vehicles, the few test reports are "bah useless stuff", I rent a game server and there is nobody on, and this HLBSP lame ass keeps on generating more and more (collision) bugs while I am fixing them :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 08:56:02 UTC
in [CS 1.6] the de_raid project Post #133737
here is a new version of the map : (3.98 MB)

_lighter files,
_heavily optimized (average r_speeds : 800),
_low interactivity (the lights aren't breakable nor switchable anymore and the cameras have been removed : there's only the doors buttons and some breakables stuff interactive left ...),
_the map is overall brighter,
_a new path to the bomb site has been added,
_a lot of collision bugs have been fixed (and some others appeared :| ...),
_terros aren't stucked anymore while spawning,
_helipcoter added on the terro spawn area,
_some models added,
_Zbots navigation file included (games with those bots are quickly boring though, but give a good overview of the map gameplay ...),

please report any comment here or on our forum :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 05:25:20 UTC
in any good rpgs out there? Post #133117
this forum could need some formatting updates ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 05:24:00 UTC
in any good rpgs out there? Post #133116
this kind of nub request is always so funny ...

anyway, here is Guildwars :

these screenshots are taken from real time game, and have been uploaded without any filters applied on.

GuildWars is a kind of mmorpg, something between Diablo 2 and World of warcraft for example, but without monthly fee (you just buy the DVD and that's all). GuildWars is incredibly beautiful but is incredibly boring too (I don't like this kind of game : you got your level 15668 char, wandering around, always killing the same level 3 monsters, k :| ...)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 18:58:14 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132610
The other point I didn't want to admit is that I am actually working on a projet ( and that I fear a technology change in the middle of this could "generate" some projects failures, like, I don't know, software wrong compatibilities, harddrive crash while reinstalling, files lost, steam that is like "eh ? you got 98, and now XP ? ehhh ... no account available" etc, so as I am working on this project for monthes, as some guys worked with me, and as this project is about to be completed, no change are allowed on this computer until that stuff is 100% done.

oh and there is an other point too :
_in the beginning, everything is fine,
_an only software doesn't run,
_you say "update your OS",
_ok, I install a new OS,
_that new OS says "ok your comp is cool, but I would run better with more RAM (because I have been coded by nubs)"
_I buy more RAM,
_that new RAM doesn't work correctly because of wrong frequencies with the last RAM, I need to change my motherboard,
_an other guy come then and say "what ? you got this cool new powerful motherboard, and there is that proc shit on ? you really should change your processor man !!",
_then I change my proc ...

I am sick of that need to always have to change something : computers are so tiring about that, so actually everything is fine, and I don't give a f#ck about Source : they should have not coded it like nubs, and later when I will have a job, I will buy a 100% new comp and install 100% new softwares and games and editors on :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 14:59:25 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132570
I am not an updates addicted nerd : as long as things are going fine I am not looking for some change :) ...

Here is the typical discussion I have with most UAN (updates addicted nerd) who is giving his very important opinion about my very useless OS :

UAN : what ? you are really still running on Win98 ? time to switch on [insert here latest OS version ever] man !
me : bah, as my softwares are running fine, I don't care you know. Oh by the way, what did you do this weekend ?
UAN : I reinstalled, why ? and you ?
me : oh nothing, I worked ...

No offense, but I consider minor updates as nolifes meat, and actually newer versions of windows are just better from a network point of view, nothing else : they just need more RAM to run more useless sub-programs ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 12:43:17 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132524
Everything is fine on my comp except Source, then I have two choices :

_change comp
_change source

> as I shouldn't actually spend money for hardware (I am about to move), I decided (am forced) to not use Source. I was expecting a lot from this editor, but been quickly tired from this "clic-n-crash" experience :| ...

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 11:56:18 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132513
my specs :
Athlon 2200+ (1.800 Ghz)
512 RAM
Geforce 5200 series
Windows 98

HL2 = 100% fine (I had nothing to set and finished the campaign without a single slowdown, only short loading freezes between areas ...)
Hammer Source = (believe me or not) a framerate of 1 frame every 5-10 seconds, 30% chances of crash/freeze/blue screen/reboot for each mouse clic, and chances are X2 when it's about loading something ... I spent a week rebooting, rebooting and rebooting : ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO USE IT. I tried install winXP on this comp, but there was no change ...

I reported the problem on the official valvecollectivethingy forum but they totally didn't care : they just talked about closing steam windows, not run other programs in the same time, buying more RAM, reinstall, reinstall and reinstall again blablabla ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 05:31:54 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132437
How can you become sick of wc3?
For exactly the same reason I am becoming sick of CS : it's always the same thing ...

While playing warcraft 3, I was like "wow such great game, such deep gameplay : you can creep that way, you can creep that big monsters and get good items, you can expand that way, you can tech or rush, play that hero or those one etc". But for the enemies, 95% of them at least, there isn't any "deep gameplay", there is just "rush", there is just "make that hero everybody do" and build an other lame lame 854266th new account, just to be able to say "stfu noob" on the chat channels ...

Actually I don't know a single online game community that is not totally infested by, sorry, stupid kids. And while I am looking for a good game for years, everytime I finally find one, I just see it ruined by 8-15 years old lamers (or older people who act the same way), and that is making me angry and sad about the whole humanity with the years going, I am like "omg how will become our already lame world with such braindead nolife lamers ?" ...

I don't mean every children is a stupid kids, children may be wiser than adults, I just mean this is the age time (in my opinion) there are the most probability to have/be arrogant/ignorant nolife-vocabulary limited nubswhoissuretobeDAl33t lamers who just need a big "STFU" ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 13:25:39 UTC
in Steam Post #131787
All the hacks and cheats have ruined CS. Seriously, how fun is it to get pwned by some kid half your age because they're using a speedhack, aimbot, etc?
It may be funny for them, I mean, I hope, because they might have a sad life needing cheats to play a game ... well, cheats were never supposed to be funny, they just provide Idontknowwhat to bored, nolife and lazy (maybe fat ?) people ...

As just said Kasperg, CS, as any game indeed, is more funny with friends ...