Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 15:47:18 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #140550
In big rooms, I sometimes scale floor and ceiling textures to 1.50 , increasing performance without sacrificing looks that much.
But when it comes to terrain editing, using a scale of 2.00 is usually the right thing to do, I'll explain why:
-Like I said, we reduce the number of polygons, which is useful in big outside areas.
-The pattern of the texture becomes less obvious with bigger scaling. If we are working with terrain textures, we DONT want to see the pattern of the textures, it usually looks unnatural.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 10:43:02 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #140502
Precisely. Brush splitting has much more impact in the VIS leafthread process than in the actual BSP. Polygons are much more affected by texture scaling. Remember that a surface sacaled with X=2.00 Y=2.00 has 4 times less polygons than a 1.00, 1.00 surface!!
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 10:36:23 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #140495
I liked the idea of Doodle's map, very nice custom materials etc, but the scaling was strange. Some taller buildings would've helped.
Combination had very nice detail, but it suffered from being a room-to-room map, having always a minimum line of sight :(
I already commented on the other maps.
Were the 8-ballesque physboxes really that bad :confused: ? Well, I had to add some sort of personal touch to the map...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 07:36:54 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #140452
Have you placed links to the maps? I want to download Combination and take a look
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 05:49:52 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #140428
Just so you know, I'm keeping all my r_speeds around 600 or less. I could push detail higher, but I usually think that 600 is too high a number for multiplayer maps.
I could push the number higher if it's OK with everyone. I don't really like it when someone says their map is more detailed but has 2000 wpolys and things like that. It's not fair, since performance is more important than detail. IMO All our HL1 maps should be able to be played on software mode and on a Pentium II with no problems. That's what the engine was meant for in the first place, right? :quizzical:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-09 03:25:29 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #140403
And try not to make blocky rooms. Use curves, arches
This is the subject of a very important discussion. It's something I've read in this site multiple times.

How bad is blocky architecture? Aren't there incredible amounts of real buildings or places that have only 90? angles but are still very interesting and good looking?

I think that you can make "blocky" architecture as long as there is a reason for it to be blocky. I personally wouldnt use curves and arches if I made a map set in an office building.

Detail, as has been said lots of times, can be made with good brushwork, good texturing and good lighting. We have seen multiple combinations of these three things where the map is good looking. One textured maps and "blocky" maps have been made good looking with proper lighting, etc.

The main problem is when you see something that shouldnt be blocky, like cliffs and other types of terrain.

I hope that you judge the maps based on the originality and overall ambience, not on how complicated (and sometimes unrealistic) the brushwork might be :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-08 17:59:50 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #140392
Well, if someone makes a scanner like Elon's, we already know who had the idea in the first place and who stole it.
I won't post anymore screens, since I don't even know if I'll get to finish this one. My previous competion entries were both supposed to be a bit longer. I guess I need to change the TO BE CONTINUED... game_texts with something like I WISH I HAD MORE TIME... :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-08 16:31:59 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #140367
The ceiling is repetitive, but if you look closely, the computers change.
By the way, most of the floor in my house is made of wooden tiles, and I don't think it's repetitive :D
But still, none of this is final.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-08 13:58:24 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #140334
One of the areas that will lead to the Test Chamber:
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 08:35:00 UTC
in buyin a computer soon and... Post #140031
Oh, I've encountered some BSOD in XP, but ALWAYS due to hardware related issues, not software problems.
A blue screen of death in XP is there for a reason, it usually means something has gone bad.
The bsod in Windows 98 meant that everything was going as well as usual :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 07:44:31 UTC
in buyin a computer soon and... Post #140027
So XP is bad? I think it is a gigantic step from Windows 98-Blue-screen-of-death.

Nothing new there. It's like saying that a flying car is better than a normal car. Of course it is, but roads and parkings are made for normal cars.
So if software is made for Windows, then we will use Windows. At least me. I use my computer for doing things, not for looking at it and smiling about how much free memory and resources I have or how different my OS is from other people's, making me cooler and smarter...
PC's are after all, just tools.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 17:54:40 UTC
in Avatars Post #139940
Firing ranges are the only places where guns should be allowed. And to be honest, I don't think you need a real weapon for target practice.
I can also think of multiple uses for a knife and a chainsaw, but what guns mostly do is:
1)Kill animals, 2)kill people, 3)break stuff.
You could also say that they are used for disuasion, but that disuasion is based on the fact that guns kill people.
I really don't see a problem with it, unless some idiot is stupid enough to leave it around where a little kid might get at it
Well, we should all have atomic bombs in our basements too, since they are not bad unless we use them to hurt people ;)
if we were to outlaw guns here in the U.S., these "bad people" would still obtain their firearms
Might be true, but if they were outlawed, it would be much more difficult to get guns, and less bad people would have them. In my country, crimes related to guns are very infrequent, and are usually related to mafias and organized crime. Average street criminals have a harder time finding that kind of weapons. :
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:51:02 UTC
in Education Post #139865
Ok, I'm in my third university year, Architecture School to be precise. Before that, I spent a year in another uni doing computer engineering, but It was nothing like I expected. Just math and more math.
In architecture, I still get to use computers but only for doing things I like: map making, rendering, image editing etc.

The whole thing takes 5 years, although I might be forced to spend 6 years at uni because of some subjects. After that, I might not be a proper architect, but instead I'd like to have a job as an artistic and technical manager of a videogame/cinema company.

The good thing about architects is that we are forced to learn lots of things (both humanistic and technical) so there are lots of jobs you can choose from after graduating.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-04 14:45:22 UTC
in New map Im working on Post #139347
He means that he doesnt clip all the brushes into triangles, just the ones where the terrain makes a "slope" (better than the term "turns")
It is still a widely used method of creating terrain.
Displacement surfaces make this kind of tedious work obsolete in source. Our Xen entries could have been better with it. But that adds merit to MuzzleFlash for his incredible brushwork!
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 17:41:38 UTC
in Competition 17 Post #139075
t will be a great idea to make to compos run simultaneously
No. It would prevent mappers from working for both compos. Alternating is a better idea.
About the theme of this compo, I think that it is too similar to the game, or similar to build a machine, etc. I havent decided if I'll participate...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 17:34:05 UTC
in r_speed Paranoia Post #139074
R_Speeds. Keep them below 600 or 700. I always try to keep it lower than 499, though it is not always possible.

Epolys are also the polygons of the player's weapon.

A polygon is not a brush. It is about half of a texture unit. Imagine a texture that is a tile. For every 64x64 tile there are 2 polygons. So the floor is split even if there are no other brushes touching it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 13:41:44 UTC
in Your instrument Post #138994
Acoustic and electric guitar. I have a keyboard but I dont really use it.
I used to play the trombone in 7th grade, when I lived in California :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 17:07:50 UTC
in Trigger_cammera Post #138848
I didnt know you could actually make a camera move in old HL
Are you sure you've done this before?
The camera behaviour you describe is the only one I know of... :(
I guess it could work if you use Spirt, and of course this isnt an issue in source, thanks to parenting...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 04:40:18 UTC
in New map Im working on Post #138691
Very nice terrain! Now you have to fix the trees. Something you could do easily would be to place some tree-textured brushes perpendicular to the ones you have. Something like this:

r  tree
e tree
r  tree
e tree
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-01 13:45:40 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #138568
Well, now that the compo has ended, Cpl.1nsane's entry remains a total mystery for me, as I've played or seen screenies from the rest.
It's a pity that Blackravent, Pepper, Ant etc. dropped.
The dm_anttemple screenshots looked promising :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-30 09:18:51 UTC
in bad computers Post #138389
My first multimedia computer was a 60 Mhz Pentium.
I still have it and it works (not the monitor, though). It had a very useful life, since I got to play SimCity 2000, Tie Fighter, Doom I, Doom II, and even Age of Empires :o
The 2x Cdrom drive stopped working 7 years ago, and the disk drives had a total of 1,7 Gb.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-30 08:24:07 UTC
in Competition 15 Post #138379
You'll have to wait until the moderators send the maps to Elon. Or, you could post it in the vault or send it to him.
I'll try to post my map as soon as I fix some things in my pathetic geocities account :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-26 04:38:59 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #137553
That's one more entry than what I got for compo 14. It seems this is low season for mapping.
A question for the moderators: What compo had the most entries of all?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 11:13:52 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #137395
Ok, from the video, it looks better than Enter The Matrix. My only concern is what I said before. Except for the Japanese Winter level, there's really nothing new. If it's supposed to be a film transformed into a videogame, it's actually nice, but it's a couple of years late in its arrival.
There is no Spiderman game demo, so the only thing we have to judge about the game right now are the graphics. And tbh, they're not really impressive... But we'll just have to wait. I'm not bashing any of those games for the moment.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 10:49:40 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #137391
Those screenshots look a bit better, but I haven't seen a single one that would represent moments of gameplay. They all seem to belong to cutscenes or it's just a remake of The Matrix Reloaded film with a game engine. I dont see much we haven't already seen in the movies.

Edit: I didnt see any links to ingame screenshots of the Spiderman game. I presume there's nothing but concept art for the moment?? Links, please
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 04:06:42 UTC
in You are more popular than you think Post #137309
Search for cs_1701e and you will find lots of results, most (if not all) related to my star trek map!! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 15:10:01 UTC
in Sellin' Post #137215
Ok, It seems I'm wrong.
And so is Nvidia
And so is ATi

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 13:27:40 UTC
in Sellin' Post #137186
Well, you could put anti-aliasing when doing comics, since you don't any a good framerate for that :D
And don't complain so much about your PC! I have some friends who can't even see the shader effects on your screenie ;)

And 7th, I don't understand the google fight thingy... Wiki proves the term I used exists. Even if the other term (or other method) exists and has more search results, it's not the one I meant :quizzical:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 11:14:54 UTC
in Sellin' Post #137162
Full scene anti-aliasing ;)
Are you sure you are getting 2 fps with a geforce 4 titanium? which one? Mine is a ti 4200 (not the best of the series). I just guess it's a CPU problem.
I admit anti-aliasing and higher resolutions make a difference, but not enough to pay 200 or 300?. For the moment, there is no game that would push me to buy a new card.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 10:00:13 UTC
in Sellin' Post #137150
I only have 600 more Mhz of CPU than you, and I dont consider my PC to be crap. OK, it might not run the next Unreal Engine with ease, but I have no problems with HL2, Doom3 or FarCry.
I hope you are not one of those people who won't play a game unless it's with full scene anti-aliasing, etc ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-23 17:24:25 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #137011
I quite enjoyed the Max Payne series, Jedi Academy, Hitman 2...
Let's just hope this one is THE matrix game. If it is, it should've been made 3 years ago.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-23 16:36:06 UTC
in Path Of Neo Post #136986
Buy a PSP ? This game is coming out on PC, Xbox, Ps2...
The trailer looks nice, but at the end of the video I saw the "Shiny Entertainment" logo. That arouses some doubts as to the possible quality of the game. I hope it doesnt turn out to be an unfinished product like "Enter The Matrix". I have to admit that game had fun parts, but it was buggy like no other PC game I've played.
I think that the people from Rockstar Games (Max Payne, GTA) should've been the ones to make Matrix games.
I hope Shiny does an extra good job to compensate for the dissapointments of ETM.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-22 16:57:53 UTC
in Turkey in Europe Post #136630
Of course.
We are the European Union, lower your frontiers and surrender your currencies. Your culture will adapt to service us. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-22 15:22:36 UTC
in Turkey in Europe Post #136614
Pepper is right. Having euros makes everything so much easier. There are some problems, of course. But for example it lets you compare prices and salaries between European countries, so spotting differences (things that must change and improve) becomes easier.
The EU is slowly taking away each countries individuality
Well, not really. We still have our languages, our traditions, different types of weather, etc. :) Think of the euro as a new format. Would you imagine countries using different types of CDROM formats or things like that?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-22 07:18:03 UTC
in Competition 15 Post #136375
I think that making two entries would be a good choice in competitions like "Real World" or "Map something unique".
This one is specifically about Xen transportation, so if I had more ideas after finishing the map, I would add them to my entry to improve it. Like SeventhMonkey said, judges wont have in mind one of your entries while judging the other. Their effects won't add up.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-22 07:13:54 UTC
in Turkey in Europe Post #136374
who cares about that kasperg? it just means cheaper holidays to turkey
It means a lot more than that... but you are right about the holidays. :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-21 18:04:13 UTC
in Turkey in Europe Post #136321
It is a very complicated subject.
I think that countries joining the UE should do so to contribute, and not just to profit from what Europe has been working on for these past decades.
I'm not saying that Turkey wouldn't do so, but a certain country is very keen on helping others join the European Union. It is good for the joining countries, but it weakens the rest, at least short-term speaking.
And like 7th said, there are still some cultural differences between Europe and Turkey, although I'm sure things could work out eventually.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-21 15:19:22 UTC
in Competition 15 Post #136282
A "very good" entry has a higher chance of winning than two "good" entries. If I was him, I'd work on making the map better (minimod, custom stuff etc)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-21 12:16:59 UTC
in Competition 15 Post #136202
I solved my problem so it seems you might get my entry after all. Has the deadline been changed?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-20 05:34:02 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #135886
Whoa, that looks nice!
Did you use custom textures and models?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-20 05:19:59 UTC
in Competition 15 Post #135883
If I fix my hammer configuration problem and the deadline is extended, you might get an entry from me.
The theme isnt really that hard. But Xen involves a lot of ugly textures and intensive vertex manipulation. That's what makes it unattractive for some.
Well, at least we can say that twhl has hosted a xen compo.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-19 16:50:32 UTC
in Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed Post #135825
Ehm... mouses with rumble have been around for ages. Although not many games support them. Unreal Tournament 2003 does, for example.

Logitech ifeel

[i]EDIT:note that the review above was written in March 2001. Really not yesterday.[i]
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-19 14:41:10 UTC
in Staircase Post #135769
You can use the cordon bounds to compile only a section of your map, like the staircase for example.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-19 07:24:04 UTC
in Competition 15 Post #135657
This is the last week for this compo. If I cant fix the errors I'm getting with Hammer (related to the configuration, not the actual map) it will mean I wont be able to participate in this one. And my idea was so cool... :cry:

Good luck to everyone who is working on this.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-19 07:19:18 UTC
in Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed Post #135656
Don't forget the rumble pack. There wouldnt be a Sony Dualshock without that one. Although the dualshock is a bit better imo.

Back in the 16 bit era, I always found the Sonic games much more entertaining than SuperMario, so I had a Sega instead of a SNES. With the next generation, I used to play Tomb Raider and racing games, and Nintendo didnt have much to offer in that area. When the dreamcast, ps2 etc. came out, I was actually hugely dissapointed with the graphics, because there had been rumors that it was life-like. All of the consoles had serious aliasing issues, and a computer fitted with a good geforce or ati (even a geforce2) could do the job better.

I have a couple of friends who are huge Nintendo fans, so I can still get to play Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario Party and other good Nintendo games :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-18 15:38:45 UTC
in Overlays turning dark Post #135558
Thanks, that seems to solve the problem.
The bad part is that I cant have leaves on the floor and at the same time have a painted alpha in the grass blend texture... :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 20:13:37 UTC
in Overlays turning dark Post #135375
Some of you source mappers might have run into this problem:
I have some properly placed overlays in my map (tree leaves to be precise) that look perfectly normal until I run buildcubemaps. After that, some of them stay the same but others turn strangely dark. Since I'm using them over a displacement texture, I can't use decals to replace them.
Has anybody been able to solve this problem? (happens with other overlays too, like the trash one for example)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 19:22:12 UTC
in Interesting Question Post #135362
I think an airport would do fine as a deathmatch arena. I mean a FULL airport, not the versions we see in maps like cs_747 etc.
But even if there wasnt a limit to r_speeds, texture memory and all of that, there is a limit to how much time I would want to work on the same map/theme.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 18:10:31 UTC
in Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed Post #135177
No, it's the real one. I checked in multiple sites.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 16:55:10 UTC
in Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed Post #135164
I actually find Mario Party and Mario Kart the best for playing with friends, regardless of the traditional happy and colourful nintendo style. The 3 vs. 1 battles in Mario Party are great. But it does get kind of boring after a while.