Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-05-13 13:18:17 UTC
in Func_walls visible through sky Post #266892
I just made two skyboxes, placed some func_walls in both, changed max view distance to 20000 and went ingame to see if they can be seen through the skybox boundaries. They weren't. Weird.

This is an interesting problem though.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-13 08:49:55 UTC
in Plants vs. Zombies Post #266889
I finished adventure mode yesterday and was surprised by all the new minigames that became available.

And if you replay adventure mode again, you earn presents and gifts for your plants in Zen Garden.

Lovely marigolds. ^^
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 16:10:54 UTC
in Plants vs. Zombies Post #266848
Out of curiosity, is there a demo?
There's a free trial of PvZ available on Steam and on PopCap's website. Note that only the Steam version has achievements.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 11:32:37 UTC
in Plants vs. Zombies Post #266839
Why do you play PopCap games ? Have you got any respect for yourself as a gamer ?
Because their games are addicting. Their games can keep you playing for hours, as is the case with PvZ.

If you don't like Casual games, stay out of my thread.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 11:12:16 UTC
in Plants vs. Zombies Post #266837
Who's playing it?
I know i am.

Discuss PopCap's new blockbuster!
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-11 14:42:32 UTC
in Competition 27 Post #266821
Funny Daubster is funny. ^^
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-07 20:16:55 UTC
in the compiler Post #266643
BTW, Muzz, when is the new version coming out?

Just kidding. :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-07 17:52:20 UTC
in the compiler Post #266638
Thank you, Huntey! :D
Here, have a Peashooter:
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-07 16:44:04 UTC
in Timers in map Post #266629
Moved to Source.

I think this is what you need:

Bookmark the Valve Developer Wiki.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-05 19:03:01 UTC
in TWHL's death? Post #266488
Me.GoingNoWhere = True
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-04 18:02:25 UTC
in Competition 27 Post #266436
I change my vote to Map a movie. Never did that one.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-04 11:43:58 UTC
in Competition 27 Post #266406
(What do we define "Vanilla Map" as? Anything that can be found inside half-life.gcf?)
Yes, you're only using the assets the game came with.

Open For GoldSource

Vanilla Map
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-02 10:54:52 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #266339
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-02 09:24:19 UTC
in ZHLT 3.4 that uses SSE2 instruction sets Post #266338
So if you're on 32-bit, like myself, you're not going to get any benefits from the new built?
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-02 09:23:05 UTC
in TWHL's death? Post #266337
Someone make a good base map and we'll do destructification again...
I've always wanted to do a compo like that. ^^
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-01 18:26:06 UTC
in TWHL's death? Post #266311
I'm going to keep posting this until someone acknowledges it.
I tried it and it doesn't work.
Textures don't show up and the grid goes all over the place.
User posted image
Don't waste time with the article.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-01 18:00:19 UTC
in TWHL's death? Post #266309
Muzz/TMA: Face it, you make awsome Black Mesa themed maps. grin - :D
Really. Thanks. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-01 17:31:40 UTC
in TWHL's death? Post #266305
Lol wut!
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 18:56:26 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #266126
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 15:51:06 UTC
in Fraps Alternative? Post #266107
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 14:32:22 UTC
in Swine Flu Post #266102
Goddamn pigs.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-28 13:10:46 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #266096
Is also Dutch. ^^
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 15:45:58 UTC
in Tex lights not lighting? Post #266055
What? ZHLT 3.4 already? I have and thought it was the latest version.
3.4 is been out longer than you might think.
Put your lights.rad in the maps directory and it should work.
It won't. It'll only work if you name the rad file the same as the map you're working on.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 15:05:01 UTC
in Tex lights not lighting? Post #266050
No .rad files near the compile tools. Not even in the zip they came in.
There's your problem. No .rad files = no light emitting texture lights.

Get yourself a fresh copy of ZHLT here:, there's lights.rad file in the zip.

As for software mode, it won't affect texlights, but you should never use software mode anyway. Go for OpenGL.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-27 14:42:09 UTC
in Tex lights not lighting? Post #266048
Make sure there's a lights file in your tools directory. Lights files have the .rad file extention.

And why are you running software mode?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-26 13:03:30 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #266017
Also, the Gman in Muzzleflashes room is supposed to disapear.
Look at dissappearing faces on the reactor.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-26 11:21:35 UTC
in Another texture problem Post #266011
Yeah, random tiling textures are a pain in the butt. I always avoid those types of textures, unless i really need one, i simply put it in a new wadfile and rename it, so that HL no longer recognizes it as a random tiling texture.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-23 17:59:14 UTC
in Roadkill 1.1 UV Unwrap Tool Post #265934
Im going to install 3DMax just for this, because i still don't get that UV Mapping crap in Max. I hope this makes texturing a model easier. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-22 09:15:45 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265874
^ should finish that mod he's making for me. Or else...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-21 16:03:17 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265850
^ does'nt make sense.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-21 14:03:08 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265846
^ is go for main engine start.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-21 10:55:37 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #265842
All: btw, has anyone tried the splash, and if so, did it work for you?
I just tried the mod in Steam HL: it works fine, great splash screen and menu sounds. But the menu music seems very short...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-20 08:41:28 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265801
Has a problem with his personal gravity.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-19 16:24:57 UTC
in Selection Order Post #265776
That happens when the point of view of the camera is too close to any object. Simply move the camera back (IE: move away from the object that you want to select), then you should be able to select it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-19 14:32:14 UTC
in TWHL Vent? Post #265762
What the hell is a vent server?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-17 08:55:09 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265679
Our only doctor here at TWHL.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-10 15:37:27 UTC
in Describe the person above you Post #265329
Was a pretty good HLDM player way back... but i was better... Want a rematch? :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-09 11:29:46 UTC
in Wadinclude issues Post #265255
Assuming you map for HL (no mod), all the wads that you use should be in the game directory. For HL singleplayer/deathmatch mapping, this is the valve directory.

Custom wads are best wadincluded into your bsp, by using Nem's Batch Compiler or my Compilator].
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-08 17:55:48 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #265235
Fashion Monkeys - Tell Me Why (Dancefloor Devils Remix Edit)
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 13:17:02 UTC
in Later, XP Post #265179
Time to format, reinstall XP, download and install all the updates and service packs and some additional apps, then use some kind of image software to make an image of the entire XP installation.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 11:51:38 UTC
in Is it possible to... Post #265172
Well, the Wiki says its possible:

I tried it once, and got this:
User posted image
So i guess its simply too buggy. Not worth the hassle of setting it up.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-07 11:41:44 UTC
in Hammer Setup HELP! Post #265171
You were following the wrong tutorial. Try this one:
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-06 09:49:09 UTC
in Hello thread! Here?s the hello thread! Post #265101
Ahh, he might not say much but his mind is working overtime!!!
Hah! I watched all those video's before. Freakin' lolz!

LASER! Caution.! LASER! Caution. LASER! Caution.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-05 10:58:53 UTC
in vis -full = "Access is denied.&quot Post #265045
Use the compilator instead of advanced compile, it won't give you that Access denied crap.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-05 07:11:26 UTC
in vis -full = "Access is denied.&quot Post #265039
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NULL not found!
Are you sure you included zhlt.wad in your wadpath list?

Do you have at least one source of light placed in your map?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-03 10:38:13 UTC
in Replay value Post #264988
You could also use an env_beam/laser to randomly target stuff.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-03 08:54:46 UTC
in An odd error when testing Post #264974
Try not to use the impulse 101 cheat when:
  • you're standing on a brush entity.
  • you're in midair.
Impulse 101 works correctly when you're standing on an solid brush.
There's no real fix for this other than the method above.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 12:58:57 UTC
in Desktops of April Post #264929
He did'nt, click the image itself, not the "[Open in new window]" link.

User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-01 13:55:40 UTC
in [UTILITY] ThumbAssistant Post #264858

Very nice little app there, Daub. Good job. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-01 09:33:58 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264851
i thought he was female.
Hell no.

[quote]Oh because of that female pop singer avatar! = )/quote]

That must be the reason.