those lights definitly don't need to be func walled. I think you might be going a bit overboard.
Try turning everything back into world brushes, and just func wall the important stuff. (TINY details / handrails / cylinders)
lololol get a clue son. the truth of the matter is that EVERYTHING should be func_walled that is not part of the basic geometry of the map. leaving everything aside from tiny details, handrails and cylinders is just giving vis more to think about entirely unnecessarily.
also, they were cutting the wall below it and causing ugly lighting problems. another reason why really optimised func_walling is an advantage.
i forgive your ignorance though, because you are a nice guy and i feel sorry for you because you enjoy bad music.
Better yet: turn those into illusionaries. If you want people to stand on it, turn them into func_walls instead or just put a CLIP brush over them.
they actually were func_illusionaries, it's the same thing. the problem was that i had too many individual entities in the 'visible packet list.' by combining a whole load of seperate brushes into one entity i have pretty much fixed the problem entirely, as there are less entities on the screen at any one time even though the amount of brushes are the same.
that's what i was going to recommend. Also, a single "leaf-saw" error will cause brushes to sporadically become invisible as well. So obviously, finding and eliminating these if you have any might fix the problem.
Also, I've found the latest SHLT tools to be especially good at zapping/fixing those nasty leaf-saw thingies... i don't think i've had one show up in my compile log since using the super half-life tools.
NICE to see you mapping Goldsource! =)
not the problem i was having but thanks anyway.