Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 02:23:40 UTC
in coding. Post #45742
Wait, dont get a book, that costs, get a tutorial or summin.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 02:23:18 UTC
in coding. Post #45741
Get a book, and for compiler, Microsoft C++ Toolkit 2003.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 23:07:53 UTC
in a work-in-progress map Post #45729
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 21:57:09 UTC
in Program poll Post #45711
I find Hammer 3.5 too buggy for me.

I use Hammer 3.4 SnarkPit edition (read the post on snarkpit forums). It has tutorials from the snarkpit intergrated into the help file (only a few atm though.)
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 21:37:55 UTC
in Funny Screens Post #45704
Yep, I remember that. That was a fun old match. I have loads of screenies of those matches but I'm not gonna bother uploading em all cos they are all the same. Although, I do have some funny ones involving tripmines :D
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 21:35:01 UTC
in Anyone up for a game of... Post #45702
dont post in all caps plz.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 12:01:21 UTC
in Stupidest post ever competition Post #45485
ZL, ministeve, Jahzel, Seventh and ieatmonkeychow are probably the most scary people on this site. Possibly vassy as well.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 11:58:17 UTC
in Editing sounds Post #45484
Sound Forge all the way. It's the photoshop of wav editing.

Your most sensible post of the day ;)
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 11:23:49 UTC
in This is very funny, haha Post #45483
Seen it ages ago. Laughed at is ages ago. Closed browser ages ago.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 10:50:44 UTC
in This is very funny, haha Post #45474
myg0t is funny! In the Schroet Kommando, once, someone asked for a CS crack and they were directly told to goto myg0t's forums and ask there. They downloaded a crack, then got a virus! HAHAHAHA!!!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 09:50:18 UTC
in How much different is Steam? Post #45464
I tried Steam on a similar CPU to yours and it was fine. But then again, it had Ok gfx (Radeon 9500).
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 09:49:24 UTC
in Corrupted MP3's Post #45463
96KhZ makes up for the bitrate loss
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 07:24:13 UTC
in How much different is Steam? Post #45410
I have had NS3 since it was out and I have never had problems.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 07:02:47 UTC
in I need help with my map... Post #45404
Maybe r_speeds problem. I am not sure of HL's OgL limit tho.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:53:42 UTC
in How much different is Steam? Post #45403
Steam's recommended specs are higher than your machine. Didn't you say your machine is really old ages ago? Then thats your problem CoolFat.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:51:30 UTC
in a moddeling question......... Post #45402
Save as smd with skins and qc file in same folder and compile it.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:50:36 UTC
in mapping for other games... Post #45401
I map Quake II/Quake III and lots of Quake III based games including Return ToC astle Wolfenstein/Enemy Territory, Call of Duty among lots more.

Natural Selection (I'm learning still!)
Counter-Strike (occasionally)
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:48:06 UTC
in Andy's helicopter entry Post #45398
Don't put down a good map because of brushwork. Especially a fun map. A fun map with bad brushwork can be ok. But a crap map with bad brushwork is crap. Andy's map is fun and that's what is important about it.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:46:44 UTC
in Corrupted MP3's Post #45397
All my MP3's are 320kbps and 96KhZ which means only people with 96KhZ sound cards can play em back properly BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:45:46 UTC
in Corrupted MP3's Post #45396
Just buy CDs and make your own rips. It costs but at least the mp3s arent shitty quality.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:43:38 UTC
in Delete Floater6L9 Post #45395
Atom could probably delete him. Impersonating people is WRONG. When I posted saying my name was floater in the fun pics thread, that was a joke as I was using my own account. But setting up an account to impersonate someone that has done nothing wrong is extremely retarded.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 06:41:32 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #45394
Using map vault after one year is a totally dumb idea becuase some people might already have loads of experience and want to post a map they made. Anyway, Atom has made his desicion. Look at his ToDo post.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 12:10:22 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #45030
Atom replied to my email and had some similer ideas to me.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 11:40:11 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #45022
YAY! t3h VOX-O-MATIC has returned!!!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 07:38:48 UTC
in Funny pics! Post #44990
Hello, my name is floater, I wonder if I can put a flash file in a img tag :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:
User posted image
I am a noob :P
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 07:29:27 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #44986
I like Vassy's 4th idea. I would also think a user rating and ranking system would be good. The rating system is where everyone on the site can rate a user once. If they change their mind they can back that down. It is summed up so the users have a rating out of 100. The rank system: users join with a rank of 1 and work upto 10. 10 is for really good mappers and 1 is for new people. The more maps they submit that get good scores, the quicker they will rise up the ranks. Although, the ranks cant go up too quickly otherwise people will be on rank 10 in weeks. They have to take a test at the end of the rank based on tutorials for their rank. On the other hand, having less ranks will be easier. So maybe 6 ranks. First 2 are beginner and 2nd 2 are intermediate and so on.

The map vault should be split like vassy said, but no model vault cos this is a mapping site. Then, there could be vault moderators who review each map before it is put up publicly. The official score for the map is from the moderator's review. This could mean that maps take longer to be put up, but it would filter out worthless maps. We would need alot of vault mods as it would be hard work tho. It would be better if our map vault was like snark pits. Not a similer system, but the fact that only good maps are one there (with a few exceptions). But anyway, there could be a beginners vault, and a advanced vault for each category so people with different ranks go into different vaults so they dont get mixed up with advanced maps. Also, users CANNOT vote their own maps, and only registered users can vote, and once at that.

The forums, well, the mods need to be stricter. And maybe a feature so users can edit/delete their own posts. And maybe for the mapping problems forum, a solved/unsolved icon like the snarkpit has. This would stop people bringing up old questions that are now defunc. Maybe a limited posts per minute so users have to wait 30 secs between each post to prevent major spamming.

Most of this was in my email so if andy or atom doesnt get my email, they will read this.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 07:14:04 UTC
in Say goodbye Post #44981
I have sent me mail of ideas to andy and atom and hopefully they should both read their inbox today.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 03:12:18 UTC
in Realistic Cliffs? Post #44946
I have created my own method for creating cliffs which will not create VM errors unless your are really stupid.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 22:50:48 UTC
in Funny pics! Post #44916
User posted image
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 22:07:44 UTC
in Truth about forums Post #44910
Cos I only have a small circle of non-dumbass members.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 22:06:48 UTC
in Realistic Cliffs? Post #44909
Look on the snarkpit. And follow Reno's tutorial there. Agent's one sucks.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 21:50:32 UTC
in How much different is Steam? Post #44900
Speak with proper punctuation, Floater19. Or you will be known as a newbie. :?P
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 21:43:23 UTC
in How much different is Steam? Post #44897
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 21:40:13 UTC
in Truth about forums Post #44894
My site hasn't died from spamming, infact, there isn't any spam at all unless you count the forum designed for spamming.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 18:58:32 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #44821
Also, atom, could you join my forums? :D
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 18:56:08 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #44820
Lol! I prefer Invision or Vbulletin to PhPbb myself but invision wont let me upload themes for some reason and you gotta pay $200 for a commercial vbulletin copy.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 18:14:59 UTC
in Say goodbye Post #44805
YAY! Atom posted! My opinion on Atom's post: yes, the site has more "n00bs" than experienced members, but also has a lot of great mappers like kol, Captain P among other (including me :D).

I have been here for nearly a year and since I have joined, I have noticed that the members and maps have got increasingly shit(excuse my swearing, but it was needed). When I first joined, there weren't as many total idiots around. Everything was nice and calm with no disruption apart from the occasional bullshitting (excuse my swearing again) spammers. Yes, this site is a beginners site. But some people are pushing the limit of begginners too far. They post worthless maps which I could have done as a 2yr old if HL was out all those years ago. TWHL is definately going downhill. I will not leave you all like VOX and pepper have done. I will continue to be a TWHL member for as long as I am a mapper (probably a long time).
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-25 18:14:33 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #44804
Hey, I could start a dedicated HL community on my domain name. A fresh installation of PHPBB to power it and a custom theme created by a member. I could get atom to port his map vault script into it and again one of our members could create a skin to fit in with the forums. It is pratical and could work. If anyone bullshits (excuse the swearing but I feel like swearing at the moment) then I or a moderator could ban em permanently. Emphasis on the ban and permanenetly. All who like my idea please say: "NEE-NEE". :-P.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 15:39:59 UTC
in .mdl & .spr Post #44083
SpriteExplorer for making sprites and a decompiler to export mdl to smd.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 15:33:43 UTC
in my new map Post #44080
It looks ok, I have downloaded it and I will play it later. But the room in the screenshot - needs more detail. But it is unfinished so I will let you off :).
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 15:32:57 UTC
in Model/Animation Makers - Step Right Up! Post #44079
I could help with programming or mapping if I wasn't so busy. I don't have any applications/code mods released but I am working on lots of coding projects currently. For the best example of my mapping, email me and I will send you the latest bsp of security breach and rmf of m0pdm (it's not ready to compile yet) if you like as they are my best maps.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 15:28:35 UTC
in Post #44077
Ministeve, I have already read pretty much every tutorial on those sites and am applying the skills I learnt to Security-Breach and m0pdm.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 14:47:02 UTC
in Post #44051
Or you could learn to map well before starting a compo. Read every tutorial on here, vlatitude and snarkpit on hl mapping then create something truly spectacular. Spend weeks or even months perfecting each individual entity and object until it is completely 100% perfection. Then release the map and build a new one with just as much effort put in.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 14:28:16 UTC
in Post #44037
I would join, but I am working on too many projects:

m0pDM (a little hldm map)
m0p3d (a 3d engine) (total redesign of the site)
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 14:24:53 UTC
in Post #44033
I don't hate noobs. I just find it annoying at the amount of them that join in a row. Some of them learn really quickly and become great mappers, but most slip through and take ages to learn. That's why I find em annoying.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 14:22:32 UTC
in Steam names Post #44030
I have X-Fire which came with Natural Selection but I don't have it set up and have an account yet.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 14:18:14 UTC
in Post #44026
Well SORRY if I'm offending you but I am allowed to have my opinions and express them.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 13:45:09 UTC
in Post #44015
Yep :D
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 12:30:26 UTC
in Post #44005
Floater is a noob!!!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-23 08:28:39 UTC
in Post #43963
Stfu with the geektalk nerds!
m0p m0pIllogical.