Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-09 23:09:40 UTC
in de_fallout is beautiful [closed] Post #96090
gah, screenys scared me after i read the post, sounded good to. then i played it and my eyes blured becasue i had been playing some of Kasbergs maps + farcry.

gameplay is good though, but some more cover in some places would be appriated. and add more detail.

this would be good only, i stress the only, if it was your first or second map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-09 11:40:55 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #96032
don't use teh reverse direction flag, you don't need it. just make teh number in the xyz box negative, or just put in other numbers so it rotates how you want it
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-08 00:13:11 UTC
in tfc, cant build a sg Post #95785
are you trying to build it in game? becasue if you are you won't normaly be able to.

let me explain.

in most maps you can't build sg's near teh flag points, I don't know if the flag points automaticly have a no build zone around it or not. it is either that, you placed something that restricts building in that area, or there is not enough room. but check TFMapped like 7th said for the details.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-06 19:39:10 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #95549
so, mini steve, did you get it or did I send it to the wrong email?

and do we have a website yet
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-04 23:22:15 UTC
in Hammer 4 and Counter-strike 1.6 Post #95105
but if you set up hammer 4 right you still can map for HL1. but like previous posts said, some of the advanced features will be useless.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-04 23:07:57 UTC
in New Competition Post #95103
is it going to start soon because you made the anoncement a few days ago
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 22:59:22 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #94926
so, its unbreakable, the ZL, then me right?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-02 16:35:03 UTC
in TWHL: The non-motion picture! Post #94641
last i checked he never got his elementry school deploma, they just let him out into the world.

comic looks interesting
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-01 23:47:07 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #94528
it will probably get to about 30 pages by the time were done.

I wonder if we could get this done by Oct/31/05?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-01 00:45:28 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #94339
yes that would be very good, but it would require cpding, especialy things like the swinging chain.

I would love to see it so that your melee weapons accually whack zombies around. as in, when you side swipe it whacks the zombie of its feet and sends it flying a few feet.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 17:53:18 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #94232
notice the vaqueness used


as in any old thing that some guy got working on scap parts

ministeve, did you get the story?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 16:39:44 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #94193
well here is what ive been thinking for weapons

? means that chapter has yet to be determined or not to be in the game at all

steel rebar(CH1)
whatever replaces the grav or nothing(?)
pulse rifle(Ch6)
sniper rifle(Ch6)

anything else. but first we have to see if we can code more stuff in.

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 20:41:41 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #94050
already got a sniper rifle.

should I just list all the weapons that you get, it won't be a big surprise anyway. its up to you Jahzel
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 13:34:21 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #93986
mini, ch3 has been sent to your gmail account.

i don't really think hands will work, aka hands can't pick up and toss a cinderblock fast enough to hurt anything. anyway there are already hands, the E button.

but the slingshot might work, if you can code that you can only pull stuff in from really close and not have anything hevey be picked up.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 23:44:22 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #93366
do you think you hsould ever get a grav gun in the cource of the game?

mini, ill send you chapter 3 soon.

and I am still trying to think up a name for the girl, any more sugustions would be apricated
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 23:38:00 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #93364
ohhh, now i have to finish a map, and I wanted room to work and show off every thing i know.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 22:53:02 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #93011
a o k, ill send you something to map by the end of my winter break.

Dawn of the Dead was a good movie(i just saw the newer one, not the old one). i have a few ideas of how to improve some stuff now.

for how the zombies should be.
1: dawn of the dead-ish and 28 days later-ish
2: we need some that are fast and mucley and look like they haven't seen light for a few months.
3: a zombiefied version of most of the games existing monsters
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 22:46:03 UTC
in Story Post #93010
one of the geezers had a nuke, another a mini gun and
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 15:31:42 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #92882
well, ive rented Dawn of the Dead, and Shawn of the Dead. im going to see if they give me any ideas to improve what I already have.

and surprisingly enough Dawn of the dead(which I am accualy watching as I type this, I love having a DvD player built into my computer) has a preview for shawn of the dead :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 12:14:41 UTC
in Story Post #92823
aout killing hwe son with a rusty steak knife. then SariBous's Av came and
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 23:42:51 UTC
in New Competition Post #92719
and me, i have a shiny silver trophy.

hurry up with the next compo, the last one closed in november, its now near the end of Febuary
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 23:32:08 UTC
in Woot, vigilanteism. Post #92715
freezing shaving cream is fun...if you take the frozen cream in something
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 23:24:50 UTC
in Story Post #92713
tree. Then zombies invaded the Twhl server and
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 23:17:10 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #92711
shouldn't we just use the method that was in the new tut. you do realize the new tut told you how to do it with no lights rad.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 17:59:04 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #92633
only the first few... and your impresed by them? :cool:

*leans forward
do we have a website yet
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 22:29:05 UTC
in Poll: Half-Life or Half-Life2? Post #92415
i prefer HL2.

+many monsters
+great for a game at that time
+redefined the FPS
+good weapons
+good story
+a classic
-scientists all the same
-alitle outdated

+good story
+redifined the FPS again
+looks good
+looks great
+looks beutiful
+looks amaizing
+Havoc physics + gravgun = fun
+some cool weapons and enemys in general
+characters and acting
-not many different enemys
-not as much replay as HL1
-could have used some more weapons
+it looks great

but both are great games
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 22:18:19 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #92413
? you guys still alive
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 00:36:32 UTC
in Woot, vigilanteism. Post #92171
well if you wanted to go overboard,

that site is probably bing monitered by many govermental forces, just click on "bad ideas" and you will see why

that site is almost scary at time, its a bunch of articles from various vandels and anarchists(probably). its basicly the "anarchists cookbook" and "Improvised Militay Munitions Handbook" and "Handy Vandels" online in one place.

the only reason i found it was becasue i was looking for a way to make aluminum powder and it poped up in google.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-21 00:29:55 UTC
in a stupid thing you did on your comp Post #92169
do you know whats worse then buying a dell...

wasting your money on a dell XPS.
I feel bad for people who do.

but i built my own so i don't have to worry about that. and the reason i built it is the reason im posting in this thread.

let me get to the point. I have become obsesed with high voltage thing and explosives, being on the school rifle team caused this mostly becasue destructive thing is the main conversation. so i did some reseach and began my quest with High Voltages. i began building a gauss gun(coil gun) and decided to test for some reason this really crappy coil I built, i don't know what possesed me to do this but i did anyway. to test it i put the to wires leading from the coil into an electrical socket about a foot from my old computer, a few fuses blew and all the electronic stuff in my room turned off, and sinse the coil had been left about a foot from my computer the hard drive was ruined. and then I was finaly allowed to get a new computer(that may have been the reason i did it in the first place but i can't remember now, alll I do remember of it is the pain that it casued in my hand.)

I think that qualifys as the stupidest thing
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-18 21:37:50 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #91667
its sent to rabid now.

anyone else up for a mapping assignment?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-18 17:42:55 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #91576
i accually have no clue as to what im going to do. i haven't really given it a whole lot of thought yet, i figured i had a while until its my turn so I have plenty of time. And plus I don't know what it is now
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-16 09:49:10 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #91010
? how did you not get it, i sent it to the e-mail you put in your account info.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 22:29:56 UTC
in I got an Idea 2 Post #90950
survy says
*points at BrattyLord
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-15 09:52:45 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #90696
i already have that covered and im working on typeing up the chapter where you meet her, i just need a name.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-14 19:50:08 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #90585
sorry that it took so long, i didn't have a chance to go online until now.

trapt im sending you the Chapter now, Jahzel im also sending you a copy.

anyone got any ideas for the woman, as some people think that is a good idea, and ive now added her to the story
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-11 10:04:23 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89671
i alrady have something like that.

ya, i hated teh black headcrabs to.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 17:14:43 UTC
in problems with func_conveyor Post #89503
theres also a tutorial on this
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 17:12:05 UTC
in problems with func_conveyor Post #89502
the texture name has to have scoll in the name

make sure the func_conveyor has a direction, and a speed, as well.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 16:55:54 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89500
i didn't think it was that scary either, but still scarier then doom?. and if you read the back of PC gamer Mr. W said that Ravenholm scared him more then doom?, so some people think it was scary. and as for the Black crab zombies, the easyest way to kill them is the alt fire on the pulse rifle.

we got a site yet?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-10 09:48:02 UTC
in Buttons 'n' Gunz Post #89435
its becasue whatever the shootable damage is, forgot what the field si called, is set to a number. scroll down the list in smart edit and you see something that says "shootable". make sure its -1
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-09 09:59:44 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89231
ok jahzel, ill send you the whole chapter 2.

trapt, Resource duty should be typed up by Sat becasue i already have most of it written down.

Rabid, take your time when you do start and try to make everything very crepy and scary, becasue thats the point of the mod. I personally think Ravenholm was scaryer then Doom3 so we know the engine is good for horror.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 22:09:18 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89148
what i mean by Synthesize the g-mans voice is see if you can edit some words to sound like the g-man by trying to match the sound patterns his voice creates. we either need someone who sounds alot like the g-man, mike sharpio(the guy who voices the g-man), or the ability to artifically create his voice.

and thanks for the sound in advance, i didn't know you had a sound effect facility.

and do you also want a copy of chapter 2 for your arcives and/or enjoyment
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 17:38:42 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #89069
nice Jahzel. sure send me some samples if you want, just make them small becasue i have dialup

do you know how hard it would be to sysesize the g-mans voice?

trapt im doing good with your part of the story.

rabid, hows it coming.

anyone else for mapping assainments so we can have stuff to show off when we get a website
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 17:24:39 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #89065
what, you lucky bastard. my town is full of old people. mostly becasue the quarrys are no longer active.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 16:41:37 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #89051
14, 15 in july.

location USA

i live in a town where the population is 9000 and is the about half the size of Lux.(i would know, ive been to that area of europe.)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 09:54:12 UTC
in New Competition Post #88960
hurry up im board and uninspired
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 09:50:51 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88959
resource duty it is then. rabids already doing the underground, then again he might want some help with it. ill send you the detail for the chapter on saturday.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 23:31:49 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88863
i we sell the mod maybe we can, but i don't think we have plans for that, or reason to hire black coats. maybe people in the g-mans blue suit though?

and do we have a website yet.

i think ive made more posts in the last few days then i have in my entire residence at TWHL
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 23:26:30 UTC
in Wackiest Warning Label Awards Post #88859
i belive on some chainsaw made in sweden it says
do not stop with hands or genatiles
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 16:36:05 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88774
thats just scary.