Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 14:25:47 UTC
in Looking for the name of a Level. Post #62965
If anybody is interested the map is asmap11b from Azure Sheep.
Vassy (one day later):
Sounds like the last chapter of Azure Sheep.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 13:50:35 UTC
in This is amazing! Post #62734
Noticed that this suit has a different color/shape on each article.
Also you can easily fake this.
Want to see my new invisible shoes?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 12:56:13 UTC
in Model download section Post #62725
Perhaps it would be a good idea to start getting more people into TWHL,...
Do you really want this?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 12:41:51 UTC
in This is amazing! Post #62723
Ok, this sounds very unlikely.
With a little knowledge of technology and 3D space, you can think of several counter-arguments to the idea of this thing.
1. Humans have two eyes, which allows them to see perspectively. It is possible to create holograms which appear like a 3 dimensional image, although they're kept on a flat film. But creating those holograms is technical laborious. Go to a university, many have the apparatus you need to create holographic images. Also it is not possible to create a holograme that can be viewed from 360? degrees.
2. There would have to be billions of optic sensors that scan the environment built into the suit. Even that would not suffice, there would also have to be sensors that scan the areas that cannot be seen from the surface of the suit. Look at the state of the art. We don't even have computers that can interprete the image from a single camera with a high definition in a reasonable amount of time. This computer in the suit would have to interprete billions of images at least 80 times per second.
3. What if you have multiple people looking at the suit. Which image will be displayed on the suit? You can only render the image one person would see in one frame.
4. What about light reflections? There is no solid material that does not reflect light.
5. What happens to the shadows that person who is wearing the suit casts? Every material influences the light, either it reflects it, or just changes the direction it is traveling in. The computer would also have to compensate these shadows and add shadows that would be projected onto the environment if the wearer of the suit was not there.

That's not everything. Just a few examples which are quite obvious.
Don't believe everything you read, even if it comes from the BBC.

Think outside the square!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 12:17:53 UTC
in Looking for the name of a Level. Post #62715
There are two things I really hate.
People who cannot count.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 05:23:42 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #62328
I guess CP can't build 'just one room'. Neither can I. :cool:
Anyway, he already did his contribution. He encouraged me to revise my part. :)
There will be more, stay tuned!
Also he is working on something very similar. (Hope I didn't whistle-blow.)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 13:50:33 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #62188
Here's the deadline.
I was hoping to release this one in about three weeks.
So finish your parts until sunday in 14 days and either connect it to the map in the order given by the list, or just upload it and I will connect it.
Then I'll pass it to mini and BL so they can finish it and then I will do the final compile.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 16:45:51 UTC
in More trouble than its worth.. Post #61993
Erm. Func_trains emit sounds themselves.
Why Would you want to use ambient_generics for this effect then?
Just to have a different move sound?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 15:16:30 UTC
in lights Post #61977
Ever noticed that 'Initially dark' flag?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 15:15:01 UTC
in Leaf Threads? Have a small problem. Post #61976
Firstly: Use batch compiling with -estimate on all tools.
Do you use XP-Cagey's p15 tools?
They are buggy.
Use these:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 14:04:04 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #61960
Erm. I told Gman that he may also build a part, if he likes.
He can't access TWHL for some reason and thus could not apply.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-23 16:12:44 UTC
in trigger_changelevel ?????? Post #61489
A few hints:
-Stop using simplified language in forums.
-Try grammar, it rocks.
-Don't try creating mods or complex maps before you got used to VHE and learned the basics of leveldesign.
-There are thousands of online resources on the net. Noticed that 'Tutorials' tag on the left?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-23 02:50:20 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #61334
I'm happy and confused at the same time. :) :confused:
I compiled again with the 'Freeze player' flag and it worked just as BJ described it.
The cam moves almost perfectly along the path, flies into the void by the spiral and then back onto the path.
Thanks for the hint BJ.

But why did it behave so borked without the flag?
Anthony, does your camera in Preludes also have the flag checked?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-23 02:23:57 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #61329
If you want to build one part, don't wait for the list, or the map.
Just start building it.
The goal of the finalists-list was to finish this project quickly.
If you finish your part in time, you'll get a chance to add it to the main map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:22:58 UTC
in Shooting Through Passable func_pendulum Post #61298
The described situation is very unlikely.
Maybe it was just an optic fraud.
You could also upload the map to the problems vault, mostly this is more effective than describing the problem with words.

If this really happens, you've found out yourself that using prefabs is not very secure.
It's always better to build things from scratch, since you have full control of what you built, then.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:17:52 UTC
in a most be-baffling problem Post #61297
Usually memory limit exceedings produce compile errors.
But you could still compile again and add the -chart parameter to HLRAD.
It shows memory limits for everything and how close you are to them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:57:50 UTC
in Help With Rotating Xen Stuff Post #61294
Rotating entities in VHE is buggy.
To make sure the angles do not reset, simply rotate, then click somewhere in a render window to de-select the entity, finally select it again. Now the angles will stay as they are.
Try to get used to this. You'll do it automatically after a while.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:47:46 UTC
in a most be-baffling problem Post #61293
Things that can cause HL to crash without any error message, besides 'Fatal error':
  • Two path_corners, that are directly connected to each other, lie at the same point.
  • (steam only) Detail textures that are bigger than 512?.
  • Having insufficient info_landmarks. There must be one info_landmark for each trigger_changelevel.
I'm afraid none of those will help here.
The best thing you could do is uploading the map to the problems vault and let people try themselves.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:40:05 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #61292
I just asked again, because I wanted to be sure that it does follow the path exactly.
On my PC, and almost all the others, the camera just moves slightly along the path. After the glass window it moves towards the big white sprite, does a very slight spiral and then moves up a bit.
It seems as if it moves along a very smootherd version od the path.

Still I don't know why. :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 17:55:10 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #61284
So it did follow the path that I marked with blue sprites?
Then you have the third PC which can run it without problems.
I didn't try 'freeze player' yet, as it worked without it before.
But I'll give it another go.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 15:14:07 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #61213
I'm afraid that was false alarm.
I just tried it on my PC.
Compiled without RAD and VIS, no change.

Now I need a HL-code expert and a miracle.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:30:34 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #61202
Hehe, I didn't really think it was.
I wouldn't take it too seriuos anyway.

So, I just got some help on this in another forum.
Not fixed but a beginning.
Try to compile the map without VIS and RAD.
It should work then.
I cannot imagine why this happens though.
Maybe someone here knows someone else who is really into the HL-code?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:26:27 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #61201
Um, sorry but you are not allowed to use non-HL media.
I'm afraid you'll have to use the old military models and do this one without music.

I advise you to read all the former pages of this thread. Most of it is pointless talk, so it won't take to long.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:13:50 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #61189
but sometimes newbies can get very confused
OUCH! That did hurt.
but the problem seems to be fixed now so Yippeee
It is?

Did one of you, besides Anthony, actually look at the map?
It's not an entity setup problem.
Naming cam and target similar is advisefull, since a camera also triggers it's target. Also the targeted train is supposed to start later then the cam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 14:03:14 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #61174
Well, yes. Build it and make sure you have an entrance and an exit.
You'll get the map then to connect your part to it.

@Anonymous: That's not necessary and it'd be very monotone then.
I think everybody is able to connect to doors with a hallway.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 15:41:16 UTC
in question on custom sounds Post #60986
Check all the flags of the ambient_generic.
None, besides one sound radius flag, should be on.
Maybe the volume is too low.
Any dynamic setting? Might also be the cause.
Also look at the .wav file again. Maybe the cue points got lost, or something else is wrong.
Large .wav files should be streamed during the game.
Put a '*' infront of the filename into the 'WAV name' field to enable streaming.
Then start HL/CS with -console +developer 2 and look for error messages related to the sound.
If all that doesn't work, you can still upload the map and the sound to the problems vault.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 14:59:15 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #60977
We did not yet close this project.
I just had to set these radical limits, because otherwise it'd probably never end. This is the organization that is needed.
There is a small list for people whomy still build a part.
I'll just add you to that list. Start mapping as soon as possible. When you get the map connect it to your part.
So far these people have replied for the last parts:
-jaardsi (knows account details)
-davideo59 [?]
-Peace and LOve

As I said several times before, don't wait! Start building your part as soon as you can, so you just have to connect it to the map when you get it.
We all want to finish this project, don't we?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 08:00:46 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #60925
I currently use a func_train.
Using info_target is not possible since the camera moves through several rooms.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 07:12:30 UTC
in Camera moving too slow and off path. Post #60917
Lazy as I am, I just copied the content of my VERC thread and pasted it here:
I'm getting pissed with this map.
Making me more trouble than anything before.

There is a little outro seqeunce in the map, with a camera of course.
I built this months ago and it worked just fine on my old PC.
For some reason the camera is completely screwed now.
Maybe I'm just blinded by my wrath and the solution is absolutely simple.

I have uploaded the map, so you can look at it directly.

Please help me with this one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 06:20:18 UTC
in Bullet time help Post #60911
Yeah it's really fun having assault-shotgun 'n stuff. :)
Still it's not so perfect as it might seem.
Sounds are not played back slower and sometimes animations of models get flippy.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-20 11:31:02 UTC
in Bullet time help Post #60816
I've found it. Autolycus built a an example map aeons ago.
Here's the thread.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-20 09:16:06 UTC
in Bullet time help Post #60802
I said that.
It's a spirit entity which can change any cvar you like.
I can't look up the name at the moment, but there is an example map on the VERC. For some reason I am also not able to find it. :

The value for host_framerate and the resulting speed don't seem to have a logic connection.
0.01 is a good value though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-19 14:36:50 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #60688
Most important is that we need a real schedule next time.
And someone who will keep things in order, no matter what.
But does it have to be MP? :/
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-19 10:13:01 UTC
in Compo 11 (Glass) Post #60640
Sounds interesting.
Why don't you finish it and put it onto the MV?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-19 10:11:33 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #60639

Jaardsi and async start mapping. Jaardsi, you already have the email account login/pw.
RabidMonkey777, you can also start now. We'll see how many people will reply.

I will put everything together and give the maps to BL.
Then after mini and BL are done, I will do the final compile and put it in the MV. We could create a new account for it, but we don't have to. I'll put everyone who took part into the comment. But you decide. New acc, or not?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-19 06:58:25 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #60605
Ok, you heard him.
Jaardsi, is that supposed to mean 'I want to add a part.'?

So the first one who replies will get email account details and can his part immediately. The other should also start now and connect it to the rest later.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-18 18:46:54 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #60533
Three days, but no more than four people.
If you want to build one, start now! After 7th finished, the map will probably be at the limits, so I will build a transistion.
Don't enclose your levels, leave space for two exits.
I will do the final compiles then.
I don't know what this Indian.bsp is all about, so I will just put the crystal into the TWHLmix map.

  • Four more people.
  • You have three days time to reply. Don't play up! Only reply if you're serious.
  • Leave space for an entry and an exit.
  • Start mapping now. Don't wait until you got the TWHLmix map.
So we can hopefully present a result soon.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-18 18:19:15 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #60517
I think that, if we want this to come to an end at all, we have to stop very soon.
Many people just applied because it sounded like fun, but there will be no result just with fun.
This idea started before I even came here and we're not even 50% done.
As far as I know, there have been plans about putting the resulting map into a little mod, hence the Indian.bsp.
JB was also part of this a while ago.
We could add two or three more parts, depending on how many people manage to build something serious within short time. Then we have to end the story, if there is one, and release it.

So what do you think. Shall we stop? Kick everyone out who doesn't reply quickly. Or shall we just let it creep on and hope that it'll end in about 1.5 years.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-18 03:19:06 UTC
in need help Post #60376
Start HL with -console and +developer 2.
Then you can see what HL is currently loading, or doing in the console.
If it gets stuck on a certain point of loading, either your computer is too slow, or your map is corrupted.
Does it also happen with other maps?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-18 03:16:27 UTC
in simple custom sprite Post #60375
Set the one with the black background to
Did you do that on purpose?
Sure, mapping can be addictive, but the rendermode is still called 'additive'.
Which comes from adding something. The color values of the sprite are added to what's behind it, so it results in a glow effect.
Most people misunderstand it as a 'the brighter, the more opaque', which is just wrong.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:10:59 UTC
in Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Post #60170
In the upper toolbar a button labeled 'tl' can switch on texture lock. The hotkey shift+l should also do the trick.
Usually clicking that button should bring a small window with some more buttons, checkboxes and coordinates. There also is a hotkey combination, shift+a.
For those basic control issues, you should consider the help file that comes with VHE, it's easy to understand and contains all you need to know to handle the VHE.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 08:45:19 UTC
in Making HL Videos Post #60092
The best method is first recording a demo and playing it while a screen recorder is active.
This way you prevent lags during the game and you try again, if the result was not satifying.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 07:59:38 UTC
in building a (too) large map Post #60086
HINT brushes are no magical weapons.
They cannot automatically make your map faster, smaller, or better.
You understand how BSP trees work, you must know how HLBSP splitts the world etc.
HINT brushes can be used to reduce the size of the rendered area, especially on angled maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 05:58:39 UTC
in Compile issues Post #59513
For bigger compiles it is advisefull to batch compile with -estimate.
This will show you the current process with an estimated time for finishing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 05:54:44 UTC
in Question... Post #59512
Afaik there are some JAVA based IRC clients.
Most people use mIRC.
I prefer X-Chat.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-15 03:51:51 UTC
in building a (too) large map Post #59502
To make it appear as if it 'patially' emits light, just put an invisible func_illusionary where you want the light to come from and put a light emmiting texture on the desired face.
You can can remove it with ripent after the final compile, since it's not required anymore.

Oh MuzzleFlash, please use your old avatar! The new always makes me think this guy is a noob. The old one (J'en ai marre) was better IMO.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 08:28:22 UTC
in Another Camera Question... Post #59250
It's not really possible, but you can just use a very large number.
Like 999999, no-one would wait more than one and a half week for a camera to switch off again.
Then just give the button the 'toggle' flag and everything is fine.
[b]BUT[b]: Make sure the player will not be able to move, otherwise, when moving the mouse, he wont be able to find the button again.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 08:17:27 UTC
in will someone make me a map? Post #59247
Why don't you make a little contest out of it.
Upload all the pictures accessible by the public and everyone who likes to try can do it.
This could be a lot of fun, since there are thousands of ways of rebuilding something you see in a map.
You only have to set up some rules. Which media may be used, I prefer HL only, since you must be quite creative then.
And hey, please don't call HL outdated again here. :P Might be true, but some people still love it.

I knew it! Oliven?l. :)
I already guessed from the name that you must be a german, or at least speak german.
So then, welcome at TWHL.
Just wanted to put this straight.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 14:41:15 UTC
in this is the last time Post #59001
func_train - path_corner
func_tracktrain - path_track

The names might appear confusing.

If it still doesn't work, wither describe the entity setup, or put this map into the problems vault.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 06:05:43 UTC
in Reflective Floors Post #58451
Why do people try to rotate the rooms when they want a mirror?
Flip it! Just f**king flip it!
One must be extremely retarded to expect that rotating a room will give a reflection of the original.
This only works if the room is symmetrically aligned to the face between the axis you want to rotate about and the Z-axis. This applies to floors only btw.