@Hunter: You should really make a banner like this and put it on TWHL for a laugh..
2nd place.. Nice..
Noo cayk cumn up.
!~!!!~~~`11111 All maps starting with "Aim_" sucks.[offtopic]
Here in SA, the "long" holdiays begin on 1 Dec and end on 1 Feb. Than we have another 4 week holiday in June. And between those there are two 1-week holdiaysShudders and walks away saying "lucky.. lucky... lucky.. luc-ky..."
"Your "gamer friend" will find peace through the Lord, Jesus Christ, but sadly it's too late for that.This made me want to jump that dumb cunt in a dark alley with a bat. How the hell could such a bitch speak bout shit like that?? The fuckin bastard can't even show any sympathy for the poor guy...
So no offence but don't ignore your parents, Hunter quite frankly if your parents are worried about your homework then I would too. School always comes first before fun. Besides once the work is done you can play.Dude.. Ya sound just like my Dad..