Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 07:23:46 UTC
in moving clouds Post #27075
Let me guess... the player must be surrounded by somewhat high buildings so he can't see the sides of the sky so you don't need an infinite func_conveyor?

Or at least that's what I remember from that map that had moving clouds... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 16:04:33 UTC
in reflections Post #26978
Hehehe... I have even a lot cooler looking method but it has so it's disadvantages... Check it out:

Framerate drastically drops down when you look straight at it, it costs a lot of polygons and gives a strange pattern-like anomality when you look right into it, but it fades slowly when you walk away, and slowly fades away the further it comes from it's light source.

Check the wireframe view to see how it's done. Not really intended for the HL engine but it CAN be doen... It's a method used in newer engines.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 16:00:14 UTC
in total noob here Post #26977
Do you see a compile log? If so, can you post it here?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 13:15:51 UTC
in total noob here Post #26958
WorldCraft is an older version of Hammer. I wouldn't recommend it to newbies. It's not so much more easier, instead, it lacks some helpfull extra's. Just stay at Hammer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 11:58:06 UTC
in Is HL2 out? Some say So! Post #26941
Half-Life 2 is not out yet. Have patience.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 11:36:00 UTC
A working link would be welcome...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 07:42:31 UTC
in Pls rate 1-10 Post #26905
Geocities is such a bad webhost for downloading files from... When people cannot directly access the file they probably won't take the time to cut'n'paste the URL. You might try for webhosting. It's better in my opinion.

As for the map, I think it looks pretty good, despite the non-fitting modern lighting (candles fit more in the theme). Although I miss some atmosphere, it's all too quiet. Maybe the map is a little too complex too, but after all, nice map.

Oh, at the bomb-spot with the money case, the ladder and the sloped floor are a bit too high I think. The stairs could be a little lower and the floor less steep. Especially the sloped floor feels way too steep (the crate looks like it could fall at any time).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 04:04:49 UTC
in funk_traktrin tutorial? Post #26885
You might want to look here:

Sites that contain tutorials (yes, there are a LOT of tutors):

And of course this site has some too.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 03:58:04 UTC
in NEW CS TYPE MAP Post #26884
It wasn't me but if it was for the content it could have been me easily. I fully agree to that man, whoever he is.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 01:56:29 UTC
in Problems with hlbsp... Post #26873
From the VERC's entity pages:
Note: Entering message text longer than 127 characters will cause problems, most likely ending in Worldcraft crashing. This issue will hopefully be resolved in the next release.

Maybe that's what causes the problem, maybe not. Make a small testmap to test out different settings for the game_text.

Alternately, you might try the env_message, although it requires some additional work (but the advantage is the text can be changed without having to recompile):
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-14 01:49:57 UTC
in Lighting Problem Post #26872
Pointfile doesn't always lead to the leak. In some cases it does, but in most cases not.

One might notice an entitiy outside the level also counts as a leak. Either enclose them with a bruh or put them inside the level will solve that problem.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 16:24:16 UTC
in any help for an old newbie? Post #26821
Place an info_player_start first might help, because that's the size of a human (the player) in-game.

Generally, 128 units is the 'standard' ceiling height. In the office levels in HL, the walls were 128 units high. That might help a little too.

After all, you just got to get the hang of it again. You'll do within some time...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 15:45:21 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26818
You have all mapped way too much! Now where are your real stunning blowing-me-away maps? :)

I know, I'm slow too with releasing...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 14:23:29 UTC
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 10:12:46 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26780
I like to draw a lot, but I keep it as a hobby while I want to study Informatica. Seems like a good decision when I hear your story!

BTW, you have some art on-line?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 09:15:12 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26774
An Art College without actually making art? Man, you shouldn't even have gotten into that if you knew it beforehand! What you're forced to do is the Art of Boredom! ;)

A bad thing to hear how talents can be wasted in a professional matter.
  • Well, anyway, you've mapped to much when you put a compile log of your life on your thumbstone.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 07:35:24 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26758
We had no security against installing programs when I did so... :)
  • When you get interested into engine code because you're sick of all the engine limitations. Hey, wait, I am...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 07:32:37 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26757
JB, OpenGL has better ways to see your faces, e.g. 'gl_wireframe 1' and 'gl_wireframe 2'. So to run software mode for that two console commands is pretty odd. IMO. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 05:37:28 UTC
in Shrinking? Post #26737
Hehe! Sometimes other keys than the available ones do work, but most don't. When it's a different type (sprite - model) it doesn't work, if it's the same type it might work sometimes.

For example, you can use the 'body' key to identify what bodyparts a model should have. This works for grunts just as well as it does for monster_generic or monster_furniture.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 05:31:31 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26736
Auch... You really can't use other render modes than software mode?

What system specs do you have then?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 03:20:18 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26733
'r_drawflat 1' and 'r_draworder 1' where the console commands for software mode, if I remember correctly.

OpenGL incapable? Then you use Direct3D I hope?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 03:04:52 UTC
in texturez pls Post #26732
A search on Google DID result in a lot of textures:

Bottom of the page:

A level-designer and texture-artists site:

Counter-map also contains textures:

An old Half-Life site:

You might also consider using CS textures or other mod's textures (be sure to have permission from the creators).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 02:43:56 UTC
in Shrinking? Post #26731
Ehm, badong? No. The 'scale' key isn't recognized.

Although, when modeling, there is an option to scale the model within the .qc file, it's a compile option.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 16:48:48 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26706
Then try it out yourself. I did.

Yes, there are a lot of false theories about compiling, then why do you think I try it out myself? :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 15:50:03 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26658
  • When you say your previous job was mapping.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 15:35:20 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26654
I've tried out several things with the hint textures and that tutorial seems pretty right to me. When I tried out thicker walls I didn't see any difference. So I don't know exactly how you think they can be better for VIS-blocking... maybe you should try it out once, Seventh-Monkey?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 07:28:13 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26615
  • When you mapped the computer rooms of your school IN that computer room to impress your classmates on site... :)
  • When you reskin the grunts with heads of classmates and teachers... :)
  • When you install Half-Life on a schoolcomputer and test others maps on school... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 07:23:23 UTC
in reflections Post #26613
Ehm, I'd say model reflection can be faked too, place a cycler underneath the floor to act as the reflection, and trigger an env_render when you pick up the real weapon to make the reflection of the gun invisible.

But I'm not well known with the way things are reset after a CS round, so it might not work in multiplayer. Try it out!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 03:20:32 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #26606
Err... basic school, ieatmonkeychow?

Anyway, I have the same problem. I have to learn for my exams but mapping seems so much more interesting... hey, it IS just more interesting! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 03:17:23 UTC
in environments... Post #26605
There are skies available for other games too, and with some modification (make them all 256x256, put them in tga format) they work for HL too. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 03:15:12 UTC
in texturez pls Post #26604
Badong wants (wanted) to create his own but it seems he has a lot of problems with making them seamless.

Anyway, start simple, badong. You'll get better troughout time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-12 03:09:24 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26603
As far as I can see after some tests, thickness of walls has nothing to do with VIS blocking.

You might want to read this:
Nothing about thick walls. I think the thick walls in that test you heard of affected the shape and placement of these VIS blocks, what caused a better result. I think. But then again, I should have seen that tests.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 17:17:01 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26575
Just to get things straight: what exactly do you mean? Thicker internal walls... you mean brushes that touch the void have to be thicker, or brushes not touching the void, or... ?

Maybe you can draw out what you mean and post it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 16:23:32 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26571
You have a link to that experimentation?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 15:58:53 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26567
Why are thicker walls better then? Aren't the planes of the faces more important for the compile process?

I don't know but I'd like to get to know that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:44:10 UTC
in New HL2 Mod, seeking HL1 Designers!! Post #26552
I've seen your site and I've seen some of your scrap material (concept art). The maps look good for as far as I can see on those tiny screenshots, it gives a better impression than a story-only. You really should put links to your modelers sites on your mod site.

Anyway, lots of succes to your team!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:35:08 UTC
in new multiplayer map started Post #26550
Paint can be usefull although it doesn't have so much functions. It's main power in my eyes is it's simplicity. I always use paint to make the base-form of a texture.

But it's personal preference-based off course. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:27:44 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26547
JB, you just said that the edges of the brushes should be sloped to ensure you don't get extra faces? Sloped insidewards, well, anyway, I get what you mean.

It's not true. I've believed this too before but the compiler is pretty good able to combine these faces when it's made with method 2 shown up here. As long as they have exactly the same texture properties (scale, offset, angle). So, don't worry about manipulating your vertexes for such purposes anymore. It sometimes even has some disadvantages (splitting up faces outside of the block due to that sloped inside!)...

If you want, I can post a screenshot of my test map to explain it more in-depth.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:18:00 UTC
in move a vehicle with glasses and buttons Post #26546
Teleporting the player will not keep it's exact view angle and relative location, so the player will suddenly be moved a little and his view will be reset to straight ahead (although the view angle is changable in the info_teleport_destination entity options). So...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:10:19 UTC
in Visblocking... Post #26533
Although I do think multiplayer maps better aim for about 800 instead of 1500 since combat area's require some less poly's to still run smooth.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:07:00 UTC
in Visblocking... Post #26528
About the 800 poly limit...

Why do we worry about software mode anyways now? I'd like to know that... Modern days computers can handle 1200 - 1500 poly's easily!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:04:21 UTC
in Key pad with a set sequence of keys? Post #26524
Half-Quake: Amen. Indeed.

Yegh, don't remember me to that name! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:02:55 UTC
in 3dmax support??? Post #26522
Err... I wouldn't advise the HL prefabs anyway, for several reasons.

1. They get so boring, because your by far not the only one that uses them. To me (personally) it makes a lazy impression.
2. They aren't specific made for your level, your environment, and may not 'fit' in the theme so well.

As for using prop models instead of brushes for detail, yes, it's advisable for smaller objects or natural things (trees and so). However, due to the different rendering of models (they don't use lightmaps like the world geometry does), it looks quite ugly when you use it as large scenery. It doesn't light up like normal walls too when you turn your flashlight on.
But, because of this different rendering, model polygons seem to take about 12 times less calculation time than world polygons. I don't know if that's a factor 12 but at least it costs less time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 13:57:48 UTC
in Shrinking? Post #26521
It requires changes to the code... But it's possible.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 13:53:32 UTC
in texturez pls Post #26520

Then just start making textures to GET that experience! How do you think I made the textures for Sector Gamma? By sitting there saying "I don't have enough experience"? No! By just starting!

OK, I don't wanna talk about the first textures I made, they're of bad quality, but hey, so were my first maps! And as with mapping, also my texturing skills have increased... or so other people say. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 03:22:53 UTC
in move a vehicle with glasses and buttons Post #26430
When you put the Spirit dll's in your mod folder, people can play it correctly without downloading Spirit. Since they download Spirit's dll's within your mod.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 03:20:37 UTC
in sounds error Post #26429

Oh, you can just type ambience/hammer.wav, HL automatically searches in the valve/sound folder already.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 03:16:56 UTC
in Transformation Tool Post #26428
Nope, esmajor. How would you measure a rotation in units? Also, scaling 20 units up, just select the stuff and enlarge it with 20 units. Can be done manually.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 03:12:12 UTC
in Joining Walls Post #26427
I think none of them is better than the other. Try out both and type 'gl_wireframe 1' and 'r_speeds 1' in the console, to show the difference between the two ways.

Anyway, I personally prefer the second way. It's easier to work with for me (maybe because I'm used to it... :)).

About hollowing a brush to create a room: it's quick, but on the long term very hard to work with. About adding doors, putting a door brush in front of a wall often looks bad. Instead, slice the wall brush in two, create some space between them and put in a thinner brush there (and a normal brush above it, doors don't reach the ceiling very often). Be sure to check the floor, sometimes I forget there's a hole there... leak...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 03:04:36 UTC
in Triggers Instead of Ent's Post #26426
Executing console commands cannot be done with entities as far as I know.