Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 18:06:25 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #148855
I'm looking forward to it ;).
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 14:22:02 UTC
in The Al Jazeera Memo Leak Post #148810
Use the edit button fool! (Good points though.)

The feminists over here are fucking berserking. Some of the many quotes from an FI party member, aired on national television, were "We have to go from equality to feminism", "All men are potential rapists" and the infamous "Men are pigs".
It's getting annoying.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 13:35:54 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #148800
Ping'd be too high.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 12:36:13 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #148792
User posted image

Best streak on that server for me. Usually play there.

User posted image

Same game.

Uuh.. please refrain from posting such big images, Bratty, it's really annoying :.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 12:27:19 UTC
in The Al Jazeera Memo Leak Post #148790
Free time, basically.
Would you be willing to give up some of your privacy and freedoms in order to prevent an event like 911 from happening?

Seventh: That's an excellent quote, really useful in such debates ;).
I'm not sure what the Socialist Government of Sweden's laws are... but arresting someone for saying something like that would never happen in America, even if they said "America Sucks, down with Bush, Burn the Whitehouse". They would just get a bunch of odd looks...
Well, first of all, the government in sweden's not at all socialistic in the sense that it's most usually meant. Capitialists all the way.
Second, he wasn't arrested for saying it, but for preaching it in a public place.
Surely, someone screaming "Niggers die" on a plaza in America would be arrested?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 12:19:46 UTC
in life? Post #148788
What I believe in? Urh... TV?

I have my trusty Mosque Alarm clock, purchased in Marocco, got it as gift.
User posted image
Also, Buddhism isn't really a religion in common sense... It's more like a way of life. Buddha was a person, not some semigod.
Furthermore, Madcows underlined quote's quite true (in my h opinion.)

Ofcourse, there's always, the flying spaghetti monster theory. Sounds reasonable.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 20:37:54 UTC
in Help plz with needs.. Post #148717
I think I get it.

For mapping for Half-life, you need Valve Hammer Editor.
For Source mapping, get the Soruce SDK.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 20:24:37 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #148715
Uh, webdesigning. Pretty much given up mapping.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 19:14:36 UTC
in The Combines End - Post #148706
It is a flare, you dumbo, coming from the glass in the sight.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 18:55:31 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148700
Yes, I promise, I've never downloaded any music in my life. Swear.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 18:48:04 UTC
in Spam Post #148696
The religions thread was easily the best ever on TWHL.
And TWHL isn't dying. On the contrary, it's attracting more people than, um, when I joined. You can tell by the incessant post of stupid threads.

Rowley: The drink thread was stupid. No one cared about the other posts in the thread. No interesting additions were made. Everyone just added their post, trying to make it more interesting than the previous one. Same goes for all these stupid "What [are/is] [you doing/your favorite] [item]".
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 18:39:09 UTC
in The Combines End - Post #148691
Make a site for it, lololo!!1 You're gonna beat 4 sho.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 18:38:18 UTC
in The Al Jazeera Memo Leak Post #148690
Well, schools should obviously not teach that any specific religion is "correct", but they should educate about all religions.
In public speeches and such, I believe that saying that one religion is good is fine, saying every other religion sucks isn't.

Alot of attention has been directed to a pastor named ?ke Green in the swedish press lately, who, in one of his local sermons, said that homosexuals where a cancer, and that the tsunami in asia was gods punishment against homosexuality.
He got charged for hets mot folkgrupp(Literally, "Mocking a minority" or something) - but critics have said it's just freedom of speech.
I'm not sure where I stand in the issue - he was indeed just "representing the lifestyle praised in the bible", but, still, saying homosexuals are less worth than heteros in any form is wrong.
(Later on, there was a huge demonstration against the charges against ?ke Green, which I think is pretty sick. Stop defending the homophobe, damn it.)

Just thought the story'd quite fit in here.
As for the Al Jazeera and so on post, it's ofcourse wrong to bomb any free media stations without absolute proof they're actively helping the resistant forces or spreading harmful propaganda.
As for the british government silencing the media, that's just bad. They shouldn't, unless said media was being racistic or whatnot, or encouraging people to commit crimes.

(Good thread, nubs)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 05:54:54 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148532
Completely following a certain forum rule, I'll not link to torrents and thank Rabid for not banning me.

It's a great CD. If you wanna support SOAD, just donate them some money or buy merchandize instead of the album, where the publisher gets like 80% :
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 21:11:30 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148506
Sort of like Jack Thompson.
Meh, nonsense in my opinion, we had a quick IRC discussion about the topic previously.

Edit: Hot Damn! 480kbps on Hypnotize from PB.
Edit: 520
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 21:04:26 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148502
New CDs are usually like 129 or 199 SEK over here.
phooey, my dad will not let me purchase it, because it has that stupid "Parental Advisory" sticker on it.
You've gotta be kidding :o
I thought such parents only existed in american movies.

I'll definately download it later, SOAD are one of my favorite bands.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 20:33:09 UTC
in Whats currently stored in your Clipboard Post #148491
That wasn't interesting, just lots of rubble about RTSes.
Fine, here's what I've got on my clipboard.

It uses suction devices to extract nipple aspirate fluid from the breast to be analyzed for the presence of various types of cells, including malignant ones.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 20:10:44 UTC
in Whats currently stored in your Clipboard Post #148481
We like sensible, interesting posts, not retarded fucking questions that no one gives a fuck about.
The replies in those threads are never read, you just add your own idiotic comment and move on to the next jack-ass thread.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 19:56:03 UTC
in Whats currently stored in your Clipboard Post #148475
Here, here.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 19:49:24 UTC
in Whats currently stored in your Clipboard Post #148469
Wow, another useless thread. How do you manage to think up all this random shit?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 19:44:34 UTC
in OMG TWHL HAS GONE MAD! Post #148465
Works in (the superior browser) firefox. It's nothing spectacular, just some crappy flash animations, you can't even browse the site.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 18:11:33 UTC
in School Blocking Websites? Look here! Post #148425
When you're at computers in schools you should either be
a) Doing school work
b) Downloading pictures of Hitler and setting them as wallpapers, writing "We know where you live" under them
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 11:59:38 UTC
in School Blocking Websites? Look here! Post #148336
Stop trying to access TWHL from school, you losers.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 11:58:45 UTC
in OMG TWHL HAS GONE MAD! Post #148335
So... old...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-21 13:59:15 UTC
in School Blocking Websites? Look here! Post #148227
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 18:47:53 UTC
in Model sequences Post #148137
You need to.. um.. reskin and remap it, I'd say, even though I know nothing of modeling.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 18:38:59 UTC
in If you play it backwards... Post #148136
Hehe, "It's fun to smoke marijuana" was pretty good.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 14:08:25 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148112
Consoles suck. FPS's on consoles suck worse.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 09:35:46 UTC
in Know a good Camera? Post #148074
Quick google search turned up this. Have a look around.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 21:24:19 UTC
in Wesbites you're looking at now Post #148043
This is fucking lame, just fucking stop it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 16:59:20 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #147854
Gibberish in firefox. Bad you.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 13:30:09 UTC
in The Ghost encounter (like yatso's pa Post #147803
What the hell?
What the fuck is this thread about? Why do you mention me? Stop being random.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 19:02:17 UTC
in Now Playing (game) Post #147701
CS 1.6, Starcraft (SP campaigns, usually, sometimes MP UMS), WoW (rarely...).
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 16:52:32 UTC
in CS:S Server? Buying Post #147676
I'd recommend hosting your own. Other than that, just google around.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 16:34:50 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #147267
I'm guessing they're soft air guns. BB guns with plastic bullets.

Paintball > Airsoft. Alot more fun, and alot more legal for minors.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 11:43:31 UTC
in Steam Server IPs Post #147236
Uh, just noticed, does de_raid use ripped Half-life 2 textures?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 06:15:36 UTC
in Use WALLY to edit Model skins Post #147194
Uh, Elon, being registered certainly doesn't mean you've paid for it, I hope?

I find photoshop CS1 and CS2 pretty crappy compared to Photoshop 7.0.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 05:59:45 UTC
in Give Weapons Post #147192
Player_weaponstrip - trigger it at the start of the round. Might wanna add another game_player_equip to equip the original weapons, pistol + knife.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-14 18:42:26 UTC
in Steam Server IPs Post #147157
Very often play cs on...
UK UK2.NET 054 RATS MAPS FREE UK DIAL 0845 660 9282


I don't play hldm nor tfc.
Please put nationalities in your server description, so one can sort out the inaccessible ones (American, for instance :P).
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-14 15:47:14 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #147134
Very nice SpaG. I'm specially impressed with the lighting of the planets and the starfilled sky in the background. All made in photoshop?
User posted image
Dunno about this one. Quick work, more of an experiment. It's a 4-colour PNG, around 5kb.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-14 12:15:57 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #147113
Seventh: Refrain from posting such large images with the [img] commands, please. Horizontal scrolls are annoying as hell.

As for the image I posted, it was mostly an experiment which I thought looked kind of cool.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 20:07:31 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #147012
Revival. This is now the graphical pimpage thread.
Post your newest work of art from the editor you like here. I'll start it off.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 19:32:10 UTC
in The Howdy's Ideas Thread! Post #147007
Moving tutorials from other websites to your own is called stealing. That's why TWHL doesn't do it.

If you want to see something new, write it and submit it!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 18:04:25 UTC
in Help with Website Post #146998
Put the shoutbox far to the left, and put the news to the center/right instead. Also, it might be a good idea to use the C-box if you're not as experienced with.. stuff.

Also, don't use tables! Use <div>s instead, they're much better.
For the banners, switch host.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 16:21:12 UTC
in Help with Website Post #146992
4thgen, get filezilla, best ftp client around.

To have txtshout you need to have php installed on whatever you're hosting from.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 23:27:49 UTC
in Xen Assault [HL1] Post #146903
Average at best.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 22:21:34 UTC
in Low-poly soldier model Post #146902
That's pretty pwnage. Write your own rts! :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 22:18:49 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146900
Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but Algeria and Tunisia were both French colonies?
The colonialistic countries sucked dry the countries they colonized, taking resources for their own.
During the colonial days, the colonized cilization were treated like shite, and shortly after the liberation of the Algeria they had a civil war?

I'd say the number of unruly northafricans in France are like.. their own fault.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 18:00:48 UTC
in Twhl server... again Post #146850
Typing bay instead of buy certainly isn't any quicker.
I figured out from a friend, he is buying a server for a CSS clan and it costs ?20 pounds a year :o and if we split that up between 30 people then glad - :glad:
A shit-ass crap server, no doubt. They're practically giving it away.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 17:49:41 UTC
in Low-poly soldier model Post #146849
There're plenty "Game design" colleges and universities around.