Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 08:29:16 UTC
in Personally Begging Post #67858
Jesus help me...
For a very weird minute there I thought that Davideo59 was my old mate Thomas...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 08:17:31 UTC
in HL Dimensions Post #67854
Not that I know of..
I actually doubt any one searches or reads tutorials for that matter.

It is easier to ask here in the forums and 'cause we are such nice people we don't mind obliging the oft repeated question...

Hey, if the noobs didn't ask, I wouldn't sit here and shake my head...
Life just wouldn't be fun any more.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 08:07:17 UTC
in nead monsterscript list Post #67537
So If your really interested, you can find the rest of the scripts at Planet Halflife, The Halflife Workshop "Monsterscripts" by Otis. Or by checking the old Wavelength site for a text list by Spider
Oh, and nead is something to do with dough when you find the 'K' you have misplaced.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 07:41:56 UTC
in Hammer beta model 3d viewing Post #67516

Ant... I thought the "tf" would have given the game away?? TFC....

Good point P&L, some sort of FAQ would be a good idea, and has been attempted, but at the end of the day most people don't read FAQ's nor do they read help files...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 07:30:12 UTC
in in dod_caen..... Post #67509
Yeah, it wan't in the original fdg... just checked.
So it must be a hack code, and come to think of it... I remember reading that in an fdg somewhere that it was..
So the HL fgd update included it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 07:26:09 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #67504
Ok, you have a month...
All questions in this thread.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 07:18:51 UTC
in Personally Begging Post #67503
Atom has been in touch,
There are things being done behind the scenes...

Anyone know a good reliable php programmer in our membership?
E-mail me HERE if you do.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 07:13:12 UTC
in The Forum(admins read) Post #67502
Posted on 19 Oct 04 07:35 by davideo59
"Well if Andy's not coming here as often, you know we might need more admins"
Sorry, but I don't remember coming here less often than I used too...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 07:11:07 UTC
in HL Dimensions Post #67501

Any of those would have got you a hit, but since you have mentioned it I have updated the search engine to accept dimensions.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 04:48:04 UTC
in help! first map and im stuck Post #66254
Sorry but i am not a dip.....
and i don't hijack, just wanted to show a picture of how i made a ladder.
So look before you leap! Posted on 13 Oct 04 21:20 by [#CMAN.NL] Jan
Umm, I think you are in the wrong forum.. (I am guessing that you might actually be on the wrong Site.)
Image posting is not allowed, Posting irrelevant stuff halfway through a thread is not allowed either....
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 04:39:16 UTC
in in dod_caen..... Post #66253
No... I am not always right.
Sometimes I forget that people can't understand what I am on about.. So here is a full explanation.

When DoD was in build mode, they needed to simulate a large amount of black smoke and fire..
Burning Tanks and so on...
So some kind soul coded an Entity for them. (wether it was an HL code hack that already existed, or something to do with DoD's spirit code, I am not sure.. My guess is that it was already there.)

That entity is cycler_wreckage and available for all to use.

It is not a sprite!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 04:31:57 UTC
in The Forum(admins read) Post #66252
Posted on 13 Oct 04 20:46 by hazardous!
Yes and we are very apprehensive, at least I am.
You said something about rust, full rights admin, and abandoning twhl, if I'm not mistaken.
Don't remember saying I would abandon TWHL.. I thought I said that I am a TWHL Lifer and that most of you will have moved on before I go?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 04:27:53 UTC
in HL Dimensions Post #66251
Well Done Rowleybob, well at least someone found it. ; )

At RUST are the HL Skies 1+2 and the HL Sprite List, They are not here because I am not going to upload 90 images 3 at a time!!

Stay tuned for ITB 1-6 ...
And while you are at it, check the "printable cascading Entity Guide".
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-13 04:43:37 UTC
in in dod_caen..... Post #65820
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-13 04:42:15 UTC
in The Forum(admins read) Post #65819
I thought we discussed this a few years ago?
Oh well...
Let's wait until HL2 is out...
Oh, forgot it already is, and you wonder why I haven't been around lately...?
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-06 03:45:58 UTC
in maping for quake Post #64335
Qeradient was popular, as well as QuArk.
There are still a few Quake based forums going at RUST Forums and there are a lot of guys there that still map for Q and Q2
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-05 08:30:25 UTC
in No portal file, help Post #64195
I think I see what you are trying to say... ?

If you compile using F9 in Hammer, expert or normal, it will add +map to the log file automatically. Nothing you can do about that, and there is nothing wrong with it either.

The log file will show what the compile settings and partameter options are, so it will show that +map "de_office" is selected to run, if you choose to run the map when it finishes.

To load the map from the console... you would type map de_office

Either way, he posted the compile log... I wanted to focus on the error.
When I read the log, it tells me what has occured, and that if the compile had been successful it would have run the map at the finish.

Does that make sense?
Don't forget... not all compile programs are the same, but there is a better than average chance that the example above was churned out with a Hammer or Batch compile.

Continue to argue..
It is your right as a human, that is assuming you are human?
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 20:04:25 UTC
in No portal file, help Post #63739

Your csg compile finished and went straight into HLVIS.
The error is generated because HLVIS is looking for the HLBSP.prt file.
Since BSP did not run, it isn't there.
Is your HLBSP path correct? Are you using normal or Expert mode, Are you using a Batch compiler?
Check your settings.

And Anonymous...
If you are unsure of the correct answer, don't say anything.
The +map command instructs the compile program to run the game at closure.

To All...
Learn to read a compile log and understand the process. You will need this skill when you become l337 mappers.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 19:39:30 UTC
Game settings?
Both your posts refer to terms that are unfamiliar.
You need to let us know exactley what you want to do. What sort of Mod do you want to make and are there going to be any new items in your Mod.

If you are thinking of building a Mod based on the Half-Life engine that uses all the available resources, then you don't need to code or change the FGD.

If you want to create a game from scratch that doesn't use the available resources... then you will need an understanding of C++ and how to work with the HLSDK.
The latter topic is way above the 'scope' of this site.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 19:31:36 UTC
in FGD ??? Post #63736
Before this goes any further, you might want to let us know what it is that you want to do.

Initially you mentioned that you want to make your own Mod and wanted to know what an FGD was and how to edit it.

An FGD is a simple txt file that allows WorldCraft/ Hammer to organise all the items that are available in the HL code, so that they can be used by the Editor (WorldCraft/ Hammer).
An FGD does not have any direct bearing on HL or items in it...

You do not need to alter an FGD to make your own Mod.
The only time you would alter the FGD, is when you add something to the HL code and want to impliment that for use in the editor.

Everyone that has responded to your question has made valid points...
I suggest you read the posts again now that you know what an FGD is and it's relationship to HL and WorldCraft/ Hammer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 09:38:48 UTC
in Model download section Post #63590
There are some very good suggestions here.
1. Get more members.
2. Get a Model Vault together.
3. Expand...

I like all of them, just the same as I liked so many other ideas over the years.
Getting back to basics, this site was set up to look after people new to mapping, that had a copy of WorldCraft and wanted to get on with it.

That hasn't changed!
While a Model Vault would make a great addition, so would any one of the hundreds of suggestions in this forum.

I believe you should all continue to post these types of suggestions.
You never know... some of them might be incorperated..
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 01:58:35 UTC
in TWHL SHOULD BE #1!!!!! Post #62591
1562 members at todays count.
98% of them DKS
2% of them KLOS

2% of 1562


Revived thread or not, P&L's post pretty much say's it all... however I am a bit puzzled by:
there's an awful lot of noobs in this place looks at coolfat/worldcraft dude, people who are elitist, and want to punish people for not knowing information that no-one in their right mind should actually know
Are you saying that the noobs are people who are elitist? If so I fully agree.
They are also part of the DKS group.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 01:45:44 UTC
in Model download section Post #62589
Which one of you genius's is going to pay for the extra server space?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 01:43:11 UTC
in Need a horror map competition Post #62587
P&L has the right idea,
Argh...Umm, with the exception of the last line.

I am glad that you have an awesome Horror Map...
Why haven't you posted it in the Map Vault?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 01:39:01 UTC
in Deleting your topics, possible? Post #62586
If the posts are relevant, and actually relate to mapping problems, then I don't see a problem.
We all had questions at the beginning.

If you want me to delete all your posts, just let me know...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 23:30:54 UTC
in Waiting for a compo? Post #62274
No.. not kewl,
Method and I were bored, so we thought we would set up something easy to map for before HL2 launched.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 05:41:53 UTC
in Compititions... Post #62121
[quote]I do
Posted on 26 Sep 04 18:56
by Seventh-Monkey [/quote]
Would you mind e-mailing me so I don't look as though I don't have a clue? Not that I did in the first place but it looks bad if I am running things and I don't know what is going on.

I can tell you though, that atom has the results.
And tomorrow he will have the new compo rules.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 05:35:19 UTC
in Waiting for a compo? Post #62120
Why not check out this one:
Screenshot Compo
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 22:00:50 UTC
in object with multiple entities Post #62053
Not without Spirit.

See the main problem is that you can't tie two entity types to the same brush.
So, a func_door_rotating, cant be a func_breakable at the same time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 21:56:39 UTC
in Compititions... Post #62051
Actually Three people have sent me Three ideas...
Even I don't know who won.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 21:40:12 UTC
in tutorials2 Post #62045
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 21:35:55 UTC
in A new mod =) Post #62044
I had a look at the new ModDb V2 this morning, there are 280 unreleased modifications for Half-Life.

About time someone actually released something.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 04:23:05 UTC
in Scrolling Textures Post #61595
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 04:08:13 UTC
in Compititions... Post #61594
The Compo winner has sent me three wonderful ideas.
I will be formatting the rules and reg's and posting them to Atom as soon as I recieve a reply that he has recieved the Compo results.

Lucky, feel free to suggest competition ideas. I will happily ignore them.
This site is not as interactive as you might think... We can't just add forums, Competition or otherwise.
Keep the enthusiasm going...But read some of the forums first.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 04:02:50 UTC
in Errors Post #61593
I don't have access to update the links page as it is not configured the same as a tutorial.
There are so many mentions of Tommy's in the forums that it shouldn't need linking...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 04:00:52 UTC
in Tutorials: Time for the final update? Post #61592
I think you may have all missed the point.
Atom created TWHL to test his website building skills and php coding abilities.
It was an experiment to see if he could create a site.
When I joined in 2002 there were 13 members.
A year later there were 300, and now there are 1500 or so.

Obviously his intital design has come a long way and attracted a community of loyal followers (YOU).
But you have to understand that TWHL is just a test bed for atom's ideas. He found a game he admired and made a site based on that game. He does what he can, but there have been spin off's from TWHL that are now taking time to run...That is the way I see it.

He pay's for the hosting, He get's the final say.

Ohh, Meths..
I wouldn't worry about the updates, there really isn't a need. Most of the differences have been posted in the forums. I would happily let you do it, except it won't make much difference.
I added updates to about 20 tutorials based on the most common forum questions....
That did not stop people asking the same stuff.
Personally I think we have too many tutorials... overwhelming the new member and not making the most important aspects of mapping clear.

So it is up to you wether you want to do it.
It took me a month and a half to update 20... are you willing to continue even when HL2 comes out?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 03:44:37 UTC
in hi all just joined.... Post #61590
I don't have anything to add to the sage advice already posted.
Feel free to post what you want (within reason).
After all, the worst you could do is probably better than the best some of the people here seem to think is talented mapping.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 03:40:12 UTC
in Wow tutorials are hard Post #61589
I have seen them,
But I will say this... from the amount I have seen, whilst the editor might look the same, mapping isn't.
My sources tell me that mapping will not be as simple.

So for those of you who consider it difficult already, it might be time to listen to people who have done stuff already, because there is one common thread in what they have to say....

Read, test, learn, build, learn, read test and if all else fails read the Help file!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 03:33:30 UTC
in Dose any mod need a mapper Post #61588
Register with ModDb.. after the V2 update and keep an eye out on the help wanted section.
You might want to get a name in the community as previously mentioned.
And yeah... I was going to comment on P&L's post about eye's, but then I would be perpetuating a topic that really isn't relevant to mapping and I am a moderator and I have standards to uphold...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 08:09:41 UTC
in Making own skies Post #61119
Creating Skies This doesn't always load correctly.
Half-Life Skies
Half-Life Skies 2
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 07:59:43 UTC
in Tutorials: Time for the final update? Post #61117
Thanks for the compliment Rad Brad...
Funny you should say that, as I was once accused of lacking leadership and sent a full page description of how to be a good leader!
The guy that sent it dissapeared?
I really should send it back to him, after all, it was his thoughts on leadership that were going to produce a Brilliant Mod. Urhemm, Cough ;)

Enough of my petty whinging :-)

TWHL will stay TWHL.
As far as I am aware there are no current plans to update the site to contain HL2 content. The only person that can make changes to the way the site is run... is Atom.

And yes, the Spammers are back. Sad really, but it is our popularity that brings them like moths to a light.
Unless you guy's highlight this to Atom, then there is very little we can do, but monitor the posts and delete what we can.

Either way, you all deserve a pat on the back for loyalty...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 07:48:56 UTC
in Half-Life Nosalgia Project Post #61116
The project has been around for a couple of years that I know of, I still think the funniest thing was the fact that Houndeye's were meant to be friendly, but the Beta testers blasted them as soon as they appeared.
Valve in it's wisdom decided to make them nasty...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 07:43:36 UTC
in Wow tutorials are hard Post #61114
Umm, I am in a hurry, so I didn't read the whole thread and only glanced at the page, so feel free to poke me in the eye with a stick, but I was lead to believe that the new editor is nothing like Hammer?
So I can't really see what you are trying to achieve by recreating the beginners tutorials?

Enough of my bitch'in...
The site is a good idea. Either way, you need to ask yourself this... Can you keep it going for the next 2 years.
Most resource sites are invaluable!! I mean that, sites like yours are the base of the community...

Good luck
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 07:30:44 UTC
in Looking for the name of a Level. Post #61109
Does the level change start in an elevator, and then you move out into a grunt infested area (barbed wire) with an osprey and an apache?
You need to cross open ground to get down a shaft, and the grunts repel down an elevator shaft?
It is a really short map, changing when you move into a vent in the shaft after killing the repelling grunts.?

Ohh, the name is on the tip of my tongue..
If hat sounds right, let me know and I will find it for you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 07:24:57 UTC
in hud_playermove Post #61104
Google is your friend...
Now all yoiu have to do is find someone who understands it..
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 17:51:31 UTC
in Tutorial question... Post #59099
Send me your Ideas.
If no one else is working on that, then I will give you the Ok to write the tutorial.
Currently there are 4 or so tutorials being written by different members, and that is why I need to know what you want to do.

New Ideas... Yes, these are very important. We are always willing to listen to new ideas..
Please do not be offended if we do not reply, As with everything Half-Life there are very few things that haven't already been thought of or written.

A prime example is a button coding system that PTS made.
I found a tutorial written in 2000 that described the entire sequence.

Point is that you might think it is new... but in reality, it isn't.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 17:45:35 UTC
in Compo 11 (Glass) Post #59098
Seventh and I have discussed the entries.
The Compo was about Glass and that is how it will be judged.

There were some notable entries that had really good maps...

But glass was the theme and I am still dissapointed that No One submitted a simple Stained Glass window...
That would have got my vote.

Atom will have the results before the end of the week, so you can expect the results next week sometime.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 17:34:16 UTC
in Tutorials: Time for the final update? Post #59094
I think you are onto a good thing Mephs.
I expect to see your revisions of the tutorials before the end of the month.
I would appreciate it if you also updated all the tutorials and added a section at the bottom for Hammer 3.5 specific information, and Steam users.
Thanks for volunteering to do this, as I am a bit busy at the moment archiving everything onto RUST
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 03:25:51 UTC
in Compo 11 (Glass) Post #58435
Due to the amount of multiple entries submitted, the results will take a while.
I am waiting on a short listing of finalists from Seventh.
Once I get that I will pass on the information to Atom.
This could take a few weeks, but the results will be out by the end of the month... hopefully.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 03:22:08 UTC
in Tutorial question... Post #58434
Welcome to TWHL.
I hope you find all you need.
Please read Seventh-Monkey's Forum posting Tutorial.

Before you even think about writing a tutorial, you MUST e-mail me with a brief description of what you want to do.

Sending me heaps of comments without a return e-mail address was a total waste of time. My e-mail cruncher, crunched them as they were unsolicited (No return Address).