Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-12 16:52:29 UTC
in TWHL WON-style server Post #184850
Someone said earlier that won had closed. won only closed for hl I'm sure, because I still play homeworld on it.
Here we go again.

WON [i]did[/b] close down. the glory of this hamachi thing is that it actually makes Won work again by connecting the computers in the hamchi network together to create a makeshift LAN. Utilizing this LAN you can connect to a LAN WON server.
Why CS 1.5? 1.6 is much better.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-12 13:29:13 UTC
in TWHL WON-style server Post #184838
I deleted Hamachi a long time ago. maybe I should re-download it if you guys are going to start this up again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-11 18:19:07 UTC
in Computer freezes during compiling!!! Post #184777
Also, try a batch compiler if you are compiling in Hammer. A link to one can be found in this website's links page.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-11 12:57:20 UTC
in Computer freezes during compiling!!! Post #184737
Ahhhh, the evil skybox. Why didn't you say you were using one earlier?
take it away and cover only the parts that you need to with a sky texture.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 20:54:59 UTC
in Computer freezes during compiling!!! Post #184632
Oh... well then...
Does it only freeze up if you try to compile this specific map? If so, I'd suggest trying to "backtrack map" untill you've reached where your map looks just like it did the last time that the compile worked. This should be obvious, but that will probably make it a lot easier to find out why the map is screwing your computer on the compile.

Too many faces? How many faces did you have last time you checked?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-10 19:56:26 UTC
in Computer freezes during compiling!!! Post #184625
Weird. I expected to read this and just see another instance of someone who just isn't patient enough to wait for the compile to finish.

How much RAM does your PC have? How long do you wait after ctrl-alt-delete before concluding that your computer is indeed frozen? If you are running under 512 megs of RAM then it might just be taking a while for the task manager to pop up considering the amount of memory generally takes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 14:52:46 UTC
in Gmod comic, by me. Post #184436
Honestly I have no idea what just happened. Pigeon pirates....?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 10:53:21 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #184407
If you're going to optimize the map - the best way to do it is null textures.
Sorry to sound like an ass, but you should know that I've known how to use null textures for a very long time now and that I have already begun to usr them everywhere I can.
Edit: Sorry, its just my biggest pet-peve for people to tell me things I already know or things that I think are obvious.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 21:59:22 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #184351
You're giving me advice on my old map :) . The map I'm working on is the 2nd picture. They are comparison screenshots to show which area has been recreated. its understandable if you don't really see the similarities in those two screenshots though, the room is completely different even though in the grand scheme of things its the same area of the map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 21:10:06 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #184349
Nothing much to show here, but I wanted to show something.
I wish I could have made this room less barren, but I really can't see anything else that I could put in it that wouldn't get in the player's way or be repetitive.

User posted image

User posted image

On a more negative note, the r_speeds are beginning to take their toll. they are already beginning to reach 1300 wploy in corners :| Hopefully I will be able to optimize for the finished map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 20:45:35 UTC
in HL2: Episode 2 Post #184348
I sent him a PM about a week ago asking him if he was on the Black Mesa team. he said he used to be but isn't now. I guess they are just slow to update.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 20:40:27 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #184346
I could do some of the voice acting for the hazard course along with Daubster if you aren't planning for him to do everything in terms of voicing.
I vote that whoever wants to do some voicing should send in a recording of them reciting a line or something so you know who's best for the job.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 17:01:52 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #184223
bah, you and your airplanes.
Was it even firing bullets? it looked like it was just shooting gas, but I guess it was probably just shooting THAT fast, huh?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 15:10:50 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #184210
That mingun video was freakin' awesome!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 11:43:26 UTC
in Change Level in multiplayer maps? Post #184189
The only possible use I could see in this is to be able to create something like a mazzive dustbowl map from TFC. Well if you can find a good use for this, more power to you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 07:44:06 UTC
in Change Level in multiplayer maps? Post #184174
Why would you want to split a map in two in the first place though? You'd force others who are just running around having fun to switch from one map to the other over and over again. Sounds like it'd get annoying after a very short period of time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-07 07:42:18 UTC
in HL2: Episode 2 Post #184173
The video doesn't work for me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 19:53:24 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #184132
What.... the.... hell?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 19:44:26 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #184130
Saribous, Xyos isn't unknown.
Xyos, don't try to start a war.
Keep the peace people.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 17:43:19 UTC
in I should know this by now. Sprite issue Post #184109
That wouldn't work though, if it was more than 1 sprite then the one with an additive render mode wouldn't disappear the way a glow sprite does. I think Rimrook did this, being able to get the glow mode without it changing size.
Rimrook, if you did this please tell me how.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 16:47:26 UTC
in Change Level in multiplayer maps? Post #184088
Well, you could in Sven Coop, but thats just6 because that game is supposed to change maps in MP. Dunno, give it a shot and tell us if it works :)
By the way, I think I know what you are getting at. Google the HL mod Mastersword, it does the same thing you're trying to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-06 16:45:09 UTC
in I should know this by now. Sprite issue Post #184086
Ok, what I need to do is sorta combine the additive and glow render modes of a sprite. I need it to be additive but also to be able to disappear once half of the sprite is cut off by a world brush(like in the glow render mode). I can't just use glow because glow makes it shrink and grow depending on your distance form the sprite, I want it to stay the same size.
I've seen this is several maps but I can't think of any right now, which is why I'm here and not decompiling.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 20:55:07 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #183980
Overall, I'm very disappointed, even though the actual game (E1) was better than HL2 (in terms of gameplay).
You probably think that because it wasn't as long as HL2. Being not as long you didn't have time to feel like the game was repetitive. I'm not one to tell you what your thoughts are, but it just seems logical to think that. i still side with job on this issue.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 20:52:26 UTC
in for those with a webcam Post #183979
Ooo, that does sound like a fun little experiment.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 07:45:08 UTC
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 07:41:32 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #183852
infact why bother with all the nonsense 'playing' the game when you can just watch it instead
Would that include commercials? :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 18:13:52 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #183784
I know, thats why I'm praying that they actually get around to reading this one. Its better than sitting around doing nothing.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 16:11:54 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #183758
Xyros, if you want solid fun for 4 hours go download Minerva. Valve should have worked longer on this, end of story. Short mini-mods should be left to third parties.

I'm currently writing an email to Valve expressing my opinion, both good and bad, about Episode 1. I'm praying that I can change their minds on a few things because this thing is over a page and a half, single spaced in Word(arial 10 point), and if I don't even make a dent then I'll be pissed.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 00:39:25 UTC
in Half-life 2: Episode 1. Steamy ham Post #183638
Just finished it now. The ending was annoying, not bad just annoying. It was amazing, but it was way too short. I really hope Valve doesn't start releasing games in small increments like this, I'd much rather have them release a full-blown Half Life 3.
Edit: 4 hours of gameplay is not a-ok, not for a first time through at least. The first time through HL2 it took me almost a week to finish(with lots of playing time per day), the first time through HL1 it took me maybe amonth but not very much playing time every day. if I can beat Episode 1 in 4 hours the first time through then it'd just too short. Bwah bwah bwah!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 18:06:56 UTC
in "Why do we Swear?" Post #183595
Rimrook, lesbian isn't a swear word :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 17:23:31 UTC
in "Why do we Swear?" Post #183575
I stand by my philosophy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 14:50:32 UTC
in Pitworm Post #183545
You could always decompile the original OP4 map and see how they did it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 14:47:11 UTC
in "Why do we Swear?" Post #183544
Well then the professor is a potty mouth now isn't he :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 12:10:39 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #183520
Here's a closer picture of le hydrant.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 12:05:11 UTC
in "Why do we Swear?" Post #183519
Swearing is used for [extreme]emphasis. However, my philosophy on "swear words" is that there really isnt such thing. Words like that are only bad people people say they are bad. Flabagurt, I just made that word up and I say its a bad word. there you go, another swear.
My point is that people need to realize that the only thing they are doing by turning words into "swear words" is tainting their language with useless bullshit.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 02:24:02 UTC
in New Map: Timbdasis Post #183445
Doesn't look like it needs trees, though I can kinda see it as the area under a massive tree(like a cave carved around the bottom of the tree with roots stickingout of the roof or something).
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 01:40:16 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #183436
Street lights, I knew I missed something.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 23:17:19 UTC
in Texture problem? Post #183429
That's part of the rendering from the engine. All textures fade away like that eventually. Stretch the texture out horizontally and the blur will be rendered much further back. There's no real fix to it since its not a bug, but you can make it less visible(see statement above).
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 23:14:10 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #183428
A recreation of my first map ever. Why? 3 main reasons:
-The original cs_big_city has amazing gameplay
-I'm trying to get back into my older maps
-Its amazingly fun to make
Kinda early in the map so there's still a lot of touching up to do with what i have thus far, but whatever. The big red brick building isn't anywhere close to being done, so please understand why it is so blocky.
(I'm hoping I linked straight to the images, and not the php files this time)
User posted image

User posted image

Hostage room. Needs plants or something.
User posted image

User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 22:56:10 UTC
in Lower Compile Times? Post #183426
If you're willing to spend a few bucks then a RAM upgrade will help compile times, but if you are looking for increased performance for the map then do what Orpheus said to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 22:53:56 UTC
in The Pirate Bay Raid Post #183425
Where's the pie?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:18:29 UTC
in intelligent imported models Post #183418
With spirit you can change the model of monsters. Thats probably the closest you'll get without new code.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:15:12 UTC
in Black lines? Post #183417
Can you circle what you are talking about? the only thing I see is anti-aliasing of far away blocks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:12:42 UTC
in The Pirate Bay Raid Post #183416
I miss ministeve and swanman :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:08:24 UTC
in The Pirate Bay Raid Post #183413
Are you kidding? Nothing better than a duck! or was it a swan? Whatever, give it some bread crumbs.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:03:20 UTC
in Sup, I'm kind of new Post #183409
Old user, eh? Who were you, maybe some of us will remember you. Anyway welcome back.
PS: Orpheus, this sites been around since 2002, maybe even earlier. More than barely a few years.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 17:54:43 UTC
in The Pirate Bay Raid Post #183338
Interesting, the government actually did something about piracy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 16:25:25 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #183323

Saco's mother.
Ew.... ew..... ew............ ew.....................ew...............................ew.........
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 21:26:07 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #183035
You're going to use HL2 models? or is that just part of the splash?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 20:25:35 UTC
in Reflecting? Post #183018
Your best bet would be to get a flat, square model with a chrome textures and just lay it out all over your surface. Doing this will create a make-shift shine via chromed models.